Open Show n' Tell 2016

I would stick with the Max Sea if I had access. It works ok, its a good supplemental once every few weeks, but I wouldn't rely on it
Unless you can find some cold pressed stuff (hydroslate) I would go for a kelp based food. This stuff doesnt make any difference that I have seen noticably. I stopped using it probably 6 months ago and just use water, water+aloe, water+ coconut water, water+blackstrap molasses.
Unless you can find some cold pressed stuff (hydroslate) I would go for a kelp based food. This stuff doesnt make any difference that I have seen noticably. I stopped using it probably 6 months ago and just use water, water+aloe, water+ coconut water, water+blackstrap molasses.
I will not stop the fish poo i do see a difference enough to put up with the smell.
I liked to use it in a tea once in a while, but I havent seen any difference in the last few crops so no loss here. Stuff here might be shit quality
Just added:
+ Midnight farm's Snowman
+ queen bee's birthday cake....
+ darkhearts SFV OG
+ darkhearts Platinum OG
+ midnight farms super skunk
Darkhearts platinum og was super sticky and frosty but didn't have much nose. A friend of mine grew it, not me. It looked like he fucked the cure up with wet buds so that probably had a lot to do with it if that's what happened. He was a new grower so I didn't want to beat him up and ask, so I just congratulated him on a job well done haha.
Darkhearts platinum og was super sticky and frosty but didn't have much nose. A friend of mine grew it, not me. It looked like he fucked the cure up with wet buds so that probably had a lot to do with it if that's what happened. He was a new grower so I didn't want to beat him up and ask, so I just congratulated him on a job well done haha.
"Good shit man", as you are trying not to cough your lungs through your nose hahahaha