Atheist or Religious

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Possible big bang...or otherwise the universe was here in the past and in the future...true physics.

w/o getting all Michio Kaku in this mo fo, the truth is in small not big. the multiverse(meta-verse) is a casino, and the house always wins, in short there is lots games being played, but the house (meta-verse) always wins. the reason we cant not wrap out head around the idea, is because there is a great deal of data we can not see, hear, feel, yet its all around us. and everything you do can have cataclysmic effects, in our 1 hour: in another dimension can be an instant. a scant 50 years can be 150 billion in another. something as simple as walking can be casing effect we can not detect.

so there is two groups the big's and the small's

the big's think the answer is in house(universe) we live in, and outside its horizon. the bigs like solid computations they can tell you what has, and what will be on a sheet of paper: it its does not cipher in a cogent manner its not correct. the big's thumb thier noses at quantum phy because of its inconsistency.

the smalls capricious arithmetic, means less: since the answer is very fabric that surrounds us, and prevaricate of what matter really is. hence the smalls exulting in the Higgs boson. extraordinary, astonishing yet terrifying abilities. if you start to think about its implications.

whatever it maybe: we are incapable of, discerning very simple things in our current form, intelligence. there is really very little between smartest man, and the dumbest one.
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