1000w|vert|scrog|coco|KISS donut of love featuring Bodhi gear

Thought I had this camera figured out but clearly not. Few nug shots for y'all. Hope everybody's well.

Silver Mountain #2


Silver Mountain #3


Jabba's Stash #5 (the one from the vert tent)...both of these buds came from the same plant believe it or not


And here's some either 25 or 45u Silver Mountain bubble, finer than a frog hair split three ways and filleted by god

I suppose we've reached the end of our journey together folks...I'll do an update in a month or so after a bit of cure with some new photos and a smoke report, but everything is dry and in the jars now. Final yield was just over 8oz from the horizontal tent and just under 28oz from the vert tent, not counting larf and anything smaller than a half dollar or so, and as you know I went crazy with trimming too just to have a bunch of bubble material. Also, there's another dry ounce at least all over the garage, in a few containers and then also littering the floor and counters from where I was a little sloppy while trimming and haven't finished cleaning up yet. So realistically the yield was considerably more than that, but I hate all these threads with huge claims and exaggerations, so I'll err on the side of caution on that one. 36oz from 1400w isn't the best and most efficient use of power in my growing career but I've also done worse, and the important thing is that I made it through safely and with good quality to show for it.

I could have done a lot better, mostly just in terms of spending more time on these guys, but I'm happy with the results. Good dope, pretty decent yield although not what I was hoping for, and the bubble hash is some of the best I've ever had so that's really the biggest thing for me in all honesty. Also, I found one mature seed each in the top cola of two of the Silver Mountains from the vert tent, one of which you can actually see in one of the photos above. This is something I've seen several times over the years and it seems totally random, always limited to just one seed per plant. I've always heard that plants can drop a single seed at the end of their "life cycle" to "preserve their genetics" even in the absence of pollen but I just don't know how much I believe that's actually the case, so I'm curious if anybody has any actual evidence to support that theory. I really have no clue how it could have been pollinated by any of the males as they were killed off way too early for that, and it seems odd that self-pollination would produce one single mature seed and nothing else.

I probably won't be doing a summer run but when it comes time for Fall 2016 I'll be back in action and tune y'all in. In the mean time, I'll be looking for my next bit of Bodhi gear, as I'm very impressed with what I ran this time.

Thanks to everybody for their time, encouragement, and help...no matter how long I do this I find that every time I do a run I learn more than I did last time, and I think that's really cool. Special shoutout to @ttystikk and @limonene in particular, the former for the encouragement and great vertical tips and the latter for the awesome photos and info on the Silver Mountain. I appreciate you guys and everybody who took the time to stop by.

Hope everybody has a great summer and I'll see y'all soon...
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Brother I've enjoyed following this thread, some great skills on show and all presented in a nice friendly manner that is unfortunately rare these days.
Enjoy your summer, cant wait to see your next thread, if you want some beans i have about 30 packs of bodhi and more of other breeders, send me a pm and i can get a little selection to you if you desire.
I will pop some pics of my SM on here someday soon, I'm on week 2 of flower and the girls I've kept are smelling of mild oranges which they didn't do the first time around!
Peace unto you @lawlrus
Brother I've enjoyed following this thread, some great skills on show and all presented in a nice friendly manner that is unfortunately rare these days.
Enjoy your summer, cant wait to see your next thread, if you want some beans i have about 30 packs of bodhi and more of other breeders, send me a pm and i can get a little selection to you if you desire.
I will pop some pics of my SM on here someday soon, I'm on week 2 of flower and the girls I've kept are smelling of mild oranges which they didn't do the first time around!
Peace unto you @lawlrus

You are too kind my friend, I may very well need to hit you up about that. I sincerely appreciate the offer and again, all the tips and just good vibes in general. Please don't let this thread die -- post some Silver Mountain up and keep it rolling for the below-mentioned converts! Oranges huh? Sounds amazing...he's got some interesting stuff with some Cali-O if I recall too that has always piqued my curiosity. Don't be a stranger homie...

36 zips is plenty respectable! Nice work, and I think you may have made a few conVERTS with this thread, yourself!

That's the thing for those of you reading along who are considering it...I can't really explain just how little work I put into this. I mean yeah, I spent hours upon hours over the course of the grow building, pruning, training, etc. up until the last month or two of flowering, when I basically popped my head in to feed once a day for 10 minutes max and that was it. But in the long run, I was lazy as shit with this grow for a million different reasons, but in the end that's what matters -- that I was lazy and didn't put the time I could have into this. Even just an extra half hour a day would have probably had me pushing 2lbs+ from the vert tent alone. But if I had been that lazy with a horizontal grow and a 1000w I would barely be pushing a lb right now from that thing, not 28oz. Gotta love it man...gotta love it. Thanks again for everything.
You are too kind my friend, I may very well need to hit you up about that. I sincerely appreciate the offer and again, all the tips and just good vibes in general. Please don't let this thread die -- post some Silver Mountain up and keep it rolling for the below-mentioned converts! Oranges huh? Sounds amazing...he's got some interesting stuff with some Cali-O if I recall too that has always piqued my curiosity. Don't be a stranger homie...

That's the thing for those of you reading along who are considering it...I can't really explain just how little work I put into this. I mean yeah, I spent hours upon hours over the course of the grow building, pruning, training, etc. up until the last month or two of flowering, when I basically popped my head in to feed once a day for 10 minutes max and that was it. But in the long run, I was lazy as shit with this grow for a million different reasons, but in the end that's what matters -- that I was lazy and didn't put the time I could have into this. Even just an extra half hour a day would have probably had me pushing 2lbs+ from the vert tent alone. But if I had been that lazy with a horizontal grow and a 1000w I would barely be pushing a lb right now from that thing, not 28oz. Gotta love it man...gotta love it. Thanks again for everything.

Shhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell everyone how easy it is! Lol
Shhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell everyone how easy it is! Lol

If they only knew...there are some definite downsides but overall I can't imagine a better and more efficient way to use a small space.

Things have been curing for anywhere from 5 to 7 weeks now and the funk is very real. I will say that I'm surprised that I was so disappointed with the Goji overall, very bland high and weak flavor/smell compared to what it had on the plant. It's still good pot, just mediocre in comparison to the rest. The Jabba's Stash is very much the same, good pot compared to most but not great compared to the other Bodhi stuff. That Silver Mountain is a winner no matter how you look at it. I'll do a little breakdown of the different phenos so you guys who might be interested in running it know what to look for:

Silver Mountain #1: very strong lime smell with other citrus notes...this is the one that smells just like somebody dumped a bottle of Mello Yello and Sprite on some lime peels and then dropped a little bleach in the mix while they were at it. Strong and not-quite-but-almost sour lemon/lime flavor, tight buds with huge stacked tear drop calyxes. Mellow but still complex buzz with a good mix between cerebral and body effects even taken earlier than the rest (63 days for this one I think? Maybe later than that), absolutely zero anxiety overall so perfect for me. Probably my favorite out of everything I grew this round.

SM #2: smell is a real funky mix of body odor, maybe some garlic and onion (definitely some Chem funk there), and limes. "Smells like a mexican dish" to some people, I can see where they get that. Flavor is still developing but has lemon on the tongue and some other really savory notes that I can't quite describe, maybe almost a sage or marjoram flavor. Good mix of effects, maybe a little more racy than the first but not paranoia-inducing at all. Huge yielder, I think I ended up with 6.5oz of top buds and at least another half of larf from this one...this would be the clone I would run again if I was going to do a mono-crop vert run of just the SM.

SM #3: strong lime smell, all fruit/citrus notes on the smell and flavor in fact, with maybe some creamy notes on the flavor (almost a honey taste). This one is very similar to #1 and could even be the same phenotype, but since it was grown in the vert tent and my training was a little lax it has bigger and airier buds and a slightly different look to it. Effects are very similar to #1, nice cerebral sativa high with very little in the way of body effects and no paranoia.

SM #4: citrus and fruit with a focus on lime again in the smell department, flavors are sweet and sour with citrus and floral notes. Another good even mix of effects although I would say this is the most heady of all of them in the high department. I don't smoke in the daytime but I would imagine this would be perfect for a morning puff.

SM #5: very similar to #4, maybe same phenotype as the buds look nearly identical and smell/flavor are nearly the same as well.

Like I mentioned, Goji was good but not great...hashy, piney, berry smell/flavor and good potency but nothing mind-blowing. The Jabba's Stash #5 was some really great looking bud and has a decent buzz, reminds me a lot of CSG's Rainbow Jones (GDP x Casey Jones) in terms of the sweet, creamy notes in the flavor and smell and the mellow, even-keeled buzz. Rest of the Jabba's were pretty weak overall, definitely not his best work. Not really anything to write home about at all and if I had known then what I know now I would have just grown all Silver Mountain. Seriously worth snagging a pack if you can find one. I'll try to get some updated photos soon before I give everything away.

Hope everyone is well!
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Bottom line, if you're looking for a big-yielding sativa-dom hybrid that is heavy on the limonene with absolutely no paranoia and a perfect structure for vert, Silver Mountain is definitely worth a look. The one that smells like lemon-lime soda with bleach is the head stash and the body odor/garlic/citrus pheno is the production plant.

Oh yeah, PS - received a big jar of some of my buddy's Blueberry Hashplant (I believe that's a Bodhi one as well?) and it was phenomenal, very reminiscent of one of my old favs, the classic '90's Indiana Bubblegum. Maybe one of my next picks to try.
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Bottom line, if you're looking for a big-yielding sativa-dom hybrid that is heavy on the limonene with absolutely no paranoia and a perfect structure for vert, Silver Mountain is definitely worth a look. The one that smells like lemon-lime soda with bleach is the head stash and the body odor/garlic/citrus pheno is the production plant.

Oh yeah, PS - received a big jar of some of my buddy's Blueberry Hashplant (I believe that's a Bodhi one as well?) and it was phenomenal, very reminiscent of one of my old favs, the classic '90's Indiana Bubblegum. Maybe one of my next picks to try.

I'd love to get a proven pheno cut of Silver Mountain, see what she'd do in a big rack.