What are examples of issues that would legitimately be labeled "States Rights"?

Because the Texas bill of rights protects even racist. Racism is a personal opinion. Opinions are protected no matter how ignorant. If they made comments like that at a public tnm meeting they would probly be kicked out.
Because the Texas bill of rights protects even racist. Racism is a personal opinion. Opinions are protected no matter how ignorant. If they made comments like that at a public tnm meeting they would probly be kicked out.

texas doesn't protect racism, it codified it into law.

ever read the original texas secession letter from the civil war?
do you really even own the property if the government, which you never consented to, tells you that you are not allowed to rape 10 year old children there?
Before I put @Rob Roy on ignore, he'd go on and on about how great it was to be off the grid. He described how his redneck cobbled together solar system was the talk of the town (no doubt) and how great it was to have a neighbor keep his beer cold for him because his system couldn't run a refrigerator. Also, walking like 10 miles carrying water too. I get this image of daddy hillbilly out among his children and his children's children. They all look like Daddy Roy. Even the girls have long beards. Yep, daddy roy hillbilly walking down the road to his neighbor's house to get one of his beers and probably stay for supper.
Before I put @Rob Roy on ignore, he'd go on and on about how great it was to be off the grid. He described how his redneck cobbled together solar system was the talk of the town (no doubt) and how great it was to have a neighbor keep his beer cold for him because his system couldn't run a refrigerator. Also, walking like 10 miles carrying water too. I get this image of daddy hillbilly out among his children and his children's children. They all look like Daddy Roy. Even the girls have long beards. Yep, daddy roy hillbilly walking down the road to his neighbor's house to get one of his beers and probably stay for supper.

fuck i missed that. makes sense he is a subsistence farmer.
Then stop calling me racist and a cowered till I I prove otherwise.

i'm only 95% percent sure you are a racist sock puppet. i base this only on gut instinct and empirical observations from the past. the coward part is right though. you talk a good civil war but you won't actually get off the computer and make one happen.

It was posted a while ago. I'd look it up but then I'd have to read his shit. So, probably not.

i just looked it up. i wonder what he does for internet?
Before I put @Rob Roy on ignore, he'd go on and on about how great it was to be off the grid. He described how his redneck cobbled together solar system was the talk of the town (no doubt) and how great it was to have a neighbor keep his beer cold for him because his system couldn't run a refrigerator. Also, walking like 10 miles carrying water too. I get this image of daddy hillbilly out among his children and his children's children. They all look like Daddy Roy. Even the girls have long beards. Yep, daddy roy hillbilly walking down the road to his neighbor's house to get one of his beers and probably stay for supper.
He sounds like Ted Kazinsky with an internet connection and a penchant for fucking children
But only white consenting children
i'm only 95% percent sure you are a racist sock puppet. i base this only on gut instinct and empirical observations from the past. the coward part is right though. you talk a good civil war but you won't actually get off the computer and make one happen.

i just looked it up. i wonder what he does for internet?
Probably chisels time from his neighbor. Imagine what his neighbor thinks when he sees that windbag walking his way. "Martha, put away the food, Roy's heading our way. Once he get's started on our computer, he'll be gone for hours and we can eat."
you just said private property is not private if others are telling you what to do there.

so how can you say you even own your property if the government tells you not to fuck 10 year old kids there?

I said a person should be able to do control property they own, Poopy Pants.

The 10 year old isn't the property owners property is he/she ?
I said a person should be able to do control property they own, Poopy Pants.

The 10 year old isn't the property owners property is he/she ?

does a store owner own the black person they want to refuse service to?

and exactly how does "forced integration" affect you personally? you complain about it enough, we should hear about your trials and tribulations.

is it true you rely on a neighbor for refridgeration too?
honestly, that does probably explain a bit of it. but i am very outspoken against racists, as have seen during your previous accounts here.why is the TNM not more willing to condemn the vast amount of racism within their organization?

do they just welcome the racists in order to boost their own lousy numbers?

Why do you have a hypodescent way of viewing things if you are outspoken against racists ?
Why do you have a hypodescent way of viewing things if you are outspoken against racists ?

if this is about you repeatedly referring to obama by racial slurs, we have been over this already. you were not using those racial slurs in any sort of anthropological sense, and you were definitely not trying to goad me since i was not even a member when you were using those racial slurs.

also, can you please tell us about how "forced integration" effects you personally?
