Starting a new mix got questions.

yea, you got that a bit mixed..
it's all good though man
perlite pretty much NEVER breaks down, volcanic rock doesn't, vermiculite will to a degree (much slower though), pumice doesn't, rice hulls DO, in fact the ricehulls degrade rather quickly, probably a yr or so and they are gone
You're wrong about pearlite. It *does* break down into white sand. I've seen it with my own eyes.
This is my favorite soil aerator. Special kitty from wal mart. 25 lbs for $4
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Have you ever tried pumice? I used perlite for a few years than moved to pumice and never looked back, its doesn't leave that gross residue or float to the top and has lots of minerals in it and works great for aerating. No harmful perlite dust that can cause lung damage either. I use pumice / rice hulls at a 2:1 ratio. Also i'd suggest using some pre-charged bio-char, its gonna make a huge difference.
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Have you ever tried pumice? I used perlite for a few years than moved to pumice and never looked back, its doesn't leave that gross residue or float to the top and has lots of minerals in it and works great for aerating. No harmful perlite dust that can cause lung damage either. I use pumice / rice hulls at a 2:1 ratio. Also i'd suggest using some pre-charged bio-char, its gonna make a huge difference.
No, I haven't tried pumice. It might be a good addition to Gritty Kitty...
In fact, I mixed a fresh batch of Gritty Kitty this morning. It has become my favorite mix, hands down.
Recipe: Equal parts Promix HP, coco coir, clay kitty litter
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that clay is golden for CEC, nothing better, as long as it doesn't clog over time, but mixed with pro-mix I bet it works well.
my favorite for high CEC is leaf compost it works like millions of tiny pure-humus sponges.. great shit
No, I haven't tried pumice. It might be a good addition to Gritty Kitty...
you should man, it's the best aeration in my opinion, retains more water than perlite, is more dense too.
I have SO much aeration in my mixes, mostly it's pumice and volcanic rock, but I have a lot of perlite from the base vermifire mix and happy frog mixes that I used as the base yrs and yrs ago.
but I have a bunch of vermiculite too, rotten wood chunks, shit I even use little strips of coco wool to keep my soil from compacting over time, aeration is your buddy, that's for sure.
I guesstimate that my mix is about a 50/50 of aeration and compost. VERY fluffy.
you can have the absolute perfect growing soil mix, but if it's lacking in aeration it'll suffer badly, and conversely really well aeration can get you through a very weak mix more so than the opposite... don't believe me? just ask the guys using promix as the base, promix is basicly inert, but that mixed with a teensy bit of compost or manure and it'll grow good nugs, because of the aeration.
But I prefer a mix of all kinds of aeration, that way there are no weak links, sorta my philosophy on nutrients as well.
Have you ever tried pumice? I used perlite for a few years than moved to pumice and never looked back, its doesn't leave that gross residue or float to the top and has lots of minerals in it and works great for aerating. No harmful perlite dust that can cause lung damage either. I use pumice / rice hulls at a 2:1 ratio. Also i'd suggest using some pre-charged bio-char, its gonna make a huge difference.
Hey, how has build a soil been working for you? It was a night and day difference from "Super soil" in my case! I still have about 15lbs of "craft blend" sitting here...
In fact, I mixed a fresh batch of Gritty Kitty this morning. It has become my favorite mix, hands down.
Recipe: Equal parts Promix HP, coco coir, clay kitty litter
View attachment 3685157
So what does the coco bring to the table that the Promix isn't?

My damn Walmart didn't have the plain clay. Saw what was probably the right stuff at a farm store but it didn't say calcined. About 3 weeks away from needing to mix.