EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Sky you cannot go by polls as if they are actual elections.
Before Sanders can have a chance to go against Trump he would have to beat Clinton. He can't.

In a fair contest he'd mop the floor with her. This primary season has shown every citizen who cares to pay attention just how rigged our 'democracy' has become and how little the voice of We the People counts towards outcomes anymore.

THIS is the real reason Mr Sanders should stick to his guns, because his fight against the machine has shown just how corrupt it is. And, it's why he has my vote.

If the average American sees this election process and concludes there's nothing wrong with it, then they deserve the ass fucking they'll get. Over and over again until they get tired of it.

@schuylaar put it well and succinctly above; 'if not now, then when?'
In a fair contest he'd mop the floor with her. This primary season has shown every citizen who cares to pay attention just how rigged our 'democracy' has become and how little the voice of We the People counts towards outcomes anymore.

THIS is the real reason Mr Sanders should stick to his guns, because his fight against the machine has shown just how corrupt it is. And, it's why he has my vote.

If the average American sees this election process and concludes there's nothing wrong with it, then they deserve the ass fucking they'll get. Over and over again until they get tired of it.

@schuylaar put it well and succinctly above; 'if not now, then when?'
He can stick to his guns, but he will still get an "L" this election cycle. This was over March 15. Maybe if he had started his message earlier and gathered/garnered more of the minority vote things would be different. It did not go that way, so now we prepare for Bernie to concede and endorse Hillary.
Math cannot be argued
You can't get worked up about status quo?

How does anything get done in your life..status quo?

Status quo is mediocre..and anyone who settles deserves what they get.

There is a third option that seems to get overlooked time and time again.

If not now..when?
When I buy a lottery ticket, it makes me feel good. No good reason for it. But owning that ticket changes my odds to win the lottery from literally no chance to virtually no chance. Bernie has virtually no chance to win the nomination. Yet we Bernie supporters can all imagine him winning.

When I listen to the rhetoric I'm hearing some effect on what Hillary is saying and Bernie is still putting his foot to the pedal. He's going to win California. When that happens, his stack of chips will be big. He won't win the prez, but he will have influence on how the DNC is organized and his position as a leader in the Democratically controlled Senate will be established. So, I see nothing but good coming out of all this.

His influence will be wasted if he goes independent in a presidential run.
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When I buy a lottery ticket, it makes me feel good. No good reason for it. But owning that ticket changes my odds to win the lottery from literally no chance to virtually no chance. Bernie has virtually no chance to win the nomination. Yet we Bernie supporters can all imagine him winning.

When I listen to the rhetoric I'm hearing some effect on what Hillary is saying and Bernie is still putting his foot to the pedal. He's going to win California. When that happens, his stack of chips will be big. He won't win the prez, but he will have influence on how the DNC is organized and his position as a leader in the Democratically controlled Senate will be established. So, I see nothing but good coming out of all this.

His influence will be wasted if he goes independent in a presidential run.

I disagree. He doesn't have to give up his seat in the Senate to run, and he'll only have to resign it to take the Presidency, just as Mr Obama did.

I think running hard as an independent will shake the democratic party machine to its core and gives him an even chance of winning outright.

Even if he loses, he'd still have all the respect.

The Chump will flail and thrash- and in the end, run things like the Governator did in California; as the people demand. He's nothing if not an approval (ratings) seeker.
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I disagree. He doesn't have to give up his seat in the Senate to run, and he'll only have to reassign it to take the Presidency, just as Mr Obama did.

I think running hard as an independent will shake the democratic party machine to its core and gives him an even chance of winning outright.

Even if he loses, he'd still have all the respect.

The Chump will flail and thrash- and in the end, run things like the Governator did in California; as the people demand. He's nothing if not an approval (ratings) seeker.
So, you seem to think that the Democratic party needs to implode and destroy itself like the Republican party is now doing. You might be right.

What I see, and it's just my interpretation of what's going on, is Bernie gaining more influence and ability to make change while he's inside the party than if he's outside of it. The support that Bernie has is enormous. He can turn it on the Democratic party and break it up by running as an independent. With that threat in hand, I think Bernie has a real opportunity for make changes within the Democratic Party for the better going forward. A strongly supported Bernie Sanders (D) in the Senate can force President Hillary to the left or at the very least prevent her from moving to the right. I'd rather see that happen than anything else given the current situation.
In a fair contest he'd mop the floor with her. This primary season has shown every citizen who cares to pay attention just how rigged our 'democracy' has become and how little the voice of We the People counts towards outcomes anymore.

THIS is the real reason Mr Sanders should stick to his guns, because his fight against the machine has shown just how corrupt it is. And, it's why he has my vote.

If the average American sees this election process and concludes there's nothing wrong with it, then they deserve the ass fucking they'll get. Over and over again until they get tired of it.

@schuylaar put it well and succinctly above; 'if not now, then when?'

If people could vote from their phone..Yes...

But that don't change the fact that ( fuck the super delegates) she's got him by 1.2 mill votes...that's what pisses me off...if phone voting were allowed ..yeah I'd agree... He has more support than her nationally.. Like 54-46%
If people could vote from their phone..Yes...

But that don't change the fact that ( fuck the super delegates) she's got him by 1.2 mill votes...that's what pisses me off...if phone voting were allowed ..yeah I'd agree... He has more support than her nationally.. Like 54-46%

She's beaten him only in votes ALLOWED TO BE CAST in various primaries, and even then a lot of enthusiastic voters got left out in the cold.

We should not mistake that number for anything of validity, other than a measure of how corrupt the democratic party has become.

And then there's the Republican party, which never saw a principle it couldn't be convinced to ignore for money.
I have an Idea

Want to vote for the Democratic nominee in the primary

Join the fucking democratic party

When you're prevented from voting in the primary because the bylaws say you need to be registered many months in advance, that's voter suppression. There's no other reason to do it than to promote machine politics over the will of the People.

I get the feeling you don't like people.
When you're prevented from voting in the primary because the bylaws say you need to be registered many months in advance, that's voter suppression. There's no other reason to do it than to promote machine politics over the will of the People.

I get the feeling you don't like people.
Do you remember when Limbaugh was telling his listeners in 2008 to vote for Clinton to keep the primary battle going?
When you're prevented from voting in the primary because the bylaws say you need to be registered many months in advance, that's voter suppression. There's no other reason to do it than to promote machine politics over the will of the People.

I get the feeling you don't like people.
The day Bernie said he was running Dem those who liked Bernie should have made sure they registered as such. To not means you don't understand the voting process. Who the fuck was running Independent to make you stay registered as an Independent. Know the rules and what party you are registered for.
I know this lady who started an awesome thread in August for Bernie. Guess what, this chick still registered as a Independent in a state that has closed election. Now whose dumb fault is that. HERS. The day Bernie said he running Dem she should have check and changed her party. Hell she had a thread up in August.
is that how it is in CO? In Oregon, you had to be registered Democratic Party on April 26, just three weeks before the primary.

It worked out to just before Thanksgiving here, still far too much in advance. I think three weeks is reasonable and gives time for all parties involved in the election to have their caucuses without people jumping from one to the next.
It worked out to just before Thanksgiving here, still far too much in advance. I think three weeks is reasonable and gives time for all parties involved in the election to have their caucuses without people jumping from one to the next.
Hell I think they should do away with caucuses and do all primary voting