Questions thread

Cutie avatar! Yush, he sure does....trouble is, he won't let you NEAR them because an inconsiderate and unprofessional/uncaring bitch clipped him too close a few years ago and he screamed a scream I'll never forget. >:(
Dunno about you, but the notion of having HUGE creatures hold you down while another huge creature cuts away at your hands sounds pretty horrific to me. :(
Yeah I hear ya. I did that once to our beloved Lab and I STILL fell guilty. It was a total accident, I thought I saw where the quick of the nail was..,,I hate snakes so I'd get along great with your dog. I was all set to weed a huge jungle in our driveway and a garter snake cruised in. I still haven't gone near it LOL

What did you intend to mean by this quote and picture?
I wondered the same. Maybe he meant "two" instead of u?
Yeah I hear ya. I did that once to our beloved Lab and I STILL fell guilty. It was a total accident, I thought I saw where the quick of the nail was..,,I hate snakes so I'd get along great with your dog. I was all set to weed a huge jungle in our driveway and a garter snake cruised in. I still haven't gone near it LOL

I wondered the same. Maybe he meant "two" instead of u?

Yeah my back yard is full of 'em. I've gotta cut the grass later today, too....I'll usually send the terrier out as a 'warning shot' before I start the mower.
I mean, I'm not the world's biggest snake fan, but I see no reason to intentionally dice them up with a mower blade while they are only trying to sun themselves. :(