Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

Then you will forever remain ignorant, cannakis may know things that you do not and by trusting his word you could bring that knowledge to yourself, and knowledge is power. I'm not saying you should believe everything you hear; trust your own intuition. Dismissing him as brainwashed sheep makes you look ignorant imo. "Judge not lest ye be judged"

@New Age United
Is correct. I believe that Heatless may have been between thoughts on that post.
After all. We are all here to not only teach. But to learn.

P.S.: I'm only being so selfie due to the fact that I drank some ayu brew earlier.
Hell just reading the recipe made me hungry as hell if I had the ingredients and wasn't already making chicken noodle soup it woulda been on lol
It is actually really good. And you realize how cheap it is in the long run. And very filling. If you could. Buy some honey. Putting some on helps to curb your sweet tooth.
I find it interesting that people take the words written in the bible so literally. If your omnipotent almighty god wanted to convey a message to be passed throughout history that is his absolute word, wouldn't he write it in some kind of way himself? Wouldn't he make it so man could not fuck with his words. There's so many different translations and versions of the bible, they are all mans interpretation. Take the bible as a guide, as a lesson, don't take it as absolute truth. Many of the lessons and guides in the bible are outdated for our current time, it simply doesn't work into our society, that doesn't mean we're some god hating race now that has strayed from the path, it simply means we have evolved and that the teachings of religion should evolve with us to help better ourselves and our society, not force it to try to go backwards and separate us.
Then you will forever remain ignorant, cannakis may know things that you do not and by trusting his word you could bring that knowledge to yourself, and knowledge is power. I'm not saying you should believe everything you hear; trust your own intuition. Dismissing him as brainwashed sheep makes you look ignorant imo. "Judge not lest ye be judged"
Jesus is My homeboy.
He is literally the only being that I have the strongest connection with besides My parents...
I may spread love and light but I am an asshole. Everyone has a bad side.
@cannakis the Bible does have value, as do a lot of ancient writings. but when people go throwing around and misconstruing these texts, it becomes the word of Man and not the word of God.

The Bible was written by humans. God does not write books, but occasionally throughout history hits people with knowledge. Those people write books, and then those books get used and abused by people in power. Just my 2 cents

Love y'all
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@cannakis the Bible does have value, as do a lot of ancient writings. but when people go throwing around and misconstruing these texts, it becomes the word of Man and not the word of God.

Love y'all
Well said Skuba Steve !!!! I am not discrediting the REAL Bible at all...
I have not even read it and if YOU have... Please... I would LOVE a copy.
And don't throw Your New King James Version...Shit even if You give Me ANY version in English...
I will not listen to You. My signature has more facts than any NKJ version.
because it is mostly in different languages.

Jesus is My homeboy.
He is literally the only being that I have the strongest connection with besides My parents...
I may spread love and light but I am an asshole. Everyone has a bad side.
I don't mean to offend you Heatless I wasn't calling you an asshole I was saying you are ignorant, big difference. I would much rather show my dark side than ignore the truth.
If you read in Ancient Greek and Hebrew both use the Same Word interchangeably for Spirit/Breath/Wind Ruwach in Hebrew and Pneuma in Greek.

Not one would think Oh they are just Simple languages. Well they use One Word interchangeably just like we do today with Love. While in Hebrew and Greek both they have 7 Words Each for Love!!!! Kind of interesting don't you think!?!

So that's why I say they have Spirit but Not Soul. It says in Genesis that the beasts of the earth have Breath/Spirit/Wind which is Some of the reason to treat animals with respect and Not abuse them. But they do Not have souls.
Can you define spirit and soul?
Can you define spirit and soul?
Soul is Who we are. It's who lives forever after this flesh becomes dirt again. Spirit is The Being, The Breath, The Wind that gives your Soul life and movement, thoughts and controls. THE HOLY SPIRIT is Pure Love and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. But there are Evil spirits, Demonic Spirits which try and persuade and Opress people's Souls, and Some that even Possess your Body having complete control over your Soul as well.... Other than JESUS CHRIST THE CREATOR AND SAVIOR WHO IS MASTER over All creation, even the evil fallen spirits, and HE Can cast out any evil spirit possessing or oppressing anyone just by HIS WORD.! And I'm Not talking about a Catholic exorcism, I'm talking Commanding the evil spirit to leave Now in JESUS CHRISTS NAME.! But remember the Most important thing is to Just Love GOD and Love others. And even Paul said to Test the spirits. So basically Soul is Us, while TRUE SPIRIT is THE LORD! What gives us energy and Life. Though let us always Love and be thankful our names are written in The Book of Life for this is All that matters, and bringing others into the fold. I hope this helps brother. Why do you ask?
Soul is Who we are. It's who lives forever after this flesh becomes dirt again. Spirit is The Being, The Breath, The Wind that gives your Soul life and movement, thoughts and controls. THE HOLY SPIRIT is Pure Love and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. But there are Evil spirits, Demonic Spirits which try and persuade and Opress people's Souls, and Some that even Possess your Body having complete control over your Soul as well.... Other than JESUS CHRIST THE CREATOR AND SAVIOR WHO IS MASTER over All creation, even the evil fallen spirits, and HE Can cast out any evil spirit possessing or oppressing anyone just by HIS WORD.! And I'm Not talking about a Catholic exorcism, I'm talking Commanding the evil spirit to leave Now in JESUS CHRISTS NAME.! But remember the Most important thing is to Just Love GOD and Love others. And even Paul said to Test the spirits. So basically Soul is Us, while TRUE SPIRIT is THE LORD! What gives us energy and Life. Though let us always Love and be thankful our names are written in The Book of Life for this is All that matters, and bringing others into the fold. I hope this helps brother. Why do you ask?
I was just interested in your opinions. This is very congruent with my view here let me share.

Soul: The human ego; the perspective of a mortal human being living in time; the false self; mortal

Spirit: Awareness; the Light; the breath of life; that which allows all things to exist; one with Space; one with God; eternal; the true self; Immortal

The devil or demonic spirits do exist within our consciousness and your right they are capable of influencing and even possessing our souls. They are the cause of all evil in this world. You, your spirit is capable of removing these demons simply by focusing the light of awareness on the thoughts and emotions as they exist in your mind and body. It takes time though you will find they go back into hiding and will come back but every time you shine the light on them they will burn up and over time eventually dissolve. I myself have cast out demons with a strict command "Come forth demon" but the demon will still resurface if the tribulations they face is enough to break their faith.
I was just interested in your opinions. This is very congruent with my view here let me share.

Soul: The human ego; the perspective of a mortal human being living in time; the false self; mortal

Spirit: Awareness; the Light; the breath of life; that which allows all things to exist; one with Space; one with God; eternal; the true self; Immortal

The devil or demonic spirits do exist within our consciousness and your right they are capable of influencing and even possessing our souls. They are the cause of all evil in this world. You, your spirit is capable of removing these demons simply by focusing the light of awareness on the thoughts and emotions as they exist in your mind and body. It takes time though you will find they go back into hiding and will come back but every time you shine the light on them they will burn up and over time eventually dissolve. I myself have cast out demons with a strict command "Come forth demon" but the demon will still resurface if the tribulations they face is enough to break their faith.
Amen you're right! And remember JESUS CHRIST says that Sometimes when a demon is cast out that he comes back finding the house swept and cleaned and bring 7 more with him to keep house... Very interesting... Our Authority is Not a toy or a joke, and we must let HIM guide us into HIS perfect will. Good stuff brother! Don't know if you ever have but you should read the Gospel According to John it will open your mind and Spirit!
Read the Geneva Bible it is the Purest Unadulterated WORD we have now a days. All the new copyrighted bibles today Literalky Omit entire verses!!!!! Hmm I wonder why!?!!!
The old testament, the four books written before Noah, those books are written in the perfect god language Heatless is looking for.

Its a type of mysticism, or numerology they were written. Loosely its like this


Or like

Where each number I have written is actually a Hebrew letter. Each block of text in those 4 books is perfect. You can read it forwards and it makes sense. Read it backwards and it makes sense. Read it diagonally and... You get the point.
But its even weirder.
You take the first word. Just the first word. And assign its numerical order according to any system, and then the word expands. Like think of an accordion. Closed it just says

Opened it says god the father, the son and the holy spirit. Or it will read something else, that makes sense according to the prophecies and that stuff. I wish I had the book still. Its a form of kabbalistic writing, which is insanely perfect. All kinds of hidden meanings.
Like Ab the father, Ben the son, and ruach the breath of life are all numerically the same value, and therefore are interchangeable.

And then god said you know what Noah? I'm tired bro. Here eat this Syrian rue, and this DMT containing plant matter and now you write. I'm gonna take a break for a few millennia, don't screw things up 'k?

And then Moses fucks up all the numerical awesomeness.

Obviously not that succinct, but
The old testament, the four books written before Noah, those books are written in the perfect god language Heatless is looking for.

Its a type of mysticism, or numerology they were written. Loosely its like this


Or like

Where each number I have written is actually a Hebrew letter. Each block of text in those 4 books is perfect. You can read it forwards and it makes sense. Read it backwards and it makes sense. Read it diagonally and... You get the point.
But its even weirder.
You take the first word. Just the first word. And assign its numerical order according to any system, and then the word expands. Like think of an accordion. Closed it just says

Opened it says god the father, the son and the holy spirit. Or it will read something else, that makes sense according to the prophecies and that stuff. I wish I had the book still. Its a form of kabbalistic writing, which is insanely perfect. All kinds of hidden meanings.
Like Ab the father, Ben the son, and ruach the breath of life are all numerically the same value, and therefore are interchangeable.

And then god said you know what Noah? I'm tired bro. Here eat this Syrian rue, and this DMT containing plant matter and now you write. I'm gonna take a break for a few millennia, don't screw things up 'k?

And then Moses fucks up all the numerical awesomeness.

Obviously not that succinct, but
I've heard of this numbering ordeal, and it is interesting THE FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST are in there...

But Noah did Not write any scripture. Noah was before Abraham and Isaac. Noah is Supposedly (which I do believe) The Ancestor we All come from after the flood.

Moses Was the one who wrote the Torah (first Books, Genesis Exodus Deuteronomy and Leviticus) he himself wrote those scriptures. Before him it was All passed by word of mouth and Tradition.

And Kabala is pretty Dark stuff and plays into a lot of Occultism. Those who Persecuted JESUS CHRIST were Kabalists or Mystics that Knew the Law better than any, that worshiped GOD "better than any". But these Hypocrites were the very ones JESUS CHRIST warned of, prayed for, and said will enter hell.

There may be hidden meanings, but THE WORD is right there waiting to be Read Aloud, Not deciphered. You can attest any meaning to codes and hidden meanings. WORD that is Readily Accepted is What Tryly holds weight.

Remember the saying... The devil is in the details.! And just decided to add this... And JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD!
You can find his name in the old testament using the way I mentioned. They can hold some really potent secrets, but the holy trinity is contained within the first word