1 plant dwc scrog

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
I've got to agree on how much more simple the floranova is to use than the 3 part which I have gallons of my plan is to run floranova until transition then run the soul synthetics as it has a gang of stuff both natural & synthetic in it but the nitrogen numbers are very low or I would be using it now I'm going back to 1 plant at a time gonna build a scrog today I really like the one you built
For sure. Nice sounds like it should be good stuff. Hell yeah i love the nets I make, i always see people with some funky ass nets but mines so simple and efficient i got lucky finding the tutorial for it.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Here we are! The picture of the seedling is Original Amnesia when she popped up on December 15th 2015(thats right it took a whole year to grow her ;) ) and the remaining are from May 15th 2016 when she was chopped down! 6 months!! She started flowering on February 1st so a solid 3.5 month flower.

Wish you all could tell how big that bud with the soda can is, the can and my hand helps but still no justice.

I should have her final yeild in idk, 2 weeks?



Well-Known Member
Here we are! The picture of the seedling is Original Amnesia when she popped up on December 15th 2015(thats right it took a whole year to grow her ;) ) and the remaining are from May 15th 2016 when she was chopped down! 6 months!! She started flowering on February 1st so a solid 3.5 month flower.

Wish you all could tell how big that bud with the soda can is, the can and my hand helps but still no justice.

I should have her final yeild in idk, 2 weeks?
Yep I get how the pix don't do her justice -- I think that last living pic you posted of her, with the branches sagging under the weight of those humongous colas, shows her girth the best! Literally took my breath away :D

Goes to show how letting those sativas do their thing on their own time is worth it (and I bet the numbers after drying will underpin that!). But it sure does test one's patience lol -- while I really want to try that Original Amnesia, I do think I'll wait until I have a perpetual system going - so in the time she vegges I can pull a round of auto-something in the bloom closet, and while she blooms I can do the same in the veg closet LMAO

Looking forward to yield#'s and smoke report!! :weed:

Oh and you're very welcome, glad I could be of help! ;)


Well-Known Member
Here we are! The picture of the seedling is Original Amnesia when she popped up on December 15th 2015(thats right it took a whole year to grow her ;) ) and the remaining are from May 15th 2016 when she was chopped down! 6 months!! She started flowering on February 1st so a solid 3.5 month flower.

Wish you all could tell how big that bud with the soda can is, the can and my hand helps but still no justice.

I should have her final yeild in idk, 2 weeks?
Some monster buds there mate, well done! Yeah it's annoying innit when the picture just doesn't truly show what you can see see haha
Any ideas on yield yet?

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Yep I get how the pix don't do her justice -- I think that last living pic you posted of her, with the branches sagging under the weight of those humongous colas, shows her girth the best! Literally took my breath away :D

Goes to show how letting those sativas do their thing on their own time is worth it (and I bet the numbers after drying will underpin that!). But it sure does test one's patience lol -- while I really want to try that Original Amnesia, I do think I'll wait until I have a perpetual system going - so in the time she vegges I can pull a round of auto-something in the bloom closet, and while she blooms I can do the same in the veg closet LMAO

Looking forward to yield#'s and smoke report!! :weed:

Oh and you're very welcome, glad I could be of help! ;)
I do agree, that last living pic with them laying all over did really show some great size comparison. You bet, she took her time but at least she has something to show for it! I woulda been pissed if she went this long for a couple ounces! Haha that's what I was saying, I coulda grown a whole indica plant in just the time it took for this thing to flower!!

Me too!! I actually have balls of resin from my rubber glove fingers from trimming that I put into my bowl last night when me and my gf were smoking. I forgot to tell her i slipped that in the middle of the bowl pack and she got soooo high haha she was pissed! Then I took a hit and got ripped off my rocker as well haha so far so good!!

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Some monster buds there mate, well done! Yeah it's annoying innit when the picture just doesn't truly show what you can see see haha
Any ideas on yield yet?
Righto, thanks man! At least you know and I now know what you were working with!

So hard to say, looked HUGE when I had it laying in a pile trimming it up, but now that it's hanging in the closet it looks small. I think it's gunna be a lot more than I expect. I'd say you'd have the best idea of what I got since you can compare to your last yeild. Hopefully about a pound!


Well-Known Member
I do agree, that last living pic with them laying all over did really show some great size comparison. You bet, she took her time but at least she has something to show for it! I woulda been pissed if she went this long for a couple ounces! Haha that's what I was saying, I coulda grown a whole indica plant in just the time it took for this thing to flower!!

Me too!! I actually have balls of resin from my rubber glove fingers from trimming that I put into my bowl last night when me and my gf were smoking. I forgot to tell her i slipped that in the middle of the bowl pack and she got soooo high haha she was pissed! Then I took a hit and got ripped off my rocker as well haha so far so good!!
lmao sounds like fun!
Actually I just ordered a few really quick auto seeds as a counterpoint to my slow ass sativas, looking forward to a sweet 9 week grow (all in buahaha) after I finally get to chop :bigjoint:

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
lmao sounds like fun!
Actually I just ordered a few really quick auto seeds as a counterpoint to my slow ass sativas, looking forward to a sweet 9 week grow (all in buahaha) after I finally get to chop :bigjoint:
Nice! What strains & breeder are those?
I never really fully understood auto's, I always just read small bits and peices over time. Have you run them before and could you roughly say what the loss of yeild is compared to running a photo for the extra 3-4 weeks? I always saw people saying really low weight number but then again i've seen auto yeild numbers as much as photo's so just all confusing.


Well-Known Member
Nice! What strains & breeder are those?
I never really fully understood auto's, I always just read small bits and peices over time. Have you run them before and could you roughly say what the loss of yeild is compared to running a photo for the extra 3-4 weeks? I always saw people saying really low weight number but then again i've seen auto yeild numbers as much as photo's so just all confusing.
Yeah it is confusing! My very first indoor grow actually was an auto strain, and I've been shaking my head over the recommendation that newbies start with an auto grow ever since lol

The way I now understand it, there are older strains that have really low yields ("lowryder" keeps popping up in this context - sheez I wouldnt even want to try a strain called that? lol), as well as newer auto strains that grow more abundantly and also yield more.
I'm hoping I've gotten the latter with the Berry Bomb Auto (from Bomb seeds, indica-leaning) and the Pineapple Express Auto from Fast Buds, which from what I read is more productive then the one from Barney's. Both to grow to around 1m height if left on their own (I won't hehe) and finish in 9 weeks from seed.

I'll be running these for the first time and I know I should just let them go to have a baseline comparison grow. But I'm not patient like that and will jump right into experimentation instead haha :mrgreen: So I'll be topping them once and running them on a gas lantern schedule throughout the grow, which in effect should be the same as giving them 18/6 lighting throughout.

Regarding yields, yeah I think it depends a LOT on the strain. And yes, seeing people happy for pulling 20g off a plant when I pulled 150 from my nl5xhaze scrog (and she couldve yielded more with better environment variables and a less noob grower) makes me shy away time and again LOL
But hey, I wasn't planning on another grow anyways, so might as well give them another chance, give these a test run (they're both strains I could grow guerilla too, so might as well get acquainted with em) plus quickly bring some more variety into my smoke selection -- at least, that'S the plan lol
Last edited:

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Yeah it is confusing! My very first indoor grow actually was an auto strain, and I've been shaking my head over the recommendation that newbies start with an auto grow ever since lol

The way I now understand it, there are older strains that have really low yields ("lowryder" keeps popping up in this context - sheez I wouldnt even want to try a strain called that? lol), as well as newer auto strains that grow more abundantly and also yield more.
I'm hoping I've gotten the latter with the Berry Bomb Auto (from Bomb seeds, indica-leaning) and the Pineapple Express Auto from Fast Buds, which from what I read is more productive then the one from Barney's. Both to grow to around 1m height if left on their own (I won't hehe) and finish in 9 weeks from seed.

I'll be running these for the first time and I know I should just let them go to have a baseline comparison grow. But I'm not patient like that and will jump right into experimentation instead haha :mrgreen: So I'll be topping them once and running them on a gas lantern schedule throughout the grow, which in effect should be the same as giving them 18/6 lighting throughout.

Regarding yields, yeah I think it depends a LOT on the strain. And yes, seeing people happy for pulling 20g off a plant when I pulled 150 from my nl5xhaze scrog (and she couldve yielded more with better environment variables and a less noob grower) makes me shy away time and again LOL
But hey, I wasn't planning on another grow anyways, so might as well give them another chance, give these a test run (they're both strains I could grow guerilla too, so might as well get acquainted with em) plus quickly bring some more variety into my smoke selection -- at least, that'S the plan lol
Lol glad it's not just me!! Yeah i've seen the whole lowryder mentioned a bunch of times as well.

Nice strain choice! I really want to try some bomb seeds after stick had that nice hash bomb plant! Andd not the same breeder but i actually tried to grow Pineapple Express from G13 as my winter grow but she died from this crazy root rot issue so that is actually why I went with Original Ammesia next because I was worried to kill another plant in my system and OA was the freebie so i wouldn't have felt bad if it died since i didnt pay for it haha

Can't wait to watch that grow! Love some good expirementation!

Yeah yeild is hard to know with everyones yeilds just all over the place, so looking forward to what you can do with those autos. I'd love to have a 9 week harvest, just would want it to make sense yeild wise.


Well-Known Member
Lol glad it's not just me!! Yeah i've seen the whole lowryder mentioned a bunch of times as well.

Nice strain choice! I really want to try some bomb seeds after stick had that nice hash bomb plant! Andd not the same breeder but i actually tried to grow Pineapple Express from G13 as my winter grow but she died from this crazy root rot issue so that is actually why I went with Original Ammesia next because I was worried to kill another plant in my system and OA was the freebie so i wouldn't have felt bad if it died since i didnt pay for it haha

Can't wait to watch that grow! Love some good expirementation!

Yeah yeild is hard to know with everyones yeilds just all over the place, so looking forward to what you can do with those autos. I'd love to have a 9 week harvest, just would want it to make sense yeild wise.
aw too bad about that root rot, that really sucks - no, it's downright traumatic! :shock:
I haven't seen much about G13's Pineapple Express at all to now so more's the pity that grow went down the drain. OTOH I do think the Amnesia will be making up for your loss big time :bigjoint:

As for harvest intervals, in the long term I do think a perpetual grow setup will be more effective yieldwise than growing autos. I see their main strength growing outdoors in temperate regions with short summers :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
autos as I understand them all center around cannabis rudaralis which can survive way up north or way south where the season is very short so the photo period is out they got to flower & fast even if there is 20+ hrs of light they're gonna Finnish at around 70 days come hell or high water nowadays they're breeding other stuff into the rudaralis trying to get higher quality but keep the rudaralis finish time auto flower is just a fancy name for something Mother Nature invented all along downside is cloning them I've long thought the industry could really capitalize on offering the fem versions cause they won't clone so if they only came fem you would literally be forced to buy from the industry just my thoughts on the subject


Well-Known Member
Here we are! The picture of the seedling is Original Amnesia when she popped up on December 15th 2015(thats right it took a whole year to grow her ;) ) and the remaining are from May 15th 2016 when she was chopped down! 6 months!! She started flowering on February 1st so a solid 3.5 month flower.

Wish you all could tell how big that bud with the soda can is, the can and my hand helps but still no justice.

I should have her final yeild in idk, 2 weeks?
Looks a lot like the Super Silver I grew from Dinachem.

Cola was fucking huge! 32oz gatorade width when wet.

SAM_2372.JPG SAM_2414.JPG


Well-Known Member
autos as I understand them all center around cannabis rudaralis which can survive way up north or way south where the season is very short so the photo period is out they got to flower & fast even if there is 20+ hrs of light they're gonna Finnish at around 70 days come hell or high water nowadays they're breeding other stuff into the rudaralis trying to get higher quality but keep the rudaralis finish time auto flower is just a fancy name for something Mother Nature invented all along downside is cloning them I've long thought the industry could really capitalize on offering the fem versions cause they won't clone so if they only came fem you would literally be forced to buy from the industry just my thoughts on the subject
Actually I think they're already doing that :mrgreen: -- AFAIK all auto seeds are feminized?
And yes, that's not sustainable - just as all the feminized photoperiod versions aren't really either (though there you can clone at least).
OTOH if I have an indoor setup for one plant it gets uncomfortable sprouting a bunch of regular seeds and having to let them grow out until they show their sex. So I guess each strain has its up and downsides, the crux is to chose the right strain for each specific situation :rolleyes:

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
aw too bad about that root rot, that really sucks - no, it's downright traumatic! :shock:
I haven't seen much about G13's Pineapple Express at all to now so more's the pity that grow went down the drain. OTOH I do think the Amnesia will be making up for your loss big time :bigjoint:

As for harvest intervals, in the long term I do think a perpetual grow setup will be more effective yieldwise than growing autos. I see their main strength growing outdoors in temperate regions with short summers :rolleyes:
Oh yeah it was hell, i tried to put up a fight but all was lost!

Ohh yes she has!

I hear ya. I actually just remembered i have a freebie white widow auto actually. Maybe one day i'll just throw it outside.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Looks a lot like the Super Silver I grew from Dinachem.

Cola was fucking huge! 32oz gatorade width when wet.

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Nice man!! I just jarred up my buds, biggest is cola is 31 grams dry!

I actually had wanted a super silver haze seed but i fucked up my USD to british pound conversion when i sent cash to Attitude so i had to drop some seeds from the order and that was one of em.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Callin final yeild. Buds hung dry for 6 days and yesterday i had jarred buds and they stayed in low 60%'s RH so i know i'm all good for curing.

Original Amnesia by Dinafem
Veg was a total of 6 weeks although i flipped to 12/12 at 3 weeks
Flowered 1 month under 250w hps and 2.5 months under 600w hps

Final Yeild is: 576 grams/20.5 ounces

Biggest Cola: 31.1 grams

@TheStickMan i think I beat your golden lemons ;)



Well-Known Member
Callin final yeild. Buds hung dry for 6 days and yesterday i had jarred buds and they stayed in low 60%'s RH so i know i'm all good for curing.

Original Amnesia by Dinafem
Veg was a total of 6 weeks although i flipped to 12/12 at 3 weeks
Flowered 1 month under 250w hps and 2.5 months under 600w hps

Final Yeild is: 576 grams/20.5 ounces

Biggest Cola: 31.1 grams

@TheStickMan i think I beat your golden lemons ;)
Very well done mate! Those buds look fantastic, loving the big orange hairs!
And of course you beat the Golden Lemons yield, you had 200watts more lol
Although I will say the lemons remains unbeaten!
Golden Lemons 488g, 400w, 7 weeks :razz:

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Very well done mate! Those buds look fantastic, loving the big orange hairs!
And of course you beat the Golden Lemons yield, you had 200watts more lol
Although I will say the lemons remains unbeaten!
Golden Lemons 488g, 400w, 7 weeks :razz:
Thanks man! Oh yeah, the hairs are one of her best features!
Haha yeah and my long ass flower time!

I wanna see what lemons could do under the 600w!! Now that will be something!