First time grow - White Rhino

put them in the grown in very big holes with lots of good soil feed and water and they will expload.or you will need a lot biger pots..your doing great just listen to theses men and look at othere peoples grows on here and READ lots and you will learn its JUST A WEED YOUR GROWING and so fare your plants look good to
Yea I repotted one 10 days ago to the one gallon and the other I repotted to the 1 gallon only a few days ago. I was going to wait until they outgrew these pots and put them in 3 gal and wait for the roots to get to the point of needing to grow to move them to the dirt. I have a 3 x 3 x 3 hole already dug and 9 cubic yards of Fox Farm dirt ready for the whole when I plant them. Would you do it now or wait for the 3 gal to get rooted?
Grow Journal 5-24 update.
Wow, best word for today's growing is WoW.

I fed them yesterday and was concerned about maybe over feeding them as the last time I watered I also fed them. I thought they had been flushed by the rain they got the day after I fed then last time.
During the morning I noticed three or four of the top leaves had a light green/nearly yellow look at the very top and on a couple of the edges. I was worried that possibly I was seeing the start of some nute burn. Decided to wait until the end of the day and see how they were before I acted on the initial coloring. Turns out I got lucking in that choice. As the day progressed the leaves darkened to the same green tones that were all around the leaves. I "think" the lighter color was just because they were still so new they hadn't had a chance to green up yet. But since they were the new top growth I thought that they would be the first leaves to show a nute burn. Either way, once AGAIN, my takeaway lesson here is to just be patient, let the plant be a plant and not get to excited about everything. Every time I smoke I go outside and stare at the plants while I smoke. I'm enjoying watching the transition through out the day.

Now for the WoW part of the day. HOLY FUCK did they grow. Biggest growth day so far. Was mostly over cast with very few sun breaks. The feed seems to have given them wings.
Topping Eve seems to have generated a lot more nodal leaf growth. Adam's nodal leaf growth seems to be off the charts compared to anything previous. Some branches have as many as 10 different brand new leafs sticking their furry little heads out. They are just everywhere. While there was some marginal height growth the mainstay of the growth was in the branches moving outwards. There are now many of the branches extending well beyond the edge of the 1 gallon pots.

This is really getting fun, I just want to pick up the phone and tell everyone how amazing my new girls are doing. I'm not of course, but damn I sure want to. I have a friend that has been growing for 12 years in Humboldt, so I keep pestering her, but man this shit is just F.U.N!!!!!
Hey Friction,

Great job so far buddy.

Don't over analyse everything and enjoy your White Rhino.
It's a beautiful smoke.....

You don't seem to need any help at the moment bud, you have everything under control.

Just try to keep everything simple and not overthink everything on an hourly basis.

I think most mistakes that people new to growing make are made in haste or while there stoned . By over analysing or mis diagnosing an "issue". Which if left alone,would have corrected it self. With no other intervention other than water and sun.

Don't stress and enjoy the green bud.

" let it be green in 2016"
Hey Friction,

Great job so far buddy.

Don't over analyse everything and enjoy your White Rhino.
It's a beautiful smoke.....

You don't seem to need any help at the moment bud, you have everything under control.

Just try to keep everything simple and not overthink everything on an hourly basis.

I think most mistakes that people new to growing make are made in haste or while there stoned . By over analysing or mis diagnosing an "issue". Which if left alone,would have corrected it self. With no other intervention other than water and sun.

Don't stress and enjoy the green bud.

" let it be green in 2016"

Thanks, there has been a lot of progress since my last post here. I've been working with @RM3 and several of the other members over on RM3's "Grow Happy Plants". - - (web sit that leads to the forum) His method is going great for me and everyone has been very kind to me as a first time grower.

An update 6-3
So far the two clones have more than double in size in the 3 weeks since I got them.
5-30 Comparison shot.JPG

As a matter of fact two days ago I took three clones from one and topped the other for a clone.
6-1 Clones day 2.JPG

The discoloration is the light, the leafs are all still a solid green color and no evidence of wilt.

Using the rotation that RM3 suggests of "Making It Rain" followed by a feeding has my girls just jamming.
Yea I repotted one 10 days ago to the one gallon and the other I repotted to the 1 gallon only a few days ago. I was going to wait until they outgrew these pots and put them in 3 gal and wait for the roots to get to the point of needing to grow to move them to the dirt. I have a 3 x 3 x 3 hole already dug and 9 cubic yards of Fox Farm dirt ready for the whole when I plant them. Would you do it now or wait for the 3 gal to get rooted?
Something I heard Sub Cool say that always stuck with me. You never want the plant to know it's in a pot. Meaning always transplant into the next size pot before the roots start to circle. I transplant as soon as there is enough roots to hold the dirt together.
Something I heard Sub Cool say that always stuck with me. You never want the plant to know it's in a pot. Meaning always transplant into the next size pot before the roots start to circle. I transplant as soon as there is enough roots to hold the dirt together.

Good advice. I repotted one 3 weeks ago and the other 2 weeks ago. I check the pot holes on the bottom everyday for any sign of roots. I want the roots to be starting to push the pot boundaries before I move to a bigger pot.
Well things have been progressing fairly well. The original two clones I started with have now been repotted into 15 gal pots, their final home. Today I applied some training to the both of them. While they will be outside for the remainder of the season, I have the branches pulled down as if in a scrog opening up the center for better Sun.

Here is Adam6-20 Eve trained.JPG

And here is Eve

6-20 Adam trained.JPG

It is my hope that being opened up like this will allow for more and larger cola's once it moves flower later this summer.

I have taken 4 clones off of these two plants. I moved the clones a bit early from the Dixie cups, the roots were too small still and a few of them broke. I've gotten pretty lucky in that they the four of them still look pretty good.

6-16 clone all 4.JPG

They all have new growth and they continue to grow even if a bit slower due to the root stress.
Journal Update 6-21
Adam and Eve
So it's only been 1 day since the training and HOLY SHIT most explosive growth ever, not even a close second. The end of the branches have always been raging, but now all the inner nodes are raging the same way the tips have been. Pretty much every square inch that is exposed to the Sun is in this power grow mode. These plants have never shown so much overall growth as they have since I started the training. You know how young kids tend to put on weight right before they shoot up and get tall and skinny? It's like that. Not to much vertical height increase from the vertical plateau created by the training, they just got really fat everywhere, like super dense and all of the leafs seem lots larger. Not to much of the yellow new growth but growth of existing growth. I wish I had the correct vocabulary for what they are doing.
Fed each 1 full gallon of 50% RD with 1 cap full of HydProx. Got some run off but not much. Trained down a couple more branches to even out spacing.

They are still hanging in there. Growth still on them and stalks still firm. Still in root shock, not really growing, but not really dying. Pretty sure the upcan stressed them badly and they are working on roots. Enough roots to keep them healthy, but the energy isn't going to above ground growth. Stagnant is probably the best word.

Of the 23 that were dropped - 13 are up and early seed leafs out. 2 have visible tap roots the remaining 8 are not showing any signs as of yet. I spritzed the 8 with filtered water today. Keeping them under 16 hours of light, under the dome and high humidity. My first dance with seeds, please jump in if you have some
Journal Update 6-21
Adam and Eve
So it's only been 1 day since the training and HOLY SHIT most explosive growth ever, not even a close second. The end of the branches have always been raging, but now all the inner nodes are raging the same way the tips have been. Pretty much every square inch that is exposed to the Sun is in this power grow mode. These plants have never shown so much overall growth as they have since I started the training. You know how young kids tend to put on weight right before they shoot up and get tall and skinny? It's like that. Not to much vertical height increase from the vertical plateau created by the training, they just got really fat everywhere, like super dense and all of the leafs seem lots larger. Not to much of the yellow new growth but growth of existing growth. I wish I had the correct vocabulary for what they are doing.
Fed each 1 full gallon of 50% RD with 1 cap full of HydProx. Got some run off but not much. Trained down a couple more branches to even out spacing.

They are still hanging in there. Growth still on them and stalks still firm. Still in root shock, not really growing, but not really dying. Pretty sure the upcan stressed them badly and they are working on roots. Enough roots to keep them healthy, but the energy isn't going to above ground growth. Stagnant is probably the best word.

Of the 23 that were dropped - 13 are up and early seed leafs out. 2 have visible tap roots the remaining 8 are not showing any signs as of yet. I spritzed the 8 with filtered water today. Keeping them under 16 hours of light, under the dome and high humidity. My first dance with seeds, please jump in if you have some

Training is the shit. Gets light where there was none before.

There is no need for the light on the seeds until they pop. {and make sure not to get light on the tender roots of the just sprouted ones} Keeping them moist is the right thing to do. Are you using the paper towel approach? {sorry if you have already posted that, but hell, I have trouble keeping up with my own threads. No way I can remember what goes on in other ones}
Training is the shit. Gets light where there was none before.

There is no need for the light on the seeds until they pop. {and make sure not to get light on the tender roots of the just sprouted ones} Keeping them moist is the right thing to do. Are you using the paper towel approach? {sorry if you have already posted that, but hell, I have trouble keeping up with my own threads. No way I can remember what goes on in other ones}

No paper towel, soaked them for 24 and put them in Rapid Rooter plugs. 15 of 23 sprouted early, 2 more have since sprouted. Most of the ones that didn't sprout were floaters, although some of the floaters have sprouted. 6-23 Solo cup.JPG

Two of the sprouted ones had the two seed leafs get bent in two during transplant. Doesn't look like they are going to make it. This pic is a couple of days old, everything else now have their first two real leafs. Sitting under a 2 foot T5 about 12 inches above them. Growth is now looking pretty good.

The 4 clones are doing OK. Two of them have completely recovered from root shock of the upcanning and now cranking really well. One of them is doing pretty well, about a day behind the two good ones. The forth is fine, but is just barely growing. Foliar feeding, it's fine I expect from it's behavior that tomorrow it will show some better growth.

Adam and Eve the two original clones I bought at the dispensary are just raging, loving life in their new 15 gal pots.
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Well Adam and Eve are going gang busters.

This is Adam today. She's very happy in her 15 gal pot, has raging yellow/lime green new growth everywhere.
7-9 Adam all raging.JPG

The clones have grown a great deal since my last update. A little over 2 weeks after the above shot of them the are now here.. There is a new addition to them. On the far right is one of @Dr.D81 Bear Creek Kushes. Had a wonderful visit down to his grow this week and to say that I was impressed would a horrific understatement.
7-8 clones.JPG

I've been getting lots of solid grow help from @RM3 and his Riddlers. Couldn't have done this without them.
Everything is looking great. Nice get on the BCK clone. I need to go visit my grand niece and nephews in Denver soon. And when I'm there, it would be rude not to stop in and say hey to @Dr.D81 , @RM3 and the boys, right? I'm using a few things I learned on here, including adding cat litter to my soil mix.
Everything is looking great. Nice get on the BCK clone. I need to go visit my grand niece and nephews in Denver soon. And when I'm there, it would be rude not to stop in and say hey to @Dr.D81 , @RM3 and the boys, right? I'm using a few things I learned on here, including adding cat litter to my soil mix.

Thanks. Yea, I'm planning a trip to visit @RM3 later this year. I'm calling it my pilgrimage to Mecca :lol: I'm very excited to learn/see more of his dark magic.

Doc however isn't in CO so you'd have to plan a different trip to see him. I had an amazing visit down there. Dude can seriously grow, impressive.
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Thanks. Yea, I'm planning a trip to visit @RM3 later this year. I'm calling it my pilgrimage to Mecca :lol: I'm very excited to learn/see more of his dark magic.

Doc however isn't in CO so you'd have to plan a different trip to see him. I had an amazing visit down there. Dude can seriously grow, impressive.
That's right. I remember Doc going over to Co now. But I was just teasing. I can't find time to run down to Panama City, a little over an hour away, so the odds of me coming up with a few free days is pretty remote.