Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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You did not apologize to the person you actually offended. You owe Annie the public apology; not me.

You also did not account for your "NASA is deception in Jew language" declaration of anti-Semitic thought and sentiment.

The red herring about my alleged maturity exposes this false apology as an attempt to recruit the gullible.

I did apologize, I'll do it again look, I'm sorry annie for offending you I'm sorry for for the joke about you grabbing cannabineers cock. I apologize to you again also cannabineer. It was distasteful and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
I'm a dude. In a way it does because round earth and 911 are the biggest lies ever. If people accepted the truth things would change for the better.
thanks for answering, thing with 911.. there was something to gain i guess in a really fucked up way. but there is absolutely nothing to gain lying about the earth being round, and we all know if there is nothing to gain, the government dont care. but id appreciate it if you answered my question about the red bull video. you asked me to link it back up, so i did
I did apologize, I'll do it again look, I'm sorry annie for offending you I'm sorry for for the joke about you grabbing cannabineers cock. I apologize to you again also cannabineer. It was distasteful and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
now mouth hug his weener
You did not apologize to the person you actually offended. You owe Annie the public apology; not me.

You also did not account for your "NASA is deception in Jew language" declaration of anti-Semitic thought and sentiment.

The red herring about my alleged maturity exposes this false apology as an attempt to recruit the gullible.
It wasn't antisemitic the hebrews are the jews I've already explained that to you look it up.
@curious2garden I'm sorry if my distasteful cock grabbing joke offended you it was not my intention.
thanks for answering, thing with 911.. there was something to gain i guess in a really fucked up way. but there is absolutely nothing to gain lying about the earth being round, and we all know if there is nothing to gain, the government dont care. but id appreciate it if you answered my question about the red bull video. you asked me to link it back up, so i did
I asked him the same thing. He thinks Satan has souls to gain. Satan and god are playing a good ole game of 1 on 1 for our souls.
I did apologize, I'll do it again look, I'm sorry annie for offending you I'm sorry for for the joke about you grabbing cannabineers cock. I apologize to you again also cannabineer. It was distasteful and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
Thanks Dr.P I'm way over that. I'm used to ad hominem and don't get upset. My concern is that NASA means deceit in Hebrew post you made. I have a real issue with religious zealots and bigots. Your specious attempts at explanation simply made it worse.

Especially your I'm a jew post.
I did apologize, I'll do it again look, I'm sorry annie for offending you I'm sorry for for the joke about you grabbing cannabineers cock. I apologize to you again also cannabineer. It was distasteful and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
"I'm sorry that I offended anyone" would have worked so much better than that sly snide blamestorm " ...if...". It translates to "I apologize for YOUR being crazy ass fuckhead". You have used just such language with me and others who have argued alongside my stated positions.

That is not how one apologizes. That is how one slyly says "everything I said about you was RIGHT and I APOLOGIZE for being RIGHT". I call that a display of impressively disingenuous rhetoric.
Sound more like Greek mythology then logic. Hasn't really given us any scientific proof.
And he won't, because he hasn't done any real work. He picks and chooses examples he believes, discards everything that doesn't fit. The shame is he hasn't tested the ideas. He is a Cliff's Notes type guy; too lazy to read the real stuff, he'll just read the abstract. If he had done the real work, he'd see that the subject requires an open mind and a necessity to consider numerous variables. His explanation of Coriolis on bullets was laughable; no consideration of temperature, air density, humidity, layered wind patterns
Thanks Dr.P I'm way over that. I'm used to ad hominem and don't get upset. My concern is that NASA means deceit in Hebrew post you made. I have a real issue with religious zealots and bigots. Your specious attempts at explanation simply made it worse.

Especially your I'm a jew post.
I said my mother was jewish. however you wish to spin your web is up to you. The hebrew post was funny and it wasn't directed towards anyone.
"I'm sorry that I offended anyone" would have worked so much better than that sly snide blamestorm " ...if...". It translates to "I apologize for YOUR being crazy ass fuckhead". You have used just such language with me and others who have argued alongside my stated positions.

That is not how one apologizes. That is how one slyly says "everything I said about you was RIGHT and I APOLOGIZE for being RIGHT". I call that a display of impressively disingenuous rhetoric.
That's all I can do man take it or leave it. I have never called you a crazy fuckhead.
And he won't, because he hasn't done any real work. He picks and chooses examples he believes, discards everything that doesn't fit. The shame is he hasn't tested the ideas. He is a Cliff's Notes type guy; too lazy to read the real stuff, he'll just read the abstract. If he had done the real work, he'd see that the subject requires an open mind and a necessity to consider numerous variables. His explanation of Coriolis on bullets was laughable; no consideration of temperature, air density, humidity, layered wind patterns
I doubt he watched any of our round earth proof videos either. I gave him a video that answered all the questions with logic and science and he never answers to it. To any of us.
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