Do Pot Doctors all smoke Pot ?

I'm not for sure they all are on the reefer but one thing is for sure in my experience. They all seem not not be very professional compared to my regular doctor and tbh it is disappointing. The last one I saw 2 years ago was a total joke. I made comments on this forum that were my honest experience with my wife as a witness and I was threatened with law suit by one of the employees of the clinic. Even tho what they did was a blatant disregard for the law. Seeing the doc via Skype is not an "in person evaluation"
dr bob said he never tried it iirc

Good for Dr Bob , I’m sure he is talking about illegal marijuana , I have never tried it myself because there is no medical value , this fact has been stated real clear by the law makers . But the good news is that there is another plant that has a huge medical value ( I know this for a fact ) people get it confused with illegal marijuana because it looks exactly like the marijuana that has no medical value .

The good plant was given to us by our creator , its stated real clear in the Bible that it was given to us by God for food . People should check it out , it is stated so clear that there is no question ! Everyone should join the triple H club , live Happy , Healthy, and High .