Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

You seem confused..

I've never attacked Rob, asking for clarification is not an attack

No idea where you pulled the fat people are worth less card, but another obvious straw man that has nothing to do with me

And of course if 2016 is the hottest year on record as predicted by science proves something. What, did they just guess this is the hottest year on record? Accurate science allows us to make accurate predictions based on that science. If you had any balls whatsoever you'd man up and take my bet, but you know anthropogenic climate change is real, you know next year will be hotter than this year, you know this year is the hottest on record, and you know that the temperature will continue to rise because of it. If you didn't believe any of that, like you claim you don't, you wouldn't even second guess it, and all of us who frequent RIU regularly know that, because we know you. You would slap your own mother if you thought it would score you some imaginary political points on RIU.

You are correct sir. We have had reasonable exchanges, with a little teasing from both of us.
Rob has said that he doesn't want to sleep with anyone who can't consent, yet he's said that underage kids can consent. He's been asked multiple times by multiple members "How can kids consent?", and the only explanation he's given is purposefully kept vague in an attempt to disguise the failures of the political philosophy both you and he subscribes to; libertarianism.

Do I think Rob is actually a pedophile? Of course not and I've never said that I do. It's very clear that he has been caught in a logical paradox that pits two of his deeply held beliefs against each other; his belief that the government should remain extremely limited in people's private lives and his belief that pedophilia is obviously wrong. The problem is that without the government setting a line for legal consent (as arbitrary as you or he might believe it to be), there is no way to determine if a child freely gives their consent absent of intimidation/extortion/etc. We've gone over this dozens of times. He doesn't want to say he wouldn't fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own libertarian argument. He doesn't want to say he would fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own pedophelia argument. He has effectively backed himself into a corner and either option he chooses to get out of it will bite him in the ass.

As for the climate change bet, I issued that to the climate change deniers to highlight how weak they are in their own convictions. If you make a bet to me that I'm certain I will win, I'm taking the bet regardless of the stakes, especially against someone like you. There's not a member on RIU who doesn't know you wouldn't take that bet if you actually knew you would win, especially against someone like me. We can read between the lines and a 'decline' is just as good as an 'acceptance', it confirms exactly what I already knew without having to do the legwork.

I have no interest in fucking a child, I have a personal and cultural bias against that.

I don't believe every child or adult can consent. I do believe that the onset of the ability to consent varies from person to person, but generally the younger a person is the less likely they have developed the wherewithal.

I don't believe an arbitrary number set by government is the best way to handle this though. Governments often vary on the number anyway, plus they are infested with hypocrites....speaking of that... didn't Bill Clinton fly off to some "fuck a young girl island" if you are an old pervert and politically connected douche ?
We don't want them gone from this site, we just don't want them voting for Republicans who jail weed smokers. This is a weed smoking site after all and that is what all these Republican policies boil down to.

Barak Obama has been in office for 7 years if you have not been paying attention. They are currrently Democrat policies too.... Dont be stupid.
I am opposed to sexual relations where one party involved did not consent or is incapable of consenting. I'll go even further though, I think all human relations should be on a mutual, voluntary and consensual basis. Some people seem to set that axiom aside when they forget to fill the gas tank before venturing off into the desert though...

I am not opposed to helping people in tough situations, I've done that many times. Pulled people out of ditches, snowbanks and do a good deal of voluntary charity too.

However I am opposed to the idea that person A can force an interaction with person B and conscript them and their resources under threat of force.
You believe a child of 13 can consent to having sex with an adult
That is your beliefs. And it is incredibly fucked up. You are incredibly fucked up
can i just say how much fun it is to watch a conversations between legal adults descend into the most adolescent foolishness one could imagine.

this is why people cannot have learned, productive verbal exchanges.......because like goldfish who have no attention span, tangentially minded, intellectually stunted windbags cannot ignore that overwhelming itch to deviate constantly from the stated topic and instead resort to drive by scattershot character assassination and almost every logical fallacy and rhetorical bumbling in existence.

its like a giant pit of rotten shit and people who are driven mad by the heat of real debate must immediately retreat to the cool, comforting salve of intellectual detritus.
Hey jerkoff those are Nixon era policies that are kept in place by Republican legislatures and governors. Are all the mirrors in your house covered because I don't know how You look at yourself with the shit you type here.
can i just say how much fun it is to watch a conversations between legal adults descend into the most adolescent foolishness one could imagine.

this is why people cannot have learned, productive verbal exchanges.......because like goldfish who have no attention span, tangentially minded, intellectually stunted windbags cannot ignore that overwhelming itch to deviate constantly from the stated topic and instead resort to drive by scattershot character assassination and almost every logical fallacy and rhetorical bumbling in existence.

its like a giant pit of rotten shit and people who are driven mad by the heat of real debate must immediately retreat to the cool, comforting salve of intellectual detritus.
..I know you are, but what am I?

Hey jerkoff those are Nixon era policies that are kept in place by Republican legislatures and governors. Are all the mirrors in your house covered because I don't know how You look at yourself with the shit you type here.

I type stuff like Democrats have been in power for 7 years and you wonder how I look at myself? I didnt vote for them, apparently you did.
I am opposed to sexual relations where one party involved did not consent or is incapable of consenting. I'll go even further though, I think all human relations should be on a mutual, voluntary and consensual basis. Some people seem to set that axiom aside when they forget to fill the gas tank before venturing off into the desert though...

I am not opposed to helping people in tough situations, I've done that many times. Pulled people out of ditches, snowbanks and do a good deal of voluntary charity too.

However I am opposed to the idea that person A can force an interaction with person B and conscript them and their resources under threat of force.
Dude. Fucking stop man. Stop the bullshit.

One line. Adults shouldn't fuck kids. Its simple.

No bullshit. One line. Nothing else. Can you not say that?
You believe a child of 13 can consent to having sex with an adult
That is your beliefs. And it is incredibly fucked up. You are incredibly fucked up

Let's qualify your remarks, Prohibitionist.

In my personal experience, at 13 I believe I had the wherewithal to consent to fucking an 18 year old big titted hussy. So, there's one person that had the wherewithal, thus refuting your claim.

You on the other hand, at 13, may have been hoping to soap @londonfog sweaty ass in the shower after playing water boy on the Junior High football team. Or maybe you were still pulling your tiny pud in a vain attempt to stick the National Geographic pages together. Who knows?

So, while I don't think every 13 year old is capable of making an informed choice, nor do I endorse large age differences in sexual partners (cultural and personal bias of mine) I believe it is possible two people could be the same chronological age and one could not have the same mental capacity as another.

Of course people of different ages have different mental capacities too,for instance your peak mental capacity (assuming you have ANY mental capacity here...big stretch on my part) is roughly equivalent to a toaster.

Can a toaster consent to sex? Hmmm.
Dude. Fucking stop man. Stop the bullshit.

One line. Adults shouldn't fuck kids. Its simple.

No bullshit. One line. Nothing else. Can you not say that?

My opinion is nobody should fuck a person incapable of consenting and / or that hasn't consented.

My opinion shouldn't govern other people though, since I don't have the right to tell other people how to run their own lives, nor they, to run mine.

I am very uncomfortable with adults and kids fucking, so in my opinion (how I would have others behave) , I'd agree with you adults shouldn't fuck kids.

So, now that I've answered your question. Here's one for you. Do you believe you or anyone has the right to run somebody else life if they aren't trying to run yours?
Let's qualify your remarks, Prohibitionist.

In my personal experience, at 13 I believe I had the wherewithal to consent to fucking an 18 year old big titted hussy. So, there's one person that had the wherewithal, thus refuting your claim.

You on the other hand, at 13, may have been hoping to soap @londonfog sweaty ass in the shower after playing water boy on the Junior High football team. Or maybe you were still pulling your tiny pud in a vain attempt to stick the National Geographic pages together. Who knows?

So, while I don't think every 13 year old is capable of making an informed choice, nor do I endorse large age differences in sexual partners (cultural and personal bias of mine) I believe it is possible two people could be the same chronological age and one could not have the same mental capacity as another.

Of course people of different ages have different mental capacities too,for instance your peak mental capacity (assuming you have ANY mental capacity here...big stretch on my part) is roughly equivalent to a toaster.

Can a toaster consent to sex? Hmmm.
So you think some 13 year olds can consent to fucking an adult
My opinion is nobody should fuck a person incapable of consenting and / or that hasn't consented.

My opinion shouldn't govern other people though, since I don't have the right to tell other people how to run their own lives, nor they, to run mine.

I am very uncomfortable with adults and kids fucking, so in my opinion (how I would have others behave) , I'd agree with you adults shouldn't fuck kids.

So, now that I've answered your question. Here's one for you. Do you believe you or anyone has the right to run somebody else life if they aren't trying to run yours?
You think it should be legal for adults to fuck kids
So you think some 13 year olds can consent to fucking an adult

Unlike you, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it, it's kind of a few decades off my radar now. I didn't get to bang a statutory "adult" until I was around 15 though. Thanks for jarring the memories.

How old were you when the men down the street, in the Gay motor cycle gang, first took an interest in you, Prohibitionist ?