Not mites. Don't spray unless you're sure next time.
so if u look at the underside of the leaves u will find them hiding there, mostly. Easiest way to determine if u have spider mites is to take a white sheet of paper and shake the leaves over top of the paper. Some of the mites will fall onto the white paper and u can wipe/smear them with your hand. If u see blood streaks you have mites. My eyesight is actually pretty good still so I can generally see them even though they're pretty small. there are tons of threads on treating spider mites but try not to treat anything in flower, only in veg. oil sprays kill mite babies, not adults.
Floromite and Forbid kill both eggs and adults, you need both. IDK any organic means of treating mites. mb alcohol swabs but u have to be constantly doing it to be effective. Hope that helps