The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Bullshit not irrelevant. We should have never been there nor were we wanted there.
This is why I ask the question of which branch of service people serve. Most are ones who never served or risked life.
Did we or did we not take down saddam hussein and his army?
You cannot leave a country right after you demolish the security system they had in place.

They had no way to defend themselves.
So you support democracy?
But you do not support a democratically elected goverment telling us to leave.
Even when we have made promises to leave if asked
silly women we caused more problems. Daddy Bush even understood this. The very reason he only pushed Saddam out of Kuwait
So why did Obama kill Gaddafi? Libya is now a nation we have boots on the ground. Democunt Republicunt same beast you vote for either you are no better than them you might as well have sent our children home in a coffin.
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