The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Thats just the best view from my road ro the sea. my car s are is not in pic not really arsed if it waz, fuk the po po ifor a bit o grn.f thy wanna bust me for 10 idoor fair play they wont find me garfen ,wid 20

b enought to puncture your skull,full stop mate.aaaaaghh the haters in here. u bunch be must b right bored i only come in for the crakand youselot wantung me back in grassscuty.lmfao, im xanxaxd and blued up out ne face so why dont u take a fuki bath with your radiohad on fukin troll thet get pkeasure frim them rell j shit remarjs.wooooohoooi
a 12ft/lb spring would struggle to go thru a cardboard box let alone my skull ( well unless u use rabbitkillers) lmao, u need to calm down a bit as well....werent having a pop at ya, just find it funny that people buy all the scopes n shit for them pea shooters n then leave the original weak arse spring in em, seems pointless to me


Well-Known Member
na man, only samples from the man himself and the shit is the bollocks.

got a load of cuts with no roots i'm waiting on and gonna run the mum i took them from as a one planter in another garden.

mono cropping is the way i reckon cause this is a tall fucker from all accounts, i'm thinking 4 per 600w in a room at around 6ft tall plants.

i know it's nute heavy but does it drink a lot?. as i was only planning on using 15-20l of coco per plant, i find my kushes always like a dry root zone and dont drink as much as the skunks and hazes. i've also got some 35l pots that i might try for an experiment, i ran exo in them last run but that is the biggest drinker i have by a mile.
not too familiar with it as this is my 2 proper grow with it


Well-Known Member
I've found she does best in 11 ltr or 18 ltr I'd say 11 is best for the glue hit em heavy loads of nutes silicon calmag whatever u can give it and she'll thrive man


Well-Known Member
a 12ft/lb spring would struggle to go thru a cardboard box let alone my skull ( well unless u use rabbitkillers) lmao, u need to calm down a bit as well....werent having a pop at ya, just find it funny that people buy all ,its not a spring euther the scopes n shit for them pea shooters n then leave the original weak arse spring in em, seems pointless to me
Already had the scope fom a previous rifle ive got a few..if u were to look its not spring action it is a telling you now that hw 100 would kill u stone dead.i can hit a 1p at,,100yardsits one of the best guns on the market.