I just use public bathrooms to pee. Then I leave. There are privacy walls in there. Don't really care who's in there as long as they don't touch me...and no one ever has. As far as children go, a parent should escort them if they think there's any kind of problem...as far as schools and gym showers...there are school boards to deal with that and they tend to take care of the kids. Too many people worrying about hypotheticals that aren't going to happen. Restrooms don't normally spawn sexual encounters unless you're very kinky...it's the parents responsibility to explain sexuality to kids. You may have to add a paragraph to future explanations. Everyone will survive.I just don't get this Transgender washroom/locker room debate...why are their feelings more important than everyone else's. ..why don't we have a gender neutral bathroom anyone can use like the family/handicap ones I always see...they might not feel comfortable using the washroom associated to their gender ..hmm ironic since I'm not comfortable with a man in the stall next to me pissing all over the seat....so I'm supposed to ignore the "Chick " with a dick standing naked in the pool locker room.. in front of my daughter ...no no no!!! I'm sorry if a few Transgender people have had issues with unkind people but what about our rights..I fully support the lifestyle anyone choses. .I just don't understand how they expect me to support their rights when mine don't mean shit to them....I wouldn't support a gay man in the ladies washroom why should a Transgender be treated any different. .they want special treatment. .not the equal rights we all follow...
How is exposing children to naked people of not the same gender considered ok???? Imagine a bunch of 12 yr Olds in the locker room after gym taking showers..should my daughter be forced to change /shower with a boy who dresses like a girl..this is retarded...how can this be happening. .
Again I'm fully supporting the right to live ur life as u please...just don't expect me to support the need to expose ur bits in a place I can't show mine....
Less concerned over the washroom part.. but honestly pedophiles could dress and use this as an excuse to enter.. i do agree that parents can accompany. .unless a parent is taking an older child of opposite sex...a 9 yr old boy might not want to join his mom in the ladies room or vice versa ..locker room is my concern. .less adults more children. .if some chick wants to let her dick dangle in front oF me fine..I'm an adult. .but young children or teens should not have to change..shower with the opposite sex.I just use public bathrooms to pee. Then I leave. There are privacy walls in there. Don't really care who's in there as long as they don't touch me...and no one ever has. As far as children go, a parent should escort them if they think there's any kind of problem...as far as schools and gym showers...there are school boards to deal with that and they tend to take care of the kids. Too many people worrying about hypotheticals that aren't going to happen. Restrooms don't normally spawn sexual encounters unless you're very kinky...it's the parents responsibility to explain sexuality to kids. You may have to add a paragraph to future explanations. Everyone will survive.
If anyone dangles their dick in front of you without your consent, that's not fine and you can file a complaint. Local school boards will take care of children with better privacy walls, multiple single person facilities, etc. if necessary.Less concerned over the washroom part.. but honestly pedophiles could dress and use this as an excuse to enter.. i do agree that parents can accompany. .unless a parent is taking an older child of opposite sex...a 9 yr old boy might not want to join his mom in the ladies room or vice versa ..locker room is my concern. .less adults more children. .if some chick wants to let her dick dangle in front oF me fine..I'm an adult. .but young children or teens should not have to change..shower with the opposite sex.
I will never complain over seeing a dick...lol I understand what ur saying but unless they have individual change rooms unlike the communal ones most have, privacy will be limited by individual discretion. And it seems like the ones fighting want the right to let it all hang out in the change room the identity best with...If anyone dangles their dick in front of you without your consent, that's not fine and you can file a complaint. Local school boards will take care of children with better privacy walls, multiple single person facilities, etc. if necessary.
I just use public bathrooms to pee. Then I leave. There are privacy walls in there. Don't really care who's in there as long as they don't touch me...and no one ever has. As far as children go, a parent should escort them if they think there's any kind of problem...as far as schools and gym showers...there are school boards to deal with that and they tend to take care of the kids. Too many people worrying about hypotheticals that aren't going to happen. Restrooms don't normally spawn sexual encounters unless you're very kinky...it's the parents responsibility to explain sexuality to kids. You may have to add a paragraph to future explanations. Everyone will survive.
i wonder how it will work in the prison system, male and female prisons?
be interesting to see how this all plays out
so what about pedophiles who happen to be gay? does that not exist?.. my view on all this is its stupid, just something else to get people worked up about. like @tangerinegreen555 said.. i go to the bathroom to piss, not to meet friends.. i could care less whos in there, theirs stalls and what not anyway.. especially a chicks bathroom, its only stalls.. its private for the most part. if bathrooms were like how the media is portraying them right now.. every stall would have a glory holeLess concerned over the washroom part.. but honestly pedophiles could dress and use this as an excuse to enter.. i do agree that parents can accompany. .unless a parent is taking an older child of opposite sex...a 9 yr old boy might not want to join his mom in the ladies room or vice versa ..locker room is my concern. .less adults more children. .if some chick wants to let her dick dangle in front oF me fine..I'm an adult. .but young children or teens should not have to change..shower with the opposite sex.
I'd ask Jerry Sandusky but I'm not speaking to him. I'd ask the Catholic church, but they don't like talking about it...so what about pedophiles who happen to be gay? does that not exist?
I'd ask Jerry Sandusky but I'm not speaking to him. I'd ask the Catholic church, but they don't like talking about it *Either*...
its like the gay marriage thing.. everyone starting twisting up some crazy ideas.. incest and shit.. just stupid hate filled people fear mongeringPedophiles don't need an excuse they will do it anyways
Lumping pedophiles and transgender people one in the same is wrong and unfair
The pedophile "excuse" is just so people don't come off transphobic or whatever the hell were gunna call it
her first grand kid?In other news my mother in law is here she's been such a big lovely help
Thirdher first grand kid?