is this compost safe to use?


Well-Known Member
So I have a ton of chickens and about this time last year i mucked out the coop and made myself a compost pile.

I just checked that compost and it smells really clean and amazing and is mostly dark in color, like good clean earth, but all of the straw and woody parts have not composted. is this safe to use? some parts of the pile still contained old grass and even some powdery mold. I dug from the middle though and since it rained last night it was all muddy, but nice and dark and just smells wonderful.Just has lots of straw in it that hasn't broken down.

I plan to mix this into some black soil, ready potting soil, and then put in some powdered up egg shells as well.

any advice/thoughts?
Nice! its unvelievable what streptomyces genus is currently doing for us. Similar input as led zeppelin or burial to the music^

The thing about woodchips & straw (mid decomposed or straight fresh) is that they are decomposed in sequence by celullose & lignin loving yeast/mold/fungus, even by the potent lignin loving basidiomycete P.Azurescens:rolleyes:. And the main habitat of this microflora is allocated at the top soil in which they can team up to digest their food swimming on their own exudates which attract even more decomposers to work their food source.
So yeah, lets say we are safe / they are safe (both plants and microflora) when they stay where they belong.

That attraction thingy i'm telling its somehow like roots to water or roots exudates to bennies which i know is encouraging you right now to have a look to all that aWesome readings about this matter & solve each imprecision u are sure finding on this post!

aand...welcome sir!
I have put about 1000 ground up egg shells roughly in my compost powdered egg shells ....I have quite a bit more to grind up still...I did add some to my soil mix and to some teas just so it was introduced into that particular soil. ..BUT from what I understand it takes egg shells at least a year if not more to be broken down....and that's if they are ground up like I do.....but I love using them though.....I always have....about 99% of my egg shells are fresh chicken eggs not store bought...they are muh better imo
I have put about 1000 ground up egg shells roughly in my compost powdered egg shells ....I have quite a bit more to grind up still...I did add some to my soil mix and to some teas just so it was introduced into that particular soil. ..BUT from what I understand it takes egg shells at least a year if not more to be broken down....and that's if they are ground up like I do.....but I love using them though.....I always have....about 99% of my egg shells are fresh chicken eggs not store bought...they are muh better imo

Yeah I keep chickens as well and eat a ton of eggs. I figured if i turned them into a powder they would absorb within a month or so into the soil. Guess not! Did some googling and it looks like it takes quite a while to be usable in there. Too bad, I guess I'll have to throw them into the compost from now on.
Lol I felt th same way my man...but just think about all that calcium ull have in about a year from that dank ass dirt ur a cookin' ...I'm sure u can find some organic source of c that is available much quicker ....idk if I'm correct please do not hold me to this...I have so many ferts and bs iv bought I can't remember but I think it was either the sea bird guano or the happy frog fruit and flower or the happy frog jump start has like 16 or 18% c....I might be sounding stupid cause I can't remember the correct product or the amount of c in it but it's close lol...tomorrow I'll let u know for sure....I have a microbial tea brewing atm and I think I'm gonna make a nute tea afterwords so I'll see what the products have ....I'm just kinda scared to use a nute tea cause this is bran new ff's the moonshine mix and it's full of nutes but I'm just wondering if I could push a lil more outa it...but the last time I done it I lock out my calcium. ..but I added too many teas so
..I'm sure u can find some organic source of c that is available much quicker ....idk if I'm correct please do not hold me to this...I have so many ferts and bs iv bought I can't remember but I think it was either the sea bird guano or the happy frog fruit and flower or the happy frog jump start has like 16 or 18% c....I might be sounding stupid cause I can't remember the correct product or the amount of c in it but it's close lol..

You're pretty close to the nail friend! Seabird guano, Bat Guano (all purpose and high phosphorus varieties), fish emulsion, Fish hydroslate, and molasses all provide pretty readily available calcium.
Hey can you link me or help me out with those teas? I've been looking to make my own microbe brew and stuff. I usually always feed molasses to my girls, so at least i got that going. I got some fancy molasses though, is that alright? it's all that was available. it's unsulphured.

Are worm farms worth it? I got so many worms in my garden, one spade full will dig up 4 or 5 at a time. Was thinking it would be a good idea to harvest some castings. I've also got about 200 chickens this year so I'm gonna have one hell of a compost by fall. I do the deep litter method over winter and so that chicken poop is already half composted. oooh i love gardening season haha
Hey can you link me or help me out with those teas? I've been looking to make my own microbe brew and stuff. I usually always feed molasses to my girls, so at least i got that going. I got some fancy molasses though, is that alright? it's all that was available. it's unsulphured.

Are worm farms worth it? I got so many worms in my garden, one spade full will dig up 4 or 5 at a time. Was thinking it would be a good idea to harvest some castings. I've also got about 200 chickens this year so I'm gonna have one hell of a compost by fall. I do the deep litter method over winter and so that chicken poop is already half composted. oooh i love gardening season haha
There is a sticky about teas in the organics fourm I believe but if you are going to make a microbial tea ..then do just that ...try not to make a nutrient tea at the same time...u should make them separate from one I make mine is I put about 2 or 3 cups worth if worm poo...2 or 3 cups of compost .....about a cup of old ass dirt from under an old tree...the really dark rich smelling stuff and lastly a microbial food which would be the molasses ..but u can use a variety of things but I would just stick with molasses. ..brew for about 35 to 48 hrs....making a nutrient tea or combinding the two will basically make the microbial tea not be able to reach reach its full potential basically. ..I do believe if I'm not mistaken the numbers of microbes per w.e measurement will be significantly less when adding things like bat guano or alfalfa and especially kelp ...ots really slows it down and that part I'm's way better to make thsm separate trust me...u can always add the castings ..soil..and compost to a nute tea but leave it outa the microbial teas...and YES a worm farm would be absolutely worth it...I haven't built one yet cause I guess I'm slacking a lil but after I started using castings this season I know how awesome they are and from what all the King ding-a-Ling Growers on here (lol that's meant with total respect btw) they say using your own casting is way better cause u get to choose what the worms eat and thus poop out which makes it much richer ...
You're pretty close to the nail friend! Seabird guano, Bat Guano (all purpose and high phosphorus varieties), fish emulsion, Fish hydroslate, and molasses all provide pretty readily available calcium.
Lol I don't like steering ppl in the wrong direction so I don't like saying for sure if I don't know and I guess I could have looked it up but I was getting thrown off the internet atm lol but thank you for keeping me straight friend
Oh and btw I also add a micro nute to compost teas mostly before brewing but sometimes after brewing ..cause like I said brewing with all those nutes...especially kelp ...slows it if u have to add anything add it after the brew...but honestly u should just make a separate tea...u may not even need the nute tea u might just need the organic matter to be broken down faster and better and that will happen with a better microbial system so if you have and kinda good soil u might not need to even feed the plants much or any...I actually messed up and gave mine a nute tea and it locked out my calcium early on ...Luckely I flushed it well and didn't make the tea strong and it cleared up...but trust me u don't wanna do that...u wanna get those microbes working then if the plant needs something it will show and u can add that spicific nute
My favorite nutrient tea for right when I switch to flower:

Five gallons of De-chlorinated or ro water
1 Cup of all purpose seabird guano
1/2 cup of kelp
1/2 cup of Molasses

Aerate for about 36-48 hours (bird guano pellets take forevvvvver to dissolve)

Dilute 10 up to 20 gallons of water. 15 is my usual sweet spot, but that's how much I need to water for my personal room. I've stretched it for bigger rooms, and done a little less for smaller. But I would cut the guano down to 1/2 a cup if you're not diluting it.
alright thanks guys. Got some questions, hoping you guys can help me out. Just general questions. I've got a texada timewarp that is 36 days into flowering, and almost all her fan leaves are turning yellow. this seemed to happen after i fed her molasses. i fed her a few days ago and she got nute burn, so i don't know what the problem is but more and more leaves are starting to go yellow on me. I have a mystery plant, that was a bag seed, and its indica dominant. the buds are night and tight , big and full of resin. this timewarp hermied a bit, has loose nugs. I hear the timewarp is prone to that indoors (the hermi and loose nugs). The bagseed's bigger leaves are going yellow now too. is this normal at 36 days or what? Both plants showed sex really early, at like 23 days or so, are they maybe an early variety?. This is sort of my practice run while i wait for my cbd therapy to veg out. (just started them). These seeds were free from a friend and i hadn't grown for years so I thought it would be a good way to revamp my brain before i grow out quality medicine.
alright thanks guys. Got some questions, hoping you guys can help me out. Just general questions. I've got a texada timewarp that is 36 days into flowering, and almost all her fan leaves are turning yellow. this seemed to happen after i fed her molasses. i fed her a few days ago and she got nute burn, so i don't know what the problem is but more and more leaves are starting to go yellow on me. I have a mystery plant, that was a bag seed, and its indica dominant. the buds are night and tight , big and full of resin. this timewarp hermied a bit, has loose nugs. I hear the timewarp is prone to that indoors (the hermi and loose nugs). The bagseed's bigger leaves are going yellow now too. is this normal at 36 days or what? Both plants showed sex really early, at like 23 days or so, are they maybe an early variety?. This is sort of my practice run while i wait for my cbd therapy to veg out. (just started them). These seeds were free from a friend and i hadn't grown for years so I thought it would be a good way to revamp my brain before i grow out quality medicine.
Got a picture of those plants? It's hard to know without a picture. What is your room temp?
Can't get a pic now, lights off, but will tomorrow. temps are 28C or so lights on , 16C-18C lights off. now that i read that, seems like its not very good. the one plant is really bad, and the other is going yellow now too.
Can't get a pic now, lights off, but will tomorrow. temps are 28C or so lights on , 16C-18C lights off. now that i read that, seems like its not very good. the one plant is really bad, and the other is going yellow now too.
Got any idea how close your lights is to your plant canopy? You could be having a heat stress.
about 12 inches from my 400w hps. leaves aren't curling or anything. this only happened recently. Only thing that i can think of that i did different lately was feeding them using rainwater instead of tapwater like i normally do.
about 12 inches from my 400w hps. leaves aren't curling or anything. this only happened recently. Only thing that i can think of that i did different lately was feeding them using rainwater instead of tapwater like i normally do.
Do you let the tap water sit for 24 hours before you use it?
alright thanks guys. Got some questions, hoping you guys can help me out. Just general questions. I've got a texada timewarp that is 36 days into flowering, and almost all her fan leaves are turning yellow. this seemed to happen after i fed her molasses. i fed her a few days ago and she got nute burn, so i don't know what the problem is but more and more leaves are starting to go yellow on me. I have a mystery plant, that was a bag seed, and its indica dominant. the buds are night and tight , big and full of resin. this timewarp hermied a bit, has loose nugs. I hear the timewarp is prone to that indoors (the hermi and loose nugs). The bagseed's bigger leaves are going yellow now too. is this normal at 36 days or what? Both plants showed sex really early, at like 23 days or so, are they maybe an early variety?. This is sort of my practice run while i wait for my cbd therapy to veg out. (just started them). These seeds were free from a friend and i hadn't grown for years so I thought it would be a good way to revamp my brain before i grow out quality medicine.

I'd heard Texada Timewarp has some thai in it. I also heard there's more propensity for hermies in thai cannabis.

Before assuming its the genetics though, is it possible you could have any light bleed or lighting interruptions going on?