crazy pills and the funny farm


Well-Known Member
Wat meds the clown shoe doctors got you on and have you been to the funny farm? Any interesting stories? I'm on seroquel and latuda. What have you learned from yer experience? C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_images(6).jpg
The picture is just pointing to the fact that seroquil is like shooting a squirrel with a shot gun. Thorzine is a old relative of seroquil. It's a 1st generation anti psychotic while seroquil is 2nd generation. Seroquil has replaced thorzine in today's medicine. I hate seroquil but thorzine is much worse
The picture is just pointing to the fact that seroquil is like shooting a squirrel with a shot gun. Thorzine is a old relative of seroquil. It's a 1st generation anti psychotic while seroquil is 2nd generation. Seroquil has replaced thorzine in today's medicine. I hate seroquil but thorzine is much worse
Ouch. I was just fuckin' with ya. Sorry you have to take shit like that...tried thorazine once in college with a bunch of guys...thought we we're going to party and we all fell asleep. Never did it again.
Ouch. I was just fuckin' with ya. Sorry you have to take shit like that...tried thorazine once in college with a bunch of guys...thought we we're going to party and we all fell asleep. Never did it again.
On a psych rotation the resident and I got to talking and decided that the only way to fairly give these people anti-psychotics, against their will, was to test every drug on ourselves. That was some summer, so do I know you?
On a psych rotation the resident and I got to talking and decided that the only way to fairly give these people anti-psychotics, against their will, was to test every drug on ourselves. That was some summer, so do I know you?
I hate being a slave. But id rather be on it then without it. Dr jekel and me hyde
Fuck Danny Boy, I eat 2.5 bars a day these days. Gotta start weening myself off. Start getting super anxious around late afternoon especially when I'm not eating regularly because I get caught up with work... Those benzos are kinda hard to get off off especial when you've been taking them for close to a decade. DOH!
If I don't take my seroquel I don't sleep for up to 2 weeks, don't eat, become fearfull of people and sunlight then eventually completely lose touch with reality in a psychotic schizophrenic sense. Pharmaceuticals are evil.
Sort of.

I did take medication for a long time, trying to get something similar to adhd sorted out as best as I could. I don't like them, I felt too machine-like, if that makes any sense. (initially w/bp2, but that was taken out of the equation)

Concerta is slow-release, and they dose you kind of heavy to find a comfortable spot. Holy fck, this is also used to treat narcolepsy, so at the higher end it's like 7500 rpm - not cool.
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ive been medicated........

there were tunnels under the hospital for "uncontrollable residents" Ole louis H killed a women at the top of church street with a ball peen hammer....he was my roomate!
was on that seroquil and mirtazapine for 2yr put on loads of weight they make you well hungry especially when your smoking aswel, stopped em now tho but spose to still be taking them feel loads better since i stopped em tbh, but i have struggled to sleep.