Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

come on were on a smoking site and blindly voting for a party that incarcerates smokers and growers while boosting police budgets and not coming up with a viable alternative is just wrong. I have voted for a Republican before when they had better ideas than the Democratic candidate. When most of the party still has ignorant views on everything from race to prison reform to drug reform it's a non starter.
He will say at most. He doesn't want to fuck a kid but other adults should be able to

How do you reconcile the varying ages of your beloved individual state tax farms with anything consistent which isn't arbitrary ?

Oh sorry, I'll ask the re-ask the question a little dumbed down for you....What an "adult" is varies from state to is that not arbitrary ?
My opinion is nobody should fuck a person incapable of consenting and / or that hasn't consented.

My opinion shouldn't govern other people though, since I don't have the right to tell other people how to run their own lives, nor they, to run mine.

I am very uncomfortable with adults and kids fucking, so in my opinion (how I would have others behave) , I'd agree with you adults shouldn't fuck kids.

So, now that I've answered your question. Here's one for you. Do you believe you or anyone has the right to run somebody else life if they aren't trying to run yours?
In the case of adults screwing children, yes. The reason being, kids are incapable of defending themselves. Stopping an adult from molesting a child isn't exactly running their lives, its protecting a child.

Thank you. That was a direct answer.
can i just say how much fun it is to watch a conversations between legal adults descend into the most adolescent foolishness one could imagine.

this is why people cannot have learned, productive verbal exchanges.......because like goldfish who have no attention span, tangentially minded, intellectually stunted windbags cannot ignore that overwhelming itch to deviate constantly from the stated topic and instead resort to drive by scattershot character assassination and almost every logical fallacy and rhetorical bumbling in existence.

its like a giant pit of rotten shit and people who are driven mad by the heat of real debate must immediately retreat to the cool, comforting salve of intellectual detritus.

My gold fish write haikus with deep inner meanings using nothing but their fecal discharge against the backdrop of the lily covered gazing pool.

After the cat ate one of the goldfish, I've been watching the litter box as I believe there may have been a genetic transfer. So far, no hidden meanings detected, but that by itself could have meaning....what do you think?

In the case of adults screwing children, yes. The reason being, kids are incapable of defending themselves. Stopping an adult from molesting a child isn't exactly running their lives, its protecting a child.

Thank you. That was a direct answer.

You're welcome.

Of course molesting a person or taking their stuff from them against their will in the desert are both acts I'd admonish.

How about you, would you rob a person in the desert by taking their stuff, if they weren't interested in interacting with you ?
can i just say how much fun it is to watch a conversations between legal adults descend into the most adolescent foolishness one could imagine.

this is why people cannot have learned, productive verbal exchanges.......because like goldfish who have no attention span, tangentially minded, intellectually stunted windbags cannot ignore that overwhelming itch to deviate constantly from the stated topic and instead resort to drive by scattershot character assassination and almost every logical fallacy and rhetorical bumbling in existence.

its like a giant pit of rotten shit and people who are driven mad by the heat of real debate must immediately retreat to the cool, comforting salve of intellectual detritus.

That was pretty good, except what do you mean when you say "legal adults" ? Who has determined what that term means?
You're welcome.

Of course molesting a person or taking their stuff from them against their will in the desert are both acts I'd admonish.

How about you, would you rob a person in the desert by taking their stuff, if they weren't interested in interacting with you ?
But you are ok with an adult fucking your male or female child as long as the child consents
But you are ok with an adult fucking your male or female child as long as the child consents

I am okay with people who possess the wherewithal to make their own choices, doing so.

Your question was loaded by the way.

You seem very eager to run others lives for them. Is that because the gay motor cycle gang took away your control or did some other situation occur where you felt captured and powerless, and you now seek to gain power over others thru legislation, like a latent rapist, Prohibitionist?
I am okay with people who possess the wherewithal to make their own choices, doing so.

Your question was loaded by the way.

You seem very eager to run others lives for them. Is that because the gay motor cycle gang took away your control or did some other situation occur where you felt captured and powerless, and you now seek to gain power over others thru legislation, like a latent rapist, Prohibitionist?
Your answer is very clear
You think it should be legal for adults to fuck kids
My opinion is nobody should fuck a person incapable of consenting and / or that hasn't consented.

My opinion shouldn't govern other people though, since I don't have the right to tell other people how to run their own lives, nor they, to run mine.

I am very uncomfortable with adults and kids fucking, so in my opinion (how I would have others behave) , I'd agree with you adults shouldn't fuck kids.

So, now that I've answered your question. Here's one for you. Do you believe you or anyone has the right to run somebody else life if they aren't trying to run yours?

The toaster rib was funny,

There are places in this world that don`t require an age limit to consent for sex. Some places where you can take it at will or no efforts. We wont have that in our Country and to be sure, Laws are put in place to draw a line. No matter how intelligent, prepared, experienced, good looking or consensual a person under 18 years old is, the one at 19 years plus, cannot do it.

That`s how we live man,.....The more "by the rules" we are, the better we become.

If a 16 or 17 year old girl wants sex, she`s restricted to her age group and should find a 15 or 17 year old guy and fuck away.

The law isn`t to protect you from them,`s to protect them from you. So you don`t like that, have choices that involve travel,...If it means that much to you, would be there.
You're welcome.

Of course molesting a person or taking their stuff from them against their will in the desert are both acts I'd admonish.

How about you, would you rob a person in the desert by taking their stuff, if they weren't interested in interacting with you ?
Sorry man. Just not going to agree.

A person has every right to be racist, bigot , or what ever as long as it doesn't cause harm.

If a person doesn't want to serve someone because if the color of their skin, open a private club.

Anyone opening a business is fully aware that they will have to serve people they don't like.

I get it. I'm actually for smaller government and freedom. I am.

To live in a society, you may have to live by rules your not comfortable with.

Let me ask you a question.

What's the recourse in your ideal world. Are we to close our eyes when children are abused. When not serving someone harms them, etc?

If we don't close our eyes, how do we deal with it?

I get. If we really lived in a world where you might not be served, we would probably be more prepared when crossing g the desert.

I'm just saying, with crime and screwed up stuff, how do we deal with it? Ignore it? Round up a lynch mob? Appoint some kind of law figure?

How much power does the law figure get?

We can't just stick our heads in the sand.

The only thing evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.
Sorry man. Just not going to agree.

A person has every right to be racist, bigot , or what ever as long as it doesn't cause harm.

If a person doesn't want to serve someone because if the color of their skin, open a private club.

Anyone opening a business is fully aware that they will have to serve people they don't like.

I get it. I'm actually for smaller government and freedom. I am.

To live in a society, you may have to live by rules your not comfortable with.

Let me ask you a question.

What's the recourse in your ideal world. Are we to close our eyes when children are abused. When not serving someone harms them, etc?

If we don't close our eyes, how do we deal with it?

I get. If we really lived in a world where you might not be served, we would probably be more prepared when crossing g the desert.

I'm just saying, with crime and screwed up stuff, how do we deal with it? Ignore it? Round up a lynch mob? Appoint some kind of law figure?

How much power does the law figure get?

We can't just stick our heads in the sand.

The only thing evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.
Rob ROy
I have an Idea
Don't advocate for making it legal for adults to fuck children and don't be surprised when others attack you for being a vile piece of shit when you do.
The toaster rib was funny,

There are places in this world that don`t require an age limit to consent for sex. Some places where you can take it at will or no efforts. We wont have that in our Country and to be sure, Laws are put in place to draw a line. No matter how intelligent, prepared, experienced, good looking or consensual a person under 18 years old is, the one at 19 years plus, cannot do it.

That`s how we live man,.....The more "by the rules" we are, the better we become.

If a 16 or 17 year old girl wants sex, she`s restricted to her age group and should find a 15 or 17 year old guy and fuck away.

The law isn`t to protect you from them,`s to protect them from you. So you don`t like that, have choices that involve travel,...If it means that much to you, would be there.

I'm afraid I won't be needing your travel guide on places to go to fuck young teens, but thanks anyway.

The more by the rules we become, the better we become, is pretty subjective, I'll pray to the flying Spaghetti Monster for you.
Sorry man. Just not going to agree.

A person has every right to be racist, bigot , or what ever as long as it doesn't cause harm.

If a person doesn't want to serve someone because if the color of their skin, open a private club.

Anyone opening a business is fully aware that they will have to serve people they don't like.

I get it. I'm actually for smaller government and freedom. I am.

To live in a society, you may have to live by rules your not comfortable with.

Let me ask you a question.

What's the recourse in your ideal world. Are we to close our eyes when children are abused. When not serving someone harms them, etc?

If we don't close our eyes, how do we deal with it?

I get. If we really lived in a world where you might not be served, we would probably be more prepared when crossing g the desert.

I'm just saying, with crime and screwed up stuff, how do we deal with it? Ignore it? Round up a lynch mob? Appoint some kind of law figure?

How much power does the law figure get?

We can't just stick our heads in the sand.

The only thing evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.

No we shouldn't close our eyes to abuse, but first we should agree what abuse is on a larger scale and try to consistently follow that.

For instance, if you on one hand, correctly say controlling another person or their property is wrong, why would you then reject that when it suits you ?
Rob ROy
I have an Idea
Don't advocate for making it legal for adults to fuck children and don't be surprised when others attack you for being a vile piece of shit when you do.

I'm sorry that you think so little of your own life that you believe other people can own you, slave.
No we shouldn't close our eyes to abuse, but first we should agree what abuse is on a larger scale and try to consistently follow that.

For instance, if you on one hand, correctly say controlling another person or their property is wrong, why would you then reject that when it suits you ?

So we don't ignore but can't control people on their property, what do we do?

By you very argument, if we can't control someone on their own property, they are free to do anything? Including diddling children.

You and I have both drawn a line in the sand. We are just arguing where to place it.
But you are ok with an adult fucking your male or female child as long as the child consents

"Worse, there’s the new disclosure that Bill took 26 flights on a sex offender’s plane, an aircraft actually called “The Lolita Express.” It flew nonstop to “Orgy Island” where old men cavorted with young (13 to 15-year old) girls. Bill flew five times on this aircraft without his Secret Service detail. This isn’t a scandal, it’s a disaster for Hillary. "

According to you the Democratic nominee's husband is a pedophile and she plans on putting him in charge of the economy....
I'm afraid I won't be needing your travel guide on places to go to fuck young teens, but thanks anyway.

The more by the rules we become, the better we become, is pretty subjective, I'll pray to the flying Spaghetti Monster for you.

It`s not subjective at all. You`re on board our ship and have issues with the rule,...the ship don`t have a problem,...believe it or not, do. It`s your Right to expressions, but it`s the crew`s obligation to keep and eye on you. or smoke a bowl, have fun calling you names.