The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Seriously man lock onto some xanax..super social benzo n works a treat with a few clonazepam at the same recommendation is drop 2 2mg xanax n 2 2mg clonazepam washed down with a nice pint bottle..shits delicious.

The clonazepam arrived from sirlanka n Strealth was so on point as well as dosage that I've ordered 1000 10mg diaz for like 170 dollars with free postage
dunno like i've done me ribs and skinned me elbows coming off me bike after a a handful of them xanax, next morning i found a half ounce gaffer taped in a bag in the bin


Well-Known Member
I fuckin love xanax man lol got scammed with a 10 order of mdma but at 90e not complaining so I ordered another 10g n a few 1 g samples from different vendors to see the quality


Well-Known Member
what sites that @makka Dream ? im lookin for a decent vendor myself but i aint never used the dark net i get stuck on the bit when it comes to getting bitcoins what sites do you all use to get them do you have to verify your self and that and do you use a few bitcoin accounts like send money from one to the other or do you just top up your bit coin account built into the market i would appreciate anyone that has got time to pm me or somethin to explain the best way to do it in detail and what sites to use i also get a bit lost with the pgp encryption i have tried a few times to read up an that but when it come to it i always hit a brick wall
do i need to use my bank account to buy coins
how can i be sure my coins are safe
what software do you all use to hide your ip apart from tor do you have any links or names of ip software that you dont have to pay for but that is secure ?
anyone that can help me understand it a bit better is def appreciated also if any of you want to pm me any registration links for any of the markets u use at moment i havnt used any but have had a little browse through a few mainly i will b buying benzo's , zopiclone so if you know any decent vendors all help greatly appreciated lads an lassies


Well-Known Member
Seriously man lock onto some xanax..super social benzo n works a treat with a few clonazepam at the same recommendation is drop 2 2mg xanax n 2 2mg clonazepam washed down with a nice pint bottle..shits delicious.

The clonazepam arrived from sirlanka n Strealth was so on point as well as dosage that I've ordered 1000 10mg diaz for like 170 dollars with free postage
thats well cheap 1000 x 10mg for $170

i could sell them a man i know that would take a 1000 for 50p a pop are they propper diazy and are they also blue mate i want sum myself but thinking get 1000 for 170 sell him 500 for £250 and munch the rest wud be a interesting week or so that with 500 blues i love em but do some right fooked up stuff on em
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Well-Known Member
Them benzo's are bad news, the withdrawals are meant to be worse than heroin or as bad, I'd be sticking to the weed, just need to find a few keepers for the the right hit.
What strains did you get baz ? I'd be getting that glue cut off Zedd for a Mother plant for your next round and at least you will have it in your stable.


Well-Known Member
Just got myself some today
Blue dream x 3
Lemon og
Pineapple chunk
707 headband
And a free og

Should be able to find a few keepers, need some new weed, this stuff I've got now just couch locks me, what you've gone for ?


Well-Known Member
Them benzo's are bad news, the withdrawals are meant to be worse than heroin or as bad, I'd be sticking to the weed, just need to find a few keepers for the the right hit.
What strains did you get baz ? I'd be getting that glue cut off Zedd for a Mother plant for your next round and at least you will have it in your stable.
Ive had propper withdrawal off em n was worse that me speed benders propper shaking all that razz..that's why I'm trying not to indulge (he says after popping 3 lol


Well-Known Member
thats well cheap 1000 x 10mg for $170

i could sell them a man i know that would take a 1000 for 50p a pop are they propper diazy and are they also blue mate i want sum myself but thinking get 1000 for 170 sell him 500 for £250 and munch the rest wud be a interesting week or so that with 500 blues i love em but do some right fooked up stuff on em
The clonazepam 2mg I ordered landed with good stealth and they were bang on n tbh one fucked me up n me mate had a prescription for em n one did fuck all to me so I think they may be slightly higher dosed so I had to order the diazapam especially at that price n had some good reviews so I'll make me money from those say maybe 500 for 600e n eat the rest then focus on the xanax game they're very popular atm n hulkbenzo has the sweetest press n consistent dosage for 500 its like 375 dollars (sold 2 5 bags of xanax for 20e a bag ffs)
was chatting to a mate about what he's paying for mdma n he fucking said 100e a gram! I get 10 for 90 or 25g for like 2 something shits rediculous so I said my cousin can get it for 60e a gram but only takes larger orders so shits sold before I fucking get it lmao.

I don't sell class A's this is a stone rant