The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Surprised there is no black candidates running they could use Racism to win it all with saying two words there raciest :) this who system is corrupt its just a joke would not be surprised if Obama gets third term Cause i personally would not vote for a crook like Hillary and trump ?? is taking a chance ,, so its really Obama yet again.
It truly amazes me, how everyone is rattled and picking sides haha.
no matter what , who ever does go into office will have lied there way in nothing will change they will be fed by spoon and told what to do end of story
Obama 2016
darth vapour

any other sock puppet accounts of yours i am missing, holocaust denier?


Well-Known Member
Hillary's blaming YouTube for the death of her Ambassador has nil to do with my interest in Senator Sanders.


Dead ambassador after Tomahawks flying into Libya in the name of private servers, prisons for profit and billions funneled from suspect interests through charities... while wearing 5 figure blouse gives speeches about being broke and inequality.


Well-Known Member
I'm sad for the state of humanity, knowing that the perpetuating of a few mega-maniac billionaires will go unchecked in the name of progressives.

Prisons for profit, you wanna touch on that bucky?


Well-Known Member
How could Gore have lost to voter fraud when he's the all knowing inventor of the internet... he could have easily proxy'd in and dropped some votes here n there.

Donny is a turd bucket.

HIllary and Donnie are friends, and always have been. I think Donny is scorned by something though... so now we see two childish twats run amuck with billionair money while ruining the world.


Well-Known Member
How could Gore have lost to voter fraud when he's the all knowing inventor of the internet... he could have easily proxy'd in and dropped some votes here n there.

Donny is a turd bucket.

HIllary and Donnie are friends, and always have been. I think Donny is scorned by something though... so now we see two childish twats run amuck with billionair money while ruining the world.
i thought Gore invented global warming?

take the money out of politics and the cream will rise to the top


Well-Known Member
First, trump doesn't go around claiming to be one of us. He flaunts his wealth.
Hill on the other hand, panders like the little cunt she is, then shows up dressed like Kim jong il.
Fuck trump too.
If you ignore the facts of Hillary's shady past, you are the problem. Don't defend that bitch.
I object to Hillary on the basis of her vote for the Iraq war and her status quo policies at a time when there is a need to address the inequity in wealth distribution in this country.

That other shit is just that. Lies, distortions and wishful thinking by right wing nuts. Fuck an A, this election has become a personality show instead of talking about substantial issues.

But no matter what, it's now down to two people and in November we are in the position where one or the other will become president. In that case, I only have one choice because Trump is the worst candidate nominated by either in the modern era.

All the carping about Hillary is useless chatter at this point.


Well-Known Member
I object to Hillary on the basis of her vote for the Iraq war and her status quo policies at a time when there is a need to address the inequity in wealth distribution in this country.

That other shit is just that. Lies, distortions and wishful thinking by right wing nuts. Fuck an A, this election has become a personality show instead of talking about substantial issues.

But no matter what, it's now down to two people and in November we are in the position where one or the other will become president. In that case, I only have one choice because Trump is the worst candidate nominated by either in the modern era.

All the carping about Hillary is useless chatter at this point.
If you like to just sit back and say, "oh well".


Well-Known Member
If you like to just sit back and say, "oh well".
Dude, you post the most awful made up shit and you then try to catch me out for being a realist? Go on about Benghazi and Foster. After spewing lies, falsehoods and distortions, don't try using logic. I'm glad to debate @ttystikk , because he hews to facts and truth then uses it to draw different conclusions than I would. I respect that. People who lose their grip on reality sound childish and foolish when debating with logic. Completely disrespect that.
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Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you talking about? I think you have me confused with another...
I've never once typed the word benghazi, until now.
Who the fuck is foster?
What made up shit have I posted?
I suggested that people do their own research, and think for themselves.
Come up with your own fucking opinion, don't depend on someone else to help form yours, asshole.
We have a melt down here. Read your own posts. You talk about "shady" acts. And so, I read between the lines to get to that propaganda shit so often blasted onto this site. Maybe I was lumping you in with that spider dude, which if not true would piss off anybody. If so, I apologize.

That said, I supported Bernie but not to the point of wanting Hillary to lose to Trump. Realistically, we have only two people in contention and Trump is not an option, so that leaves me with one option. I didn't choose the situation but there it is.


Well-Known Member
We have a melt down here. Read your own posts. You talk about "shady" acts. And so, I read between the lines to get to that propaganda shit so often blasted onto this site. Maybe I was lumping you in with that spider dude, which if not true would piss off anybody. If so, I apologize.
You definitely lumped me in the wrong category. I'm not a conspiracy guy, I just question everything. And my questions led me to the truth that Hillary is actually very criminal. I'm not a right winger. I'm not a libertarian. I'm not a Democrat.
I look for myself, avoiding the influence of others. That way, I can form educated - not biased - opinions on certain topics
Shady is an understatement.
Like I said, I won't tell them what's up, but I'll let people know something IS out there.
The info is out there, and it is quite bad.


Well-Known Member
Hillary's blaming YouTube for the death of her Ambassador has nil to do with my interest in Senator Sanders.


Dead ambassador after Tomahawks flying into Libya in the name of private servers, prisons for profit and billions funneled from suspect interests through charities... while wearing 5 figure blouse gives speeches about being broke and inequality.

Who is Hillary Clinton. I`ll take Fogdog for 300 please.


Well-Known Member
You definitely lumped me in the wrong category. I'm not a conspiracy guy, I just question everything. And my questions led me to the truth that Hillary is actually very criminal. I'm not a right winger. I'm not a libertarian. I'm not a Democrat.
I look for myself, avoiding the influence of others. That way, I can form educated - not biased - opinions on certain topics
Shady is an understatement.
Like I said, I won't tell them what's up, but I'll let people know something IS out there.
The info is out there, and it is quite bad.
so, what is Hillary charged with?
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