Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
It occurred to me with some so called geostationary satellites traveling much slower than other satellites like the space station which travels at 17000 miles an hour supposedly, and with all the slow and fast satellites up there. Isn't there a massive risk of the space station plowing into a satellite moving thousands of miles less per hour? They say there is 3000 to 7000 satellites up there.


Well-Known Member
cool.. what f?acts or theory is your opinion based off of?
Ok, gravity is a force agreed? The force of gravity. If a force pulls on a larger object it will move less than if a force pulls on a smaller object. Tie a rope to a bucket of water half full and pull on it. Then fill the bucket the rest of the way up and pull on it. Which one moves more?
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