I will share my planting routine with you guys. I mix up the soil ahead of time. I like to use no {or very little} ferts in the mix if the seeds are going in cups. {when planting in gallon pots, the plants will stay there longer, so I use a slightly hotter mix in the bottom 1/3 of the pot, a 50/50 mix of that and the no fert mix for the middle 1/3 and the no fert mix for the top 1/3} I use a lot of Metro Mix potting soil in my planting mix. It's pretty light and seeds do good in it.
I always go by the moon signs and phases when planting. {Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are good above ground days, so if you still have beans to pop, put them in soil on one of those days. I thought I was through for the year, but I may start a few more}
I have a ceremony that I do when planting that is kind of silly, but it has worked for me over the years. I face the east, early in the morning is best, when the sun is just coming up. It also helps to be bare chested, but this isn't a deal breaker. I have a bowl packed with the bud the seeds came from {if possible}. I take as big a hit as I can, spreading my arms wide, I blow the smoke up the Gods, asking their blessing on the soil, that it will give the plants what they need in the Spring time of their life. Then I fill all the pots or cups with soil, to about half an inch from the top.
Next I lay out my seed collection, then take another hit facing the south, asking the Gods to bless the seeds, that they grow big and strong during the Summer. I pick through the seeds, placing one {pointy end down} in each cup.
Then I take another hit facing the west, asking the Gods to bless the plants as they start to flower in the Fall. I cover the seeds with soil. I plant in trays, so I make sure each cup is full, then level the soil with my hand.
Lastly I take a hit facing the North, asking the Gods for a safe and fruitful harvest in the Winter. Then I soak the filled pots very well. {I use well water. Never tested it. I do like to put it in a pitcher and use a Styrofoam cup as a sprinkler} When using gallon pots, it takes a goodly amount of water to get it all wet. Don't be afraid to pour it on. After a couple of days, I use the hose and spray the trays down good. Once they come up and grow up above the cup, I top off with potting soil.
I have damaged too many sprouts with paper towels over the years. For me, planting right in the soil works best.