Need help with FOXFARM nutes


Well-Known Member
Hello, Im on my 2nd grow now. Im growing 2 plants in 5 gallon coco-perlite 2x 300w mars LED with 2 week veg and its in 6 week flower now. Ive been noticing that the buds are still pretty small in week six. i did some research... Then i realized that ive only been using Fox Farm big bloom along with cal-mag(micro nutes) the whole time instead of TIGER BLOOM (macro nutes). So my question is can i fix this by getting the tiger bloom? What should my feed schedule look like? ... One more thing, I have 2 clones from each plant. they are in week 2? I think... Growing under 1 23w CFL each, in 1 gallon pots, coco can i have advice on feeding schedule for these guys too. THANKS :-)
Hello, Im on my 2nd grow now. Im growing 2 plants in 5 gallon coco-perlite 2x 300w mars LED with 2 week veg and its in 6 week flower now. Ive been noticing that the buds are still pretty small in week six. i did some research... Then i realized that ive only been using Fox Farm big bloom along with cal-mag(micro nutes) the whole time instead of TIGER BLOOM (macro nutes). So my question is can i fix this by getting the tiger bloom? What should my feed schedule look like? ... One more thing, I have 2 clones from each plant. they are in week 2? I think... Growing under 1 23w CFL each, in 1 gallon pots, coco can i have advice on feeding schedule for these guys too. THANKS :-)
Use the directions on the back of the bottle. Go half strength at the beginning.
The directions are vague... should I flower acouple weeks longer so my buds can take in the tiger bloom or is it too late to? Should i feed twice a week?
Here is a general idea of what to use. So you will want to give clones about a capfull per gallon of the grow big. After a couple weeks once they are planted in your coco use 2-3 capfulls of grow big and 1 or 2 caps of the guano stuff. You want at least 600 ppm in your water for coco. Basically more nitrogen in veg. Then when they start to show sex start giving a capfull of the Tiger along with the others. Once they are about halfway through flower start giving less grow big and more tiger bloom until eventually you are using only tiger bloom and the guano stuff. Then last 2 weeks just use water. You will need to adjust the ratios of the 3 to your needs but that's a general idea.
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Oh yeah last thing. I like to use a little of the Tiger here and there for the added macro nutes throughout the process. Just a few drops here and there until flowering starts.
Also Google fox farms feeding schedule for more information. Don't forget to flush every week.
Flush every week ay?
On the Fox Farm hydro feed schedule, it says to flush every two weeks. Again, nutrient companies seem to be very vague on their directions...
To flush Once a week or once every two weeks, that is the question. Thinking I might go ahead & flush once a week. When doing this should i still use the rule of thumb flushing 2x the amount of the pot, for example 5 gallon pot flushed with 10 gal water(ph-ed, with cal-mag and 1/4 nutes) or since im flushing every week can I use just 5-7 gallons of water for the 5gallon pot.
10 gallon flush every week seems excessive to me, also not practical seeing ill be going through water like crazy, making trips to the store non-stop lol
It is a pain in the ass to flush but I have noticed the plants stay much happier the more the roots get flushed. Two weeks would probably be fine but at that amount of time the nute lock is a real issue. More frequent flushes allows the roots to have more access to useable nutes. This is a must to get the big nugs you want.
okay, But can i get away with using only 7 gallons of water instead of 10 for the 5 gallon pot?
might have to just try it and see what happens...
Thanks for the help gingerbread !:D
I am not a coco pro so that is hard to say. When I use solid medium I usually go by how the plants react to the watering. The leaves will tell you really quickly if they have too much or too little water. They will move the tips up or down depending on too much or too little.
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Pics ?

With your medium setup ( coco / perlite ) , i would use 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom
PLUS 1 tsp of Gro Big til end.

You can STILL use Big Bloom at 1 tsp pergallon.
So your mix will be of these 3 at a ratio per gallon of PH water.
Your medium does not have buffers to control PH so dial water to 6.3.

As far as flushing - STOP UNTIL FINAL WEEK.
Fox Farm does salt up but , you are going into later flower stage and it just stresses her , when she should JUST BLOOM WITHOUT DRAMA. Leaves will fade or look like a problem but no worries as these 3 weeks the main focus will be getting mass to the flowers.

Next run use the Fox Farm schedule and go by 1/2 strength on all nutes until you become
accustomed to how concentrated this nute line is. I personally NEVER go over 1/2 strength myself. Overfeeding your girls doesn't make them produce more , its just a waste of product. You are just looking for the middle ground BASED ON THE MEDIUM YOU ARE USING.

Soil is different , straight perlite is different , so on and so on.
Pics ?

With your medium setup ( coco / perlite ) , i would use 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom
PLUS 1 tsp of Gro Big til end.

You can STILL use Big Bloom at 1 tsp pergallon.
So your mix will be of these 3 at a ratio per gallon of PH water.
Your medium does not have buffers to control PH so dial water to 6.3.

As far as flushing - STOP UNTIL FINAL WEEK.
Fox Farm does salt up but , you are going into later flower stage and it just stresses her , when she should JUST BLOOM WITHOUT DRAMA. Leaves will fade or look like a problem but no worries as these 3 weeks the main focus will be getting mass to the flowers.

Next run use the Fox Farm schedule and go by 1/2 strength on all nutes until you become
accustomed to how concentrated this nute line is. I personally NEVER go over 1/2 strength myself. Overfeeding your girls doesn't make them produce more , its just a waste of product. You are just looking for the middle ground BASED ON THE MEDIUM YOU ARE USING.

Soil is different , straight perlite is different , so on and so on.
FORUMS rollitup.JPG FORUMS rollit up 2.JPG FORUMS rollitup 3.JPG FORUMS rollitup 4.JPG
These photos were taken Sunday-Monday 5-22 through 5-23-16
The bud's pistols are still white and im near week 7.
Leafs are too dark for my liking, plus the leaf's stems keep turning purple... nitrogen toxicity???
The plant of the right side did experience the "claw" although i was having heat problems at the time... since then i got a bigger grow tent (fixing my heat problem) and the "claws" have went away...

Thanks Buddha ! Yesterday i gave each plant 1/2 gallon( I always try to PH the water around 6) of nutes 2 tsp of bigbloom, 1tsp Tiger bloom, 1.5 tsp grow big, 1tsp Cal-mag per gallon.
I was following the hydro foxfarm feed schedule week 10, but did almost half of the recommended dose...
Next time I feed ill follow your feed advice because i think it was alittle too much for the plants:-|
So you are saying to use tap water for flush only, right?
If so, should i worry about any chemicals or minerals that might stress my plant?
I saying to use tap water for watering,feeding and flushing. Tap isn't gonna hurt anything. people drink it animals drink it and its used for watering every other plant people grow from house plants to food crops. Beleive it or not there are elements in tap water the plant use.
Update: took photos today and looks like one of the plant's buds are getting fatter expect for the other.
IMG_0592[1].JPG this strain is BBxWW , these buds are getting fatter
IMG_0593[1].JPG watered these guys today around half gal with 1tsp Cal-Mag
IMG_0595[1].JPG this strain is Money Maker, it has alot of underdeveloped bud which is my fault. hopefully it will fill out soon. known for high yields
IMG_0596[1].JPG BBxWW
IMG_0598[1].JPG BBxWW clones. its out grown the 1 gallon pots(roots are poking out), going to transplant to 3gal pot tomorrow
IMG_0599[1].JPG Money Maker clones, the left one has totally out grown its pot(root also poking out) right one is doing alright
Watered clones with 2cups of 1/2tsp Cal-Mag