Donald Trump

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See4, Federal immigration laws are not pot laws. Sorry if I miss led you to think that they were combined. nitro

Federal immigration laws are federal laws. Federal marijuana laws are federal laws. That is where the comparison is drawn.

You feel that it is a cause of alarm or reaction when immigrants break federal laws by entering this country illegally. But you break federal laws by smoking marijuana, or grow it or buy it.

If you are so concerned about people breaking federal laws, you should consider not breaking it yourself.
Federal immigration laws are federal laws. Federal marijuana laws are federal laws. That is where the comparison is drawn.

You feel that it is a cause of alarm or reaction when immigrants break federal laws by entering this country illegally. But you break federal laws by smoking marijuana, or grow it or buy it.

If you are so concerned about people breaking federal laws, you should consider not breaking it yourself.

See4, well have me arrested then. Call'em up, get on it. Enforcing all the federal laws is fine with me if it makes you happy. nitro
Federal immigration laws are federal laws. Federal marijuana laws are federal laws. That is where the comparison is drawn.

You feel that it is a cause of alarm or reaction when immigrants break federal laws by entering this country illegally. But you break federal laws by smoking marijuana, or grow it or buy it.

If you are so concerned about people breaking federal laws, you should consider not breaking it yourself.

Comparing immigration to what an individual does with their own body is a disingenuous argument.
See4, well have me arrested then. Call'em up, get on it. Enforcing all the federal laws is fine with me if it makes you happy. nitro

I'm not the one crying about immigrants. You are.

Comparing immigration to what an individual does with their own body is a disingenuous argument.

Wrong. I'm showing how disingenuous it is to cry about immigrants breaking federal laws all the while breaking a federal law by smoking marijuana.

And no, comparing immigration, someone crossing an imaginary line, with someone smoking a plant that grows naturally is not disingenuous, both laws are stupid. Which is exactly my point.

But thanks for joining. I hope you enjoy your stay!
I'm not the one crying about immigrants. You are.

Wrong. I'm showing how disingenuous it is to cry about immigrants breaking federal laws all the while breaking a federal law by smoking marijuana.

And no, comparing immigration, someone crossing an imaginary line, with someone smoking a plant that grows naturally is not disingenuous, both laws are stupid. Which is exactly my point.

But thanks for joining. I hope you enjoy your stay!

see4, When Trump wins you will understand. Its going to be a waste of time debating legal immigration with you so good luck . nitro
Calling the kettle black again, eh?
Hey rolli, Would that be 27% more than Hillary? I know that this is going to be a tough time for some so I will continue to be nice. nitro

I know you are incapable of accepting this as true, but here it is.


The lie of Hillary being worse than Trump when it comes "to telling it like it is" is so far from reality that I believe this statement can only come from a demented right winger.

When looking at about 100 of each's recent statements about each other or about themselves:

  • Hillary Clinton tells the truth or at least half truth about 60% of the time and False or Pants on Fire False about 13% of the time.
  • Trump tells the truth or at least half truth about 25% of the time and False or Pants on Fire False about 60% of the time.

Your assertion that Hillary Clinton is a complete liar is in and of itself a lie.
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Thats a good question that is very worthy of a civil discussion. Here is my opinion of what might happen when Trump wins. There will be a sign up period to weed the garbage out of the good hard working immigrants . A good work history and criminal record will be golden. The rest may go back home or will be subject to law enforcement for extraction . your turn. nitro.
"Your opinion of what might happen when Trump wins"?

Wow you said it was made up shit then went right ahead and said it. This is about as unhinged as when @NLXSK1 said he knew what the people of Baltimore were thinking, and then told us they planned to burn Baltimore down.

You'd both be funny if you weren't such shitheads.
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see4, When Trump wins you will understand. Its going to be a waste of time debating legal immigration with you so good luck . nitro

Translation: "see4, I don't know why I'm voting for Trump, but because my team is winning I don't care. I don't have to explain myself, because I don't know why I do what I do. But dag-nabit I don't care! WHITE POWER WHITE POWER"

That about sum it up nitro?
"Your opinion of what might happen when Trump wins"?

Wow you said it was made up shit then went right ahead and said it. This is about as unhinged as when @NLXSK1 said he knew what the people of Baltimore were thinking, and then told us they planned to burn Baltimore down.

You'd both be funny if you weren't such shitheads.
You forgot NLSK1 also saying Obama refuses to call that Egyptian flight an act of terror
call it whatever you want to call it.
I feel the burden of population when Im driving in my car around any major city in America getting stuck in grid lock traffic.
Thinking, what a waste of time this is.
or Standing in line to get into a concert or movie and paying outrageous prices for the show and then coming away feeling very disappointed with the performance of the movie or the band.
Always having to reconfirm my own existence to co exist with the continuing over growing population.
Just like with politics or anything else in life, it makes it more disappointing and harder to accept.
I cant help feeling the the world is a total wreck.
So i try never to underestimate or take for granted all the trouble in the world that seems to be getting worse.
Interesting.I often feel the same way.Lately,i have much contempt for my culture.I look at my life,i wonder if i can stop
participating in this orgy of consumerism .I find entertainment so shallow.I cant get exited about going out and paying
money to be entertained.
I went to Glastonbury festival when it was 15 quid a ticket.Now its like 200 quid.Gee wizz.Who want to blow the wonga on
seeing some 75 yo has beens ?Not I.Said the Bean.

Everything is a scam.I want to watch the birdies hop around my garden eating worms.
Your posts lack integrity and any essence of truth. You capture the Trump zeitgeist perfectly.
I know you are incapable of accepting this as true, but here it is.


The lie of Hillary being worse than Trump when it comes "to telling it like it is" is so far from reality that I believe this statement can only come from a demented right winger.

When looking at about 100 of each's recent statements about each other or about themselves:

  • Hillary Clinton tells the truth or at least half truth about 60% of the time and False or Pants on Fire False about 13% of the time.
  • Trump tells the truth or at least half truth about 25% of the time and False or Pants on Fire False about 60% of the time.

Your assertion that Hillary Clinton is a complete liar is in and of itself a lie.
"Your opinion of what might happen when Trump wins"?

Wow you said it was made up shit then went right ahead and said it. This is about as unhinged as when @NLXSK1 said he knew what the people of Baltimore were thinking, and then told us they planned to burn Baltimore down.

You'd both be funny if you weren't such shitheads.
Translation: "see4, I don't know why I'm voting for Trump, but because my team is winning I don't care. I don't have to explain myself, because I don't know why I do what I do. But dag-nabit I don't care! WHITE POWER WHITE POWER"

That about sum it up nitro?

Hey, I really don't want to piss on the only political parade you two have going , but good luck with Hillary and may the best person win. If you don't like Trump you can always go around and start sucker punching Trump supporters if you think it helps. TRUMP!
Interesting article.

Glenn Reynolds: Donald Trump is the response to a bullying culture
Glenn Harlan Reynolds12:13 p.m. EDT May 31, 2016
Abusive political correctness drives voters into the impolitic billionaire's loud embrace
wrote: “Political correctness. Trump hasn't made it a campaign theme exactly, but he mentions it often with angry disgust. Reporters, pundits, and the other candidates treat it as a sideshow, a handy way for Trump (King Kong Jr.) to smack down the pitiful airplanes that attack him as he bestrides his mighty tower, roaring. But the analysts have it exactly backward. Political correctness is the biggest issue facing America today. Even Trump has just barely faced up to it. The ironic name disguises the real nature of this force, which ought to be called invasive leftism or thought-police liberalism or metastasized progressivism. The old-time American mainstream, working- and middle-class white males and their families, is mad as hell about political correctness and the havoc it has wreaked for 40 years — havoc made worse by the flat refusal of most serious Republicans to confront it.”

I thought Gelernter was onto something at the time, and I thought about this passage again when reading the thoughts of a 22-year-old Trump supporter quoted by Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic. Fridersdorf’s correspondent (whose name is redacted) is a prosperous post-collegian in the San Francisco Bay area — someone who should be backing Bernie, or Hillary, or maybe Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. But instead he’s backing Trump, and so is his Asian fiancée. And the reason he gives is political correctness. “For me personally, it's resistance against what San Francisco has been, and what I see the country becoming, in the form of ultra-PC culture. That’s where it's almost impossible to have polite or constructive political discussion. Disagreement gets you labeled fascist, racist, bigoted, etc. It can provoke a reaction so intense that you’re suddenly an unperson to an acquaintance or friend. ... This is a war over how dialogue in America will be shaped. If Hillary wins, we're going to see a further tightening of PC culture. But if Trump wins? If Trump wins, we will have a president that overwhelmingly rejects PC rhetoric. Even better, we will show that more than half the country rejects this insane PC regime.”

It’s not a coincidence that when leftist protesters showed up at a conservative event at Rutgers University, students responded to the leftists’ chants with ”Trump! Trump!Trump!”

Political correctness is not, as some might claim, just an effort to encourage niceness. As Gelernter notes, it’s an effort to control people. Like the Newspeak in George Orwell’s 1984, the goal is to make it impossible for people to speak, or even think, unapproved thoughts.

Of course, by limiting what people can think and say, political correctness has hollowed out America’s universities, cheapened and distorted its politics, and served (and this last is entirely intentional) to make those who favor traditional American values like free speech feel marginalized and at risk. (I saw someone on Twitter talking about “America-shaming” last week, and that term fits pretty well.) But as leftists like to say, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
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