Donald Trump

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Screenshot 2016-06-05 at 1.10.21 PM.png

Ku Klux Klan Claims $20K In Clinton Donations
A Grand Dragon of the California Klan claims to have raised about $20K for her campaign
By James King
Apr 25, 2016 at 6:11 PM ET



Photo Illustration: R. A. Di Ieso
A prominent Ku Klux Klan leader says that the group has raised thousands of dollars for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and that the Klan is officially endorsing the Democratic frontrunner for president—a claim the Clinton campaign vigorously denies.

Shortly after setting a giant cross on fire with dozens of other members of various white nationalist groups in Georgia on Saturday, Will Quigg, a Grand Dragon in a California branch of the KKK, sat down with Vocativ—which was there for a larger reporting trip about the modern state of the hate group—to talk about the 2016 election. According to Quigg, “For the KKK, Clinton is our choice.”

I see the Brooklyn racist is back to his playbook, your name alone disqualifies you and questions a persons integrity.

Judge has a Spanish sounding name so he has to be Mexican I.e. Not a real judge in Trumps eyes.

Its only gonna get worse from here on out the country is going to find out who this racist/conman is.

This is going to be a NY beatdown can't wait.

London, I have never said I dislike Mexicans living in the small town I live in. That is something you made up to attack me with so your racist agenda could continue. imo
oh really
I think we should just focus on the mexicans.......lets exclude everyone else.......When it looks like mexico city in a small town in oregon you don't notice any other countrys invasion.......nitro..
Cafeteria and toilets? Is that for the mexican kids?
My hometown (Ponce, Puerto Rico) supports Hillary Clinton by 76%. She has won P.R. By a landslide.

Too bad we can't vote from the island in November.

Trump is dead and stinking come November with Hispanics and this ad doesn't help:



Puerto Rico wants to be the 51st state and it won't happen because we just don't have the money. nitro

Puerto Rico’s economy is in crisis. The territory of 3.7 million residents is now in the seventh year of a persistent downturn, a recession that’s much deeper -- and broader -- than the one on the mainland. By a number of different indicators, Puerto Rico is off the charts compared to the rest of the U.S., faring far worse than any state. Per-capita income is one-third that of the nation as a whole and just half the income of the poorest state, Mississippi. Roughly 45 percent of Puerto Ricans live in poverty, three times the national rate. More than a third of the territory’s residents are on food stamps. Unemployment last year topped 15 percent.

Public finances are similarly abysmal. Fifteen straight years of budget deficits have ravaged the government; its outstanding public debt now hovers near $70 billion. (Relative to personal income, the debt level is nearly 10 times that of Hawaii, which has the highest debt-to-income ratio of the 50 states.) Puerto Rico’s public pension system has essentially run out of money, with an unfunded liability that is almost four times the island’s annual budget. By this past spring, all of the major credit agencies had downgraded Puerto Rico’s bond rating to one notch above junk status. Countless observers have dubbed the territory “America’s Greece.”
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