Herbies is a BUST!

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I dont know any in the states , Dutch Seed shop ripped me off big time and that was my first seed order ever, then i think IVAN turned my name to customs and got me on a list because i got alittle nasty with him . He started sending me weird emails saying they now accept paypal and he hopes my order went right. In the same email i told him i went to my bank and got a chargeback,the guy is a douchebag . Herbies got really shiity with me one time when i told them about a forum where they were being talked bad about when i thought they were legit,and the best thing out there.Second order screwed . He really got nasty with me and sent me many emails cutting down the "dumb"poor working men in the U.S. that was also strange . I may have to do a chargeback with them if they do not refund my money . Im dying of F'N cancer and need this so bad . They delayed my order for 2 weeks waiting for a strain to arrive,never told me now they get sh!itty with me and now i dont have my seeds, over $300 out,no job due to my illness . WHOs honest in the states who ship and take mastercard, im not sending cash . I have some regs and will be trying to get my own beans, that is why i ordered . F Herbies afghani regs, what a nightmare those were and a waste of time,money,soil,electicity. SOMEONE please tell me the best guys in the states to order, I much prefer to keep my money in this country and not deal with shadey overseas schmucks -wankers . They are really screwing themself over with the United States plowing forward in this industry , DUMBA$$e$
Why not order your beans from breaders in the states and keep that money home?Seed one plant and your set for a long time..ky

Well many of the in state Breeders wont necessarily MAIL the seeds, and not to mention, we cant necessarily get the strains / feminized we want from the locals, that do mail seeds. The bigger menu is across the pond, but lets hope that changes,, we can already see it is, but with the new MMRSA (which is illegal) the PENDING AUMA,, will make it EVEN HARDER.

Do yourself a FAVOR and VOTE NO on AUMA and DEFEND & RESTORE "The Compassionate Use Act"!!
I dont know any in the states , Dutch Seed shop ripped me off big time and that was my first seed order ever, then i think IVAN turned my name to customs and got me on a list because i got alittle nasty with him . He started sending me weird emails saying they now accept paypal and he hopes my order went right. In the same email i told him i went to my bank and got a chargeback,the guy is a douchebag . Herbies got really shiity with me one time when i told them about a forum where they were being talked bad about when i thought they were legit,and the best thing out there.Second order screwed . He really got nasty with me and sent me many emails cutting down the "dumb"poor working men in the U.S. that was also strange . I may have to do a chargeback with them if they do not refund my money . Im dying of F'N cancer and need this so bad . They delayed my order for 2 weeks waiting for a strain to arrive,never told me now they get sh!itty with me and now i dont have my seeds, over $300 out,no job due to my illness . WHOs honest in the states who ship and take mastercard, im not sending cash . I have some regs and will be trying to get my own beans, that is why i ordered . F Herbies afghani regs, what a nightmare those were and a waste of time,money,soil,electicity. SOMEONE please tell me the best guys in the states to order, I much prefer to keep my money in this country and not deal with shadey overseas schmucks -wankers . They are really screwing themself over with the United States plowing forward in this industry , DUMBA$$e$
GreatLakesGenetics kicks ass in the US.

I will never use Herbies, ever again, because he continues to give out those bullshit Afghani freebies. He KNOWS they are complete shit and has been giving them away for 2? years now. F him and his bullshit.
Well many of the in state Breeders wont necessarily MAIL the seeds, and not to mention, we cant necessarily get the strains / feminized we want from the locals, that do mail seeds. The bigger menu is across the pond, but lets hope that changes,, we can already see it is, but with the new MMRSA (which is illegal) the PENDING AUMA,, will make it EVEN HARDER.

Do yourself a FAVOR and VOTE NO on AUMA and DEFEND & RESTORE "The Compassionate Use Act"!!

Man, I guess you are just not paying attention! There is a seed dealer in San Diego, and he has seeds from 5 or 6 well-known breeders.

BTW MMRSA is the law, so it cannot be illegal, we have been begging the legislature to pass things like that for many years. AUMA will make everything better, even for the medical community, so your fear-mongering about it will not be appreciated here. If AUMA does not pass because of your kind of misinformation, it will have a negative effect on the legalization effort nationwide. Please don't spread your negative campaigning on this forum.

Man, I guess you are just not paying attention! There is a seed dealer in San Diego, and he has seeds from 5 or 6 well-known breeders.

BTW MMRSA is the law, so it cannot be illegal, we have been begging the legislature to pass things like that for many years. AUMA will make everything better, even for the medical community, so your fear-mongering about it will not be appreciated here. If AUMA does not pass because of your kind of misinformation, it will have a negative effect on the legalization effort nationwide. Please don't spread your negative campaigning on this forum.


You need to educate yourself a little more... MMRSA is currently violating State Law by Editing Prop 215 Health & Safety Codes. Prop 215 was a Voter Initiative and REQUIRES a VOTE OF THE PEOPLE in order to be Amended.. Well MMRSA not only HIJACKED Prop 215, but Bypassed the Vote of the People and WILL BE STRUCK DOWN IN COURT forcing the REINSTATEMENT of THE COMPASSIONATE USE ACT. You are apparently OK with having your Constitutional Rights Trampled on.

AUMA was written by the same people who put together the MMRSA and is meant to Piggy Back on it in order to Control, then Kill Prop 215. Its actually written in the Language:: If the Feds RESCHEDULE or DESCHEDULE cannabis, this allows our legislature to Amend Prop 215 Health & Safety Codes,, meaning they can easily wipe it out.. DONT BE FOOLED AND READ BETWEEN THE LINES..

AUMA is also written so that MOST of it can be changed with a simple MAJORITY VOTE after being enacted. So if you think only being able to grow 6 plants per Household looks good to today, TOMORROW it may only be 3... OH and GROW 1 MORE PLANT and you get to GO TO JAIL,, NICE LEGALIZATION..

You apparently haven't followed the MONEY BACK FAR ENOUGH. Head back farther into the PACs and you will find Pfizer and Monsanto funding AUMA,, HOW ABOUT A LITTLE GMO with your BIG PHARMA Cost per Ounce??? AND THE TAXES!!! 15% Excise TAX, State and Local TAX, Cultivation TAX, Leaf TAX, Transportation TAX, Keystone Markup at the Dispensary,,, And you think its gonna get more AFFORDABLE??

This is ALL ONLY THE BEGINNING!! The whole thing is a TROJAN HORSE Just waiting to be let in.. And Stop using the whole "If Cali doesnt legalize it will Hurt the Movement Nationwide",,, This is BULL, It hasn't hurt ANYTHING so far, just ask Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Etc, Etc, Etc,.. Now who is fear Mongering??

I would invite you to read through the lies and deception of big money. Here is a link to the AUMA Language marked up LINE BY LINE by an attorney so you can understand the Double Speak and Hidden Trap Doors before voting in HORRIBLE LAWS, because you dont understand it completely.
I know much more about it than you will ever know, and I don't need to use all caps to make my point.

Now you're spreading the crap written by Leticia, who is a mentally-ill idiot.

I asked you kindly, please don't spread your misinformation here. I will not allow a repeat of the negative campaigning that we had in this forum in 2010. If you want to campaign against AUMA, then do it somewhere else.

While on this side of the fence,, you are Pushing a Negative Campaign against the California patients, and have no reply other than personal attacks on others.. I would bet you would let me continue if it was pro AUMA... Typical!!
Ya see, there you go, spouting misinformation. AUMA plainly states that Prop 215, and all patient rights already established, will not be affected. In fact, AUMA will protect patient rights better than Prop 215 does now.

Like I said, please stop.

Not Spouting Misinformation, just Clarifying your Lack/Poor Information.

This code right here is what can wipe out Prop 215!!!

Upon a determination by the California Attorney General that the federal schedule of controlled substances has been amended to reclassify or declassify marijuana, the Legislature may amend or repeal the provisions of the Health and Safety Code, as necessary, to conform state law to such changes in federal law.

And AUMA will Protect Patient Rights Better? Here is an Example of How ITS NOT going to make it Better.

(a) Commencing on January 1, 2018, a qualified patient must possess a physician's
recommendation that complies with Article 25 (commencing with Section 2525) of Chapter 5 of
Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code. Failure to comply with this requirement shall not,
however, affect any of the protections provided to patients or their primary caregivers by Section

The above Code puts your Medical Marijuana needs into the hands of the Medical Board of California via B & P of section 2525.1, who can then decide whether or not your Illness would require Marijuana, If not, then you get PILLS, otherwise they wait until section 11362.85 kicks in, and your patient rights no longer exist.

That is Just a couple examples of how your misinterpreting the Language.

ALSO, maybe you continue to miss the FACT that Legislators can make MANY changes to AUMA after being enacted?? So you think it cant touch 215 today?? How about tomorrow? This simple fact is NOT Going AWAY. Just ask the Patients in Oregon,, They got sold the same thing. They were told their medical would not be touched, but then after the fact, Legislators came in and BOOM, unhappy Patients!!
Damn Man, you just won't stop! Stubbornly ignorant is not a path to a happy life.

You've hijacked this thread with your campaigning using misinformation, so I will step in.

We've well established that Herbie's Seed Bank is not a "bust," and they handle their business professionally with their customers' satisfaction as a first priority.


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