Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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The ancient Greeks calculated the circumference of the earth almost down to the mile by measuring shadows. Imagine what we can do with modern technology.

Eratohtenes assumed we are on a ball earth. His calculations also confirm the flat earth with a sun at 3000 distance. We can see shadows and measure them just fine on a plane.
Eratohtenes assumed we are on a ball earth. His calculations also confirm the flat earth with a sun at 3000 distance. We can see shadows and measure them just fine on a plane.

its not fish eye, its a curved lens. but look at the rest of the picture, if you believe theres that much of a curve on one object in the frame, and barely any curve on anything else in the frame. look at him, his hands, the shuttle (iguess itd be called a shuttle i dont know) also look that its not made by nasa, its made by red bull. if you really want to believe an energy drink company would take it this far to lie to you, im sorry for you. youre just too stuck on believing something with no basis. ill admit, its cool to read about conspiracy shit.. but when you get too wrapped up in it, then ya got a problem
Just because you state things it does not make it so. When adults debate/discuss they know the burden of proof is on the one making a positive claim. The larger the claim, the more proof is necessary. That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Pro tip - YT vids and bogus pics from bias sources are not evidence...

If you still believe 911 was done by 19 cavemen there is no hope for you.
If you aren't enjoy the turtle.
I saw a giant snapping turtle crossing the road on my journey to eat cookies. It had traffic stopped. Sure hope it made it across the road safely, but I have my doubts because it was rush hour still and some automobiles were attempting to skirt the roadblock.
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