USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

Results are only viewable after voting.
You are an incredibly self-absorbed person with nothing of value to add to the conversation, go die alone in your solipsist fantasy world.

Licking the dried feces from a skanks ass can cause temporary insanity. Might I recommend you adjust the water pressure of your shower and use a bit more caution when applying tongue to sphincter ? I wish you a healthy and speedy recovery.

Too bad your temporary insanity kicked in, you had promise until your cognitive dissonance kicked in.

Oh....and don't be afraid to use lots of soap.
Licking the dried feces from a skanks ass can cause temporary insanity. Might I recommend you adjust the water pressure of your shower and use a bit more caution when applying tongue to sphincter ? I wish you a healthy and speedy recovery.

Too bad your temporary insanity kicked in, you had promise until your cognitive dissonance kicked in.

Oh....and don't be afraid to use lots of soap.

Yeesh. Every time I think you might have something, ANYTHING of value to add to the conversation, I see drivel like this instead.

I'm glad I keep you on ignore, there's apparently never going to be a moment of enlightenment for you.

A pity.
So far it looks like CLinton is going to be the nominee
I'm not STUPID enough to write Sanders in if he isn't the Nominee
Understand that?
I'll repeat it

DON'T SELL YOURSELF SO SHORT! I've read some of your posts and you are STUPID ENOUGH! I just don't think your smart enough to see ttystikks point, who as I see it is thinking of the long run and how things cycle.
DON'T SELL YOURSELF SO SHORT! I've read some of your posts and you are STUPID ENOUGH! I just don't think your smart enough to see ttystikks point, who as I see it is thinking of the long run and how things cycle.
Oh you mean we must elect trump so people will beg for Sanders in 2020?
That's a mega stupid idea
He will do a better job than Nader did to get Trump elected though
If Clinton was a better candidate you wouldn't have to worry about it

Take a little responsibility. If she doesn't get elected, it won't be because of Sanders, it'll be because she failed to convince voters she'd be a better president than Donald Trump
A person on a fixed income doesn't benefit from government caused inflation.

Why do you hate old people ?
Govt doesnt (or shouldnt) at any rate cause inflation. They react and manage it. Its a normal economic thing. They should of reacted to the min wage vs inflation along time ago.
Eg; The Govt there has been keeping fuel prices at such low levels because they havent reacted to it properly and for years. They actually use your tax dollars to subsidize the cost. But the super rich dont pay tax (why should they? They tell you all who to vote for without a reason why..and then you do it?? ..) its the good old middle class funding the fuel subsidization which they then get to save at the gas station....
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As an outsider looking in i see the candidates this way.

Bernie will get the intelligent vote.

Clinton will get the establishments vote.

Trump will get the fools vote.

Americas intelligence test is what the rest of the world has been calling this election. (no joke).

Obama by the way is very well liked by the world. He has done an amazing job on helping to contain the GFC (it could of been allot worse). A funny, intelligent, well dressed President that was for the people- wow eh? I wish you more of those. The things he could of done if the media and congress and more importantly, the people, supported his ideas more.
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If Clinton was a better candidate you wouldn't have to worry about it

Take a little responsibility. If she doesn't get elected, it won't be because of Sanders, it'll be because she failed to convince voters she'd be a better president than Donald Trump
Sanders doesn't have the handicap of being attacked by entertainers on AM radio for the last 25 years
Oh you mean we must elect trump so people will beg for Sanders in 2020?
That's a mega stupid idea

That idea came from you! Are you saying that you are mega stupid?
I meant what I said, and Sanders running in 2020 was not part of my thoughts. I was only adding to the reasons he has already stated for NOT voting for Clinton, he could be right for the wrong reasons or wrong for the right reasons, whatever its his vote and his right to use it as he wishes. What if Clinton wins even with a large Sanders write in? The permutations are endless. The truth is I think he will vote as he thinks he should, rightly or wrongly. That doesn't make it him stupid.
That idea came from you! Are you saying that you are mega stupid?
I meant what I said, and Sanders running in 2020 was not part of my thoughts. I was only adding to the reasons he has already stated for NOT voting for Clinton, he could be right for the wrong reasons or wrong for the right reasons, whatever its his vote and his right to use it as he wishes. What if Clinton wins even with a large Sanders write in? The permutations are endless. The truth is I think he will vote as he thinks he should, rightly or wrongly. That doesn't make it him stupid.
Bernbot sock puppet?
If Clinton was a better candidate you wouldn't have to worry about it

Take a little responsibility. If she doesn't get elected, it won't be because of Sanders, it'll be because she failed to convince voters she'd be a better president than Donald Trump
And if bernbots give their votes to a guy who isn't on the ballot or stay home.
What's going to nullify the trump voters who didn't throw away their votes?
Govt doesnt (or shouldnt) at any rate cause inflation. They react and manage it. Its a normal economic thing. They should of reacted to the min wage vs inflation along time ago.
Eg; The Govt there has been keeping fuel prices at such low levels because they havent reacted to it properly and for years. They actually use your tax dollars to subsidize the cost. But the super rich dont pay tax (why should they? They tell you all who to vote for without a reason why..and then you do it?? ..) its the good old middle class funding the fuel subsidization which they then get to save at the gas station....

Government intervening is a factor. Government intervention is normal, because it occurs on a regular basis, but not because it adds value.

Government skews natural economic activity via licensure and other regulations which has an impact on the number of potential suppliers of a given good or service. While the extent of governments interruption to what might have been is difficult to measure, it exists. We can assume though that with fewer allowed providers of a given service or good the market prices will be higher, with some exceptions, notably when a monopoly created by excellent customer service rather than exclusion of potential competition exists.

For instance, the price of cannabis is not at its natural price due to government, the price is inflated.

I won't bother bringing up monetary policy or the federal reserve. Peace.
Yeesh. Every time I think you might have something, ANYTHING of value to add to the conversation, I see drivel like this instead.

I'm glad I keep you on ignore, there's apparently never going to be a moment of enlightenment for you.

A pity.

You ignore me, because your contradictions don't get pointed out to you as often if you put your hands over your ears.

The post you quoted was a response in kind to that person based on a prior ribald exchange.

Now go and run away to magical Bernie land where everyone gets a "free college education" , unless it's Bernie's wife who runs the college...then the school collapses due to poor financial management.
So your saying Sanders wants to sabotage the election?
No, I'm saying if people don't vote for Clinton, it won't have anything to do with Bernie Sanders. You can play the blame game all you want, the person who will be to blame if Hillary Clinton loses the general election to Donald Trump will be... Hillary Clinton. If you expected to ridicule and condescend Sanders supporters the entire primary without any consequences, that was a pretty poor judgment on your part as the approval numbers attest to. Sanders supporters didn't do that.