Random Jabber Jibber thread

Insat where are ykh right now?

I get this whole bs of on a bus well the bus could be in montreal for all I know. I atart yelling where and people gry mad.

Wtf do people not understand the engliah language.
Rain...rain...go the fuck away!Please go away for another day!
Of course it does this crap just as I've started my own business...I can't work in the rain!
It's been raining for 2 almost 3 weeks straight.It's usually 100 damn degrees!I ain't been fishing in weeks!It's fucked up my garden,making my yard muddy,flooding my neighborhood...both entrances have about 2-3ft of water..my truck and jeep will make it but my wife's car truck dodge thing:) she drives will not.Poor woman had to stay at her momma's till the water went down..hehehe!:)I went and got her yesterday during a lull in the rain BUT NOW IT'S BACK AGAIN!Fuck,Fuck,Fucking Rain!Theres more bitchin to be done but I'll spare y'all.I'll be alright I guess.L8R
Rain...rain...go the fuck away!Please go away for another day!
Of course it does this crap just as I've started my own business...I can't work in the rain!
It's been raining for 2 almost 3 weeks straight.It's usually 100 damn degrees!I ain't been fishing in weeks!It's fucked up my garden,making my yard muddy,flooding my neighborhood...both entrances have about 2-3ft of water..my truck and jeep will make it but my wife's car truck dodge thing:) she drives will not.Poor woman had to stay at her momma's till the water went down..hehehe!:)I went and got her yesterday during a lull in the rain BUT NOW IT'S BACK AGAIN!Fuck,Fuck,Fucking Rain!Theres more bitchin to be done but I'll spare y'all.I'll be alright I guess.L8R
That's how it's been for me. My moms veggie garden literally got washed away.

Btw nice sig, I'm a big Cowboys fan.
I'm a die hard too...through the losses and the many,many wins!

Yeah man this rain is killing me I'm sure if you watch the news in the U.S. you've probably been seeing all the flooding here in Texas.Thank God it hasn't flooded the houses in my hood,just other hoods in the area.It just been raining so hard and long that the ground is saturated and people's trees are falling onto and in to their homes then the damn rain ruins eveything.It sucks,whole neighborhoods are being trashed by a few ft of water.
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yea i heard we've just been getting blasted. one of my spots in bastrop is pretty well flooded.
luckily ive been on the east coast the past week. nervous to see what ill be returning home to
DUUUDE.....it's been wet!Hope all is good when you get back.