Buying drugs off alphabay using prepaid visa?

It's over priced but you can get harder to find drugs I have been thinking about getting some LSD off their cause I haven't seen anyone with that in like 10 years.

haha, there is one old timer around here that has it, but the shit is way pricier then when I was a kid @ 5 bucks a've probably awaken the urge in me to trip again...thanks! :D
It's over priced but you can get harder to find drugs I have been thinking about getting some LSD off their cause I haven't seen anyone with that in like 10 years.
I haven't really seen it overpriced. Around 40 for a single g domestic mdma and 175-225 for domestic sheets (blotter, gels, vials, one dude just started making microdots even).. I wish I could find those prices on the streets cuz my computer skills arn't exactly top notch hahaha
I haven't really seen it overpriced. Around 40 for a single g domestic mdma and 175-225 for domestic sheets (blotter, gels, vials, one dude just started making microdots even).. I wish I could find those prices on the streets cuz my computer skills arn't exactly top notch hahaha
Yeah some shit is cheaper but damn sure not heroin and coke at least back when Agora was still around.
Yeah some shit is cheaper but damn sure not heroin and coke at least back when Agora was still around.
Very true, I don't really check on h reviews but all the coke I have seen hasn't been worth what they are charging. You can get lucky and find a decent sample listing for cheap but quality is always questionable.

If anyone wants some stats I would check to see if any energy control results are available for the product before buying.
its 100% legit i can guarantee u that my friend bought some shit but don't put a lot of money on there cause ppl been after getting it stolen by the owner or some shit

after reading that sentence, i had to re-read it. you realize the first 7 words completely oppose the rest of the sentence?? also how does your anecdotal story in any way make you qualified to guarantee anything?
after reading that sentence, i had to re-read it. you realize the first 7 words completely oppose the rest of the sentence?? also how does your anecdotal story in any way make you qualified to guarantee anything?
the guy has had trouble making sense of life. he's going to college this fall to learn deductive reasoning.
when was america ever free? the government just gives you an allusion that you're free but really your a slave to their corrupt system

Try living in Russia. We're the Girl Scouts of corruption compared to most countries in our world! All this and Clinton will likely be the next americans care more about federal democratic handouts than being free or having less corruption.
They care more about handouts because the majority of Americas population is illegals and minorities... Of course they will vote for the free handouts, why would they vote for someone who's gonna lower taxes when they don't even pay taxes