USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
Your point about people in control exploiting those they control, is a good one and very ironic, given the rest of your post.

You've apparently confused the crony market which exists today with a free market, which has been the controllers. I recommend you align your platitudes with reality for a better effect.
You got to love it they slowly removed the gold and silver from our money making it worthless which minimum wage was something like $1.25 in the 60's and the same amount of silver in that $1.25 is supposed to be worth $17.

Meanwhile we get $15 and think the government is doing us a favor. The dollar is going to die and the government will keep taking more power by militariesing the police more and more.


Well-Known Member
So people who are successful should have their money nipple sucked on harder just because they are better at it? Fuck that.

You make a dollar, you get taxed on that dollar. Rates should be the same across the boards. After all is said and done, I support helping those below certain margins, but propping someone up for life is also bullshit if they are mentally and physically capable.

And close all the loopholes that these rich fuckers take advantage of. They need to pay their fair share like everyone else, but we dont need to prop ourselves up by gouging them for being successful.
don't you keep two sets of books to avoid paying taxes in order to prop up your lousy and failing business?


Well-Known Member
About how much force are you comfortable with applying to two people, who have made a consensual agreement between them, which doesn't include you?
probably enough to make the slavery he described illegal.

of course, not only are you all for slavery, you think slave owners should be given reparations for being "victimized" by emancipation.


Well-Known Member
You got to love it they slowly removed the gold and silver from our money making it worthless which minimum wage was something like $1.25 in the 60's and the same amount of silver in that $1.25 is supposed to be worth $17.

Meanwhile we get $15 and think the government is doing us a favor. The dollar is going to die and the government will keep taking more power by militariesing the police more and more.
do your K-MART wages allow you enough personal income to invest in all those "precious" metals? or just enough income to buy and fashion hats out of tin foil?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You got to love it they slowly removed the gold and silver from our money making it worthless which minimum wage was something like $1.25 in the 60's and the same amount of silver in that $1.25 is supposed to be worth $17.

Meanwhile we get $15 and think the government is doing us a favor. The dollar is going to die and the government will keep taking more power by militariesing the police more and more.

Competing currencies in a free market are part of the cure.


Well-Known Member
You got to love it they slowly removed the gold and silver from our money making it worthless which minimum wage was something like $1.25 in the 60's and the same amount of silver in that $1.25 is supposed to be worth $17.

Meanwhile we get $15 and think the government is doing us a favor. The dollar is going to die and the government will keep taking more power by militariesing the police more and more.
Right. So vote for someone who pledges to put a stop to it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
probably enough to make the slavery he described illegal.

of course, not only are you all for slavery, you think slave owners should be given reparations for being "victimized" by emancipation.
Your present reading comprehension is on a par with your teen age potty training effectiveness.

I kindly ask you to wipe the splattered government jizz from your visage and reread my post sir.

I would love to stay and chat some more, but I have an appointment. Please keep your hypodescent posts to a dull roar.


Well-Known Member
Apparently militant force. Lol, Because cops these days might as well be military.
Where do you think most cops come from, if not from those discharged from our armed forces?

They actually say they had more restrictions and rules of engagement when they were soldiers than now as 'peace' officers. Think about that and what it means.


Well-Known Member
Where do you think most cops come from, if not from those discharged from our armed forces?

They actually say they had more restrictions and rules of engagement when they were soldiers than now as 'peace' officers. Think about that and what it means.
Looks like they are gearing up for a revolution to me. They also never go to prison for murder so we have only one choice and that's to start a revolution voting won't work.


Well-Known Member
Your present reading comprehension is on a par with your teen age potty training effectiveness.

I kindly ask you to wipe the splattered government jizz from your visage and reread my post sir.

I would love to stay and chat some more, but I have an appointment. Please keep your hypodescent posts to a dull roar.
an appointment is clearly a euphemism for a klan rally.

kinda like how "property!" is your euphemism for racial segregation.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
probably enough to make the slavery he described illegal.

of course, not only are you all for slavery, you think slave owners should be given reparations for being "victimized" by emancipation.
No, I don't think a legitimate ownership relationship can be established by offensive force. Which is sort of ironic, when you consider how governments obtain and maintain their citizen serf populations.

Thus your statement is a spurious speculation dripping with ironic idiocy and is baseless, poor trolling and laughably weak. I think you might be losing it. I suggest you go to the red crayon as a last resort.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Where do you think most cops come from, if not from those discharged from our armed forces?

They actually say they had more restrictions and rules of engagement when they were soldiers than now as 'peace' officers. Think about that and what it means.

Any time you have a forcibly held monopoly in a so called service providing area, consumer feedback doesn't have the effect it would if it weren't a forcibly held monopoly.

In other words because policing is a government controlled monopoly, you can't really go somewhere else if you don't like THAT service provider.

The ability of the consumer to select a different service provider in a free market is a component which is missing in the present paradigm and until it is present, policing will remain nothing more than gang activity.

If you bothered to learn about what a real free market is, you would already know that and understand that a free market not only solves problems created by an unfree market, it expands peaceful peoples choices.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can say any idiotic thing that you want.

It appears to other members that you do that regularly.

I'm 62 years old, and Uncle Buck is half my age. Since you've been here 7 years, I'd think that you would know that, but simple observation is obviously not in your realm of ability.

so that means you had him when you were what, 28 or so. so he's your literal son or nephew or whatever. come on lol it's not that hard to figure out.