Donald Trump

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you're not making any sense right now, you must be drunk and getting ready to commit your fourth criminal act of drunk driving.

and you're still too much of a coward to even admit that you are a hate filled, racist loser.

i could go on doing this all day.

Poopy pants, I already had you pegged as a lair years ago. And I haven't touched a drop of alcohol today. Your lip should be getting sore here pretty soon Its just after 2 pm here. TRUMP!
I already had you pegged as a lair

like, something that bears live in?

sorry, but you are the one who spends months at a time alone at sea with sexually insecure men. i'm guessing you've had quite a few bears nesting in you. soecifically your mouth and anus. on the boat you inherited from your daddy.

in other words, you have gay sex with men.

not that there's anything wrong with that.
Poopy pants those would make really good sigs for you. Go ahead and keep the suit on and load'em up. TRUMP!

do you think telling obama to go back to kenya proves how totally not racist you are?

i tend to think it shows what a hate-filled racist loser you are.

how do you see it?
It was at one point in time spelled and pronounced Viet Nam, as two words.

For more than 50 years it has been a ONE WORD spelling and pronunciation.

You are dumb. So very dumb.

So you are saying when I was born it was spelled the way I wrote it? And when you were born it was written your way. OK , so now we have an understanding we both had it right. OK thats cool, so maybe now the other smart fucker can apologize for being mistaken. TRUMP!
do you think telling obama to go back to kenya proves how totally not racist you are?

i tend to think it shows what a hate-filled racist loser you are.

how do you see it?

Poopy pants, I don't want you to lose anymore of your self esteem but most of the nation wouldn't care where he went as long as he got the fuck out of the white house. Thank fucking god his days are numbered, but the damage that* POSOTUS can do in his last months could prove to be disturbing. TRUMP!

*piece of shit of the united states. incase you are wondering.
Poopy pants, I don't want you to lose anymore of your self esteem but most of the nation wouldn't care where he went as long as he got the fuck out of the white house. Thank fucking god his days are numbered, but the damage that* POSOTUS can do in his last months could prove to be disturbing. TRUMP!

*piece of shit of the united states. incase you are wondering.

do you consider yourself a racist though?

i think that running away from such a simple question 15 times already should be enough for you.

show us that you are not a coward and try to answer the best you can, 128moneyman.
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So you are saying when I was born it was spelled the way I wrote it? And when you were born it was written your way. OK , so now we have an understanding we both had it right. OK thats cool, so maybe now the other smart fucker can apologize for being mistaken. TRUMP!

He isn't mistaken. He was correct, Vietnam is one word.

The way you wrote, Viet Nam, was the old way of saying it. It is no longer correct to write or say Viet Nam.

I'm sorry you are too stupid to comprehend that logic. It is quite simple.

Using your logic, I'm guessing you use words like oriental and nigger on a daily basis, because it was ok to use at one point in time.

You are racist, tired and stupid. You prove that every time you post a comment on RIU. And I'm sure you prove it every time you open your tired racist mouth.

That entered USA legally and your point is ??? Actually if you break it down , only 2 percent of the population of USA is of that land all the rest are immigrants of some other nationality including you..
Everyone is raciest to some point don't forget who almost wiped the indigenous native population
or hoarded up all the Japanese in world war 2 and even took there land sad thing is they were US citizens ..
But you will at all costs cause you hate trump so much, vote for Hillary.
A person that goes against all american beliefs, and fundamentals of what made USA what it once was ..
A person that sold you out lets not forget that Uranium deal with Russia now Russia owns what 20 percent of all american uranium .
Ask your self you think Trump would turn his back on Americans being attacked like Hillary did ?? i suggest you watch this movie

At the End of the day who really cares TRUMP is the best bet over Hillary one thing about him i sense he will not put up with SHIT ,, He is going to get things rolling for the better ,, for all levels of income and corporations its a win win ..
If there is any indication what the government has done in the last 20 years ??? Really only pushed and compounded the real problem in USA that is not fixing fuck all just staking the pile of shit that will always come back and kick you in the ass. like bad DEBT you cannot run away from it

So there will be probably bouncy road but which ever way you look at it its moving forward
Hillary will only RAPE You even more Wake the fuck up peeps
USA cannot sustain it self on the road its going and sure the hell you cannot rely on Hillary to clean it up when she is partly to blame

You need to capitalize the D and the H my gosh how uneducated are you. Typical I suppose, now come at me with a big big word to prove how smart you are.
He isn't mistaken. He was correct, Vietnam is one word.

The way you wrote, Viet Nam, was the old way of saying it. It is no longer correct to write or say Viet Nam.

I'm sorry you are too stupid to comprehend that logic. It is quite simple.

Using your logic, I'm guessing you use words like oriental and nigger on a daily basis, because it was ok to use at one point in time.

You are racist, tired and stupid. You prove that every time you post a comment on RIU. And I'm sure you prove it every time you open your tired racist mouth.

I see you are getting a sweet tooth for democratic candy. Droping the "n" word. go ahead and let'er rip. Stuff your mouth full of candy, I know you like it. All smart fuckers like you love that candy. TRUMP!
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