Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

Fixing the future can start with the flag. Or Education. Or sustainable farming. Or legalizing marijuana. Things with which these states are dragging there collective asses. Bring that Southern Pride folks.
Poor southern white boys used to be higher on the socio-economic ladder during slavery then it was taken away. That bitterness seems to have lasted 150 years starting that day at Appomattox.
Yeah, then the problem is the misguided Southern white boy himself, not the Confederacy that's been dead for 150 years, and you're partly to blame for not making reformations in your government. You're focusing on the wrong target.
Slavery and racism are two different concepts. Racism became full-fledged AFTER the war.
this is true, pick up a book and read it. the war was over cotton, not slaves, as most slaves already had a large degree of freedom in the south, even considered family, and were in fact indentured servants, rewarded with food, housing, land, and a future to produce for their own betterment. there are still areas and families that live on land they earned from service dating back to BEFORE the civil war.

there were bastard slavers, but that was already mostly phased out. the war was about cotton, textiles, and corn and soy. it was a ''no taxation without representation'' issue, but from within, not without.
Burn the books, then. Erase history. Hitler tried to do the same. He tried to wipe the Jews from history because he felt they were the reason that Germany lost the war. Germany lost the war because they were expended by the end of a war fought through attrition. You are focusing on the wrong target, and you want to rewrite history because of something you, yourself, are contributing to: Hatred. Hate the misguided, don't hate the history.
Like I said don't disappear it but it belongs in a museum with the relics of that era. Too bad high school kids are now flying it doing donuts in the walmart parking lot. @ cat you gave a partially valid reason (my history teacher taught us it has always been about money. He used to quote Willie Sutton) but I don't think those dudes cutting people off on the highway will explain it that way.

Its been taken over by illiterate assholes who have polluted it far beyond the point of redemption.
Like I said don't disappear it but it belongs in a museum with the relics of that era. Too bad high school kids are now flying it doing donuts in the walmart parking lot. @ cat you gave a partially valid reason (my history teacher taught us it has always been about money. He used to quote Willie Sutton) but I don't think those dudes cutting people off on the highway will explain it that way.

Its been taken over by illiterate assholes who have polluted it far beyond the point of redemption.
You can blame the kids' parents for bastardizing the meaning of it, then. Don't blame the actual symbol, because it symbolizes something much different than what you're confusing it for, bro. I swear to God, I'm on your side. We're definitely not enemies. But I'm telling you the truth behind it.
A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

The hostility to this institution commenced before the adoption of the Constitution, and was manifested in the well-known Ordinance of 1787, in regard to the Northwestern Territory.

The feeling increased, until, in 1819-20, it deprived the South of more than half the vast territory acquired from France.

The same hostility dismembered Texas and seized upon all the territory acquired from Mexico.

It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction.

It refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.

It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.

It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain.

It advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

It has enlisted its press, its pulpit and its schools against us, until the whole popular mind of the North is excited and inflamed with prejudice.

It has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation in the States and wherever else slavery exists.

It seeks not to elevate or to support the slave, but to destroy his present condition without providing a better.

It has invaded a State, and invested with the honors of martyrdom the wretch whose purpose was to apply flames to our dwellings, and the weapons of destruction to our lives.

It has broken every compact into which it has entered for our security.

It has given indubitable evidence of its design to ruin our agriculture, to prostrate our industrial pursuits and to destroy our social system.

It knows no relenting or hesitation in its purposes; it stops not in its march of aggression, and leaves us no room to hope for cessation or for pause.

It has recently obtained control of the Government, by the prosecution of its unhallowed schemes, and destroyed the last expectation of living together in friendship and brotherhood.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it. It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.

Our decision is made. We follow their footsteps. We embrace the alternative of separation; and for the reasons here stated, we resolve to maintain our rights with the full consciousness of the justice of our course, and the undoubting belief of our ability to maintain it.

People read too much into it. A lot of people that fly it aren't even racist. We were raised on dukes of hazard and seeing that flag all over the place. It means more than just slavery.

I used to have a confederate flag knecklace that hung in my truck. Yes, it was even there when I lived in the ghetto.

I still have it but its put away and I don't display it any more.

That flag is part of a lot of things in the south.
I get it but it's not my symbol it's for the people here to change and hopefully they start realizing they've shit all over it and replace it. If you want to keep it above your mantel folded in a tripoint for your fallen soldier I don't think anyone would say shit to you and probably respect your dead and commitment but it isn't used that way.

I can respect fighting for your family and friends as comrades, that bond comes first. The rest is just money and a reason to keep it.
People read too much into it. A lot of people that fly it aren't even racist. We were raised on dukes of hazard and seeing that flag all over the place. It means more than just slavery.

I used to have a confederate flag knecklace that hung in my truck. Yes, it was even there when I lived in the ghetto.

I still have it but its put away and I don't display it any more.

That flag is part of a lot of things in the south.
This is my main point.
I get it but it's not my symbol it's for the people here to change and hopefully they start realizing they've shit all over it and replace it. If you want to keep it above your mantel folded in a tripoint for your fallen soldier I don't think anyone would say shit to you and probably respect your dead and commitment but it isn't used that way.

I can respect fighting for your family and friends as comrades, that bond comes first. The rest is just money and a reason to keep it.
It is used that way. It's just not used by everyone that way, and the ones that don't use it the right way are the ones you should be angry about. Don't generalize. Just like not all German soldiers were Nazis.
I loved the dukes of hazzaed. I had action figures and a general lee no shit. I didn't know what it meant. The dukes were just trying to live their lives. I don't think the General Lee has ever followed a black family through a parking lot for 10 seconds revving its engines continuously.
I loved the dukes of hazzaed. I had action figures and a general lee no shit. I didn't know what it meant. The dukes were just trying to live their lives. I don't think the General Lee has ever followed a black family through a parking lot for 10 seconds revving its engines continuously.
That's my point, man. This is where you're starting not to generalize. But this, right here, is the difference.