My pot movie

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man i got to say i looked up to u but u let me down lost 3 fucking crops and then copters man wtf u where supose to pull all that and with all the plants and the shear size of them and u got that little fuck man thats gay well see u going backyard hope the best for ya man keep growing
you are the fucking man espeacially at the end when your in your back yard thats what i say everyday of the year (come and fucking get me) i love you man your a whole new inspiration thanks bro your the shit hope to meet you someday nothin better than out door we know what it's like when your water supply dries out and the work starts diggin a 100 hundred hole carrying 150 bagsof dirt i mix my own holes and when you get caught with your pants down at your crop when the chopper finds it when your there walking fucking miles in the bush just to just to put the gift of hapiness,joy and money in the ground with all the hours of work every time you go you are my hero i am as obssed with growing as you are fuck the goverment theyll never stop us take one ofus down ther'll be 20 more of us to keep the supply goin ahmen to you i would add you asa freind on here but i don't know how if you could grace me with awsomeness you could add me thanks a million bro
thanks for hanging in. Look my old man is dying and I've got 500 videos to put out. You will get you DVDs. And you other guys? Please cut th slagging -- it's so old man. I hope to get the last of the orders out this week.
thanks for hanging in. Look my old man is dying and I've got 500 videos to put out. You will get you DVDs. And you other guys? Please cut th slagging -- it's so old man. I hope to get the last of the orders out this week.
oh damn dude sorry to hear that must be hard we was just having fun noithing against u man hope shit works for ya man
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