Quick organic nitrogen source


Well-Known Member
Im looking for a quick nitrogen fertilizer thats organic. Will compost be instantly available to my plants if i topdress my soil with it?
You can try top dressing with alfalfa, fish meal, kelp, or neem cake. I've been using an amino acid powder from kelp4less as a foliar spray....pretty cheap and it gives a noticeable plant response in about a day. It really greened up my veggie garden and made everything grow vigorously.
Urine should be diluted to about 4:1 water to urine for healthy plants, or 10:1 for seedlings. It's likely your urine is relative high in salts so you need be careful of salt buildup.

Source - http://www.nwedible.com/how-to-use-pee-in-your-garden/
in fact when I did that I diluted at approx. 15/1
wasn't scientific, but a bladderfull in 4 gallons of water was perfect.
you'll see results in like a day.
provided it is indeed a nitrogen def.
Most people are avoiding guano these days because it is a known disease vector and how they harvest it is extremely damaging to the environment. Plus, it doesnt have anything magical that cant be found in something else that is much cheaper and better for the environment and yourself. Dont breath that bat shit in!
he wanted something available instantly.
also feather meal has a BUNCH of arsenic in it.
sadly, because it works well.
Arsenic used to be in feather meal because it was fed to chickens to prevent disease, but they have now banned asenic use in poultry farming so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.