Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I enjoy a good political debate, but this scene is a bit much....the negativity is palpable.

Enjoy, though!


Well-Known Member
Fogdog, You remember when the ACA got crammed down our throats? You remember when the democratic party said just pass it and find out what all the goodies are after you pass it? Do you remember that? I told you and your friends at that time that the most bad ass democratic playbook known to mankind will bite you in the ass when the other side had a chance to use it.

And where are we now? Just sit down and relax because some great things are happening and you will find out win Trump wins. nitro
Actually, the Republican Congress reneged on its contracts with insurance companies. The US is being sued for breach of contract. Trump and you, his little dog at his side can go ballistic over the ruling of a judge (nationality to be named later) that enforces the terms of that contract. Millions now have healthcare who did not have it before. Congress will learn what happens when they mess with a persons ability to access healthcare.

The roll out was a totally botched job, to that, I agree and the problems have been fixed. The only remaining problem is that Republican Congress. Trump is helping to fix that by becoming such an odious Republican Presidential nominee that the Republican congress will be just a bad memory after the end of this year.

Obama has been a wonderful president, compared to that bumbling fool the GOP was so enamored with until even they could no longer deny how badly he mismanaged his duties. He's not perfect, but much better by comparison to GW.


Well-Known Member
Obama has been a wonderful president, compared to that bumbling fool the GOP was so enamored with until even they could no longer deny how badly he mismanaged his duties. He's not perfect, but much better by comparison to GW.
The poor bastard DID have one helluva Babylon Vampire mess to clean up, didn't he?

Then again, in contrast to 'Lil George, a lump of dried dog shit would have made a finer prez...


Well-Known Member
There is a system in place to do everything.
Some details are missing. Such as, how are these agencies going to locate 11 million undocumented people across all 50 states? How will they know these people are illegal immigrants? These agencies you mention, how many more agents will they need to do this over the first year of the Orange One's planned first year in office?

Why exactly is this necessary?


Well-Known Member
Some details are missing. Such as, how are these agencies going to locate 11 million undocumented people across all 50 states? How will they know these people are illegal immigrants? These agencies you mention, how many more agents will they need to do this over the first year of the Orange One's planned first year in office?

Why exactly is this necessary?
Go to a Trump rally those burning American flags waving Mexico's got to go easy peazy.


Some details are missing. Such as, how are these agencies going to locate 11 million undocumented people across all 50 states? How will they know these people are illegal immigrants? These agencies you mention, how many more agents will they need to do this over the first year of the Orange One's planned first year in office.

Why exactly is this necessary?
Talk about Job creation Fog do you have a social sec number ??? and why is it most illegals do not have one ???
So even though some have falsified documents which can be identified pretty easy , then you have the illegals that apply for ITIN documents there clearly illegals???? and can be caught that way also
But bottom line is the money lost in taxes cause of illegals it has a rippling effect that effects everyone Money lost is money never gained there fore more services, are cut back effecting true American citizens


Well-Known Member
Talk about Job creation Fog do you have a social sec number ??? and why is it most illegals do not have one ???
So even though some have falsified documents which can be identified pretty easy , then you have the illegals that apply for ITIN documents there clearly illegals???? and can be caught that way also
But bottom line is the money lost in taxes cause of illegals it has a rippling effect that effects everyone Money lost is money never gained there fore more services, are cut back effecting true American citizens
So, if I lose my social security card and can't remember the number correctly, I can be deported? Is this the kind of country you want?

As far as money is concerned, illegal immigrants are net benefit to this country. You need to stop listening to Fox News.

Why Trump and Nitro's sudden urge to go after people who have been in this country for a decade? I think you know why, read the next post.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Actually, the Republican Congress reneged on its contracts with insurance companies. The US is being sued for breach of contract. Trump and you, his little dog at his side can go ballistic over the ruling of a judge (nationality to be named later) that enforces the terms of that contract. Millions now have healthcare who did not have it before. Congress will learn what happens when they mess with a persons ability to access healthcare.

The roll out was a totally botched job, to that, I agree and the problems have been fixed. The only remaining problem is that Republican Congress. Trump is helping to fix that by becoming such an odious Republican Presidential nominee that the Republican congress will be just a bad memory after the end of this year.

Obama has been a wonderful president, compared to that bumbling fool the GOP was so enamored with until even they could no longer deny how badly he mismanaged his duties. He's not perfect, but much better by comparison to GW.
Fogdog, You think people didn't get scammed with the ACA? The poor people that have coverage from this with big deductibles don't have the money to use it. When I use mine I have to pay the deductible up front before I can use it. There is nothing good about saying this many million people have coverage now that didn't before when they can't use it. Can you use yours with out paying deductibles up front? just wondering. nitro


Well-Known Member
GOP Senators Finally Starting To Realize Their Party Nominated A Total Racist
Sen. Mark Kirk is the first member of Congress to rescind his support of Donald Trump.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) became the first Republican member of Congress to rescind an endorsement of Donald Trump, saying on Tuesday that he could no longer support his party’s presumptive nominee for president after Trump’s racist attacks against a federal judge.

“I cannot and will not support my party’s nominee for President,” he said.

All this border shit is just a dog whistle for racist assholes to pile on to the Trump wagon. It's already causing problems for Repub Senators who are up for re-election.
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