anyone know whats causing this


Well-Known Member
20160530_135252.jpg I have been having a problem with my seedlings for outdoor season. Something keeps chewing the stalk of my plants, if anyone can give me an idea of what would be doing this please let me know
Nothing is laying on them something keeps eating the stalk right at the top of soil. I have cats but they cant get near these i have them caged to prevent them from eating them
Once again i repeat nothing can get into the cage i have around them, not gophers cats rabbits anything of that sort, they are not eating the stalk all the way threw just enough to make them fall over. It has to be some sort of insect that is causing this. Not a animal!!!
Doesnt look like anything was eating it, but then maybe my eyes arent so good anymore... look up damping off....
larger or beer trap will tell you if its slugs cut a bottle ,plastic bottle in half,full to the top with beer or larger,put it below soil level and the slugs will go for that every time, they will be floating in it next day,Or double sided tape,put it around the side of the pot then stick salt to it kills em,or has soon has they touch it they turn round and go else where.

If there would have been more damage i would have said mouse damage,really small gage netting around it,but there would be chewing on the leaves if it was mice.

Have to agree slug's beer traps,
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Nope cant be the wind, they are very well surrounded. Also tried the double sided sticky tape with salt to no effect and no slugs either. Its getting crazy aggravating cause ive probably lost $150 worth of seeds so far. Any more suggestions?
Nope cant be the wind, they are very well surrounded. Also tried the double sided sticky tape with salt to no effect and no slugs either. Its getting crazy aggravating cause ive probably lost $150 worth of seeds so far. Any more suggestions?

Don't put them outside.
Let them get bigger before you put them outside I put mine out and they are all chewed up I found like 20 slugs on each plant what can I use to kill slugs and if u had slugs they would be stuck to the leaves well good luck