Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

You seem confused..

I've never attacked Rob, asking for clarification is not an attack

No idea where you pulled the fat people are worth less card, but another obvious straw man that has nothing to do with me

And of course if 2016 is the hottest year on record as predicted by science proves something. What, did they just guess this is the hottest year on record? Accurate science allows us to make accurate predictions based on that science. If you had any balls whatsoever you'd man up and take my bet, but you know anthropogenic climate change is real, you know next year will be hotter than this year, you know this year is the hottest on record, and you know that the temperature will continue to rise because of it. If you didn't believe any of that, like you claim you don't, you wouldn't even second guess it, and all of us who frequent RIU regularly know that, because we know you. You would slap your own mother if you thought it would score you some imaginary political points on RIU.

Points with who? I am not cultivating a clique here like you seem to be...

The fact that you think RIU means anything to me just shows me how off base you really are.

Taking one small fact and extrapolating it into meaning all of your arguments are correct is insanity. Suddenly deciding to make everyone take a pledge to leave based on that just shows you dont want debate, you want consensus. I have no interest in playing your games, I am not here for you.
Points with who? I am not cultivating a clique here like you seem to be...

The fact that you think RIU means anything to me just shows me how off base you really are.

Taking one small fact and extrapolating it into meaning all of your arguments are correct is insanity. Suddenly deciding to make everyone take a pledge to leave based on that just shows you dont want debate, you want consensus. I have no interest in playing your games, I am not here for you.
Clearly RIU does mean something to you, otherwise you would follow your own delusional convictions. As soon as there's something for you to lose "Hey, hey guys, come on, why do you have to be so mean?". Up until the point of the challenge, you were happy to flap your scientifically illiterate lips about global conspiracy theories and Al Gore and snow in July. Funny how that flipped so quick..

..wonder why.. :rolleyes:
You are not comprehending my posts.

The hottest year on record does not = the end of the world. We dont even know where we are on the graph. You have admitted there is no steady state to climate.

Stop wasting my time.
You are not comprehending my posts.

The hottest year on record does not = the end of the world. We dont even know where we are on the graph. You have admitted there is no steady state to climate.

Stop wasting my time.
Who said "the hottest year on record = the end of the world"? More straw men

I said science predicts 2016 will be the hottest year on record and told you there is no way to make such an accurate prediction unless the science is accurate. You don't believe the science is accurate, so it stands to reason that you wouldn't think the prediction would be accurate either, hence you would certainly win the bet. The fact that you can't commit to it shows all of us that you yourself obviously must not believe your own bullshit either. Why wouldn't you take a bet you know you're guaranteed to win?

Because you're wrong, and you won't win. The fact that you continue to argue with me about this makes you look like a pussy, imo. Stand up and be a man and back up what you believe
Who said "the hottest year on record = the end of the world"? More straw men

I said science predicts 2016 will be the hottest year on record and told you there is no way to make such an accurate prediction unless the science is accurate. You don't believe the science is accurate, so it stands to reason that you wouldn't think the prediction would be accurate either, hence you would certainly win the bet. The fact that you can't commit to it shows all of us that you yourself obviously must not believe your own bullshit either. Why wouldn't you take a bet you know you're guaranteed to win?

Because you're wrong, and you won't win. The fact that you continue to argue with me about this makes you look like a pussy, imo. Stand up and be a man and back up what you believe
Lol. My dad used to say, 'be a man, not a puss.'...his obviously didn't.
Who said "the hottest year on record = the end of the world"? More straw men

I said science predicts 2016 will be the hottest year on record and told you there is no way to make such an accurate prediction unless the science is accurate. You don't believe the science is accurate, so it stands to reason that you wouldn't think the prediction would be accurate either, hence you would certainly win the bet. The fact that you can't commit to it shows all of us that you yourself obviously must not believe your own bullshit either. Why wouldn't you take a bet you know you're guaranteed to win?

Because you're wrong, and you won't win. The fact that you continue to argue with me about this makes you look like a pussy, imo. Stand up and be a man and back up what you believe

Let me get this straight... It is either going to be the hottest year on record or not.... 50% chance, the flip of a coin. In fact, if the peak temperature is above us it is a much higher chance.

I dont care if the temperature rises 5 more degrees, it still wont prove your point.
Let me get this straight... It is either going to be the hottest year on record or not.... 50% chance, the flip of a coin. In fact, if the peak temperature is above us it is a much higher chance.

I dont care if the temperature rises 5 more degrees, it still wont prove your point.
That's not how you calculate odds

My point has already been proven. Everybody here thinks you are a pussy because of me
That's not how you calculate odds

My point has already been proven. Everybody here thinks you are a pussy because of me

My mom was an alcoholic and pretty fucked up mentally. One of my therapists taught me to disengage from insanity. When someone is being insane, I dont have to participate. It doesnt mean I stop posting or even stop talking to you but I am gonna disengage from your insanity...

Speaking of reality, what did you acomplish today?

I finished building a wall of my shed, made $700.00 and prevented an elderly lady from buying a money pit. In addition I managed to book 2 more jobs, one for a disabled vet to whom I gave a screaming discount because I respect his service. Tonight I plan on finalizing plans for the remaining 2 walls of the shed and probably finishing the framing on those tomorrow unless a job comes up.

Winners do. Losers sit on a message website and tell themselves how much more they increased their rep by copy/pasting propaganda for 8 hours.

After the enormous amount of shit I take for being a conservative libertarian on a liberal pot website, do you imagine I care about my rep here?
I don't think robroy is quite what people call him. Some of his ideas make sense just no way would work in our society.

The way he word things make him look racist and a pedo.

I get his argument about arbitrary age limits but he should still be able to state a man screwing a child is wrong.

I even get his argument about people should be left to do business as they see fit. The problem there is that it could hurt someone. You know the only gas station on a long stretch of desert refusing to serve someone could leave them stranded.

I get that in a true free market where a store owner refuses to serve someone because of their skin, the person can go somewhere else but that can harm people.

I think the arguments with a few of the people in politics has been going on for years. The original points forgotten and only bitterness and animosity remain.

@Rob Roy can you not simply state that its wrong for an adult to have sex with a child? Not a teenager screwing another teenager with birthdays a couple weeks apart.

The simple statement that adult should not screw a child. Its easy. Its fact.

I am opposed to sexual relations where one party involved did not consent or is incapable of consenting. I'll go even further though, I think all human relations should be on a mutual, voluntary and consensual basis. Some people seem to set that axiom aside when they forget to fill the gas tank before venturing off into the desert though...

I am not opposed to helping people in tough situations, I've done that many times. Pulled people out of ditches, snowbanks and do a good deal of voluntary charity too.

However I am opposed to the idea that person A can force an interaction with person B and conscript them and their resources under threat of force.