AN- Bud Candy, Overdrive & Big Bud questions


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people hate AN if ur gonna tell me how shitty it is or what I should of got, save ur time and post else where....

Anyways I have plants on 4 of flower and I have plants on weeks 6 of flower

The additives have already been ordered and should be arriving tomorrow, I'm also using botanicare bloom and liquid karma, general organics cal mag

I don't feed the plants much at all and they seem to be doing great

I'm jus wondering if anyone has any tips for the above listed adatives

Thanx guys


Well-Known Member
High guy!
I also use AN nutes but am just about to flower my second grow so i can't offer much advice except less is more. that stuff is strong. start at 1/4 strength. also, the feeding calculator is giving you the dosage for the entire week, not one feeding.
Good luck bro!



Well-Known Member
don't give all that shit to your plants... only one bloom booster is enough... normally you don't even need that one....


Well-Known Member
I used to use that stuff you named but tossed them for

Liquid Seaweed
BlackStrap Molasses
P/K 13-14 (I could use organic sheet but don't wanna..)

Advice, Tips?: Research the products more and don't be rigid on a certain line. If you are in coco sheet changes. What EC/PPM will you be dumping on the plants?


Well-Known Member
I don't see any listed AN but I have used botanicares bloom and their liquid karma is amazing stuff every garden should have that cal mag is cal mag I have no preference. Advanced I use conniseur ph perfect and big bud and overdrive all of their products are good but you don't need all