Smell control in closet grow

Kenneth ko

Active Member
Before everyone starts saying I need to use carbon filters understand that I have no holes on my closet for such a thing. I could make a hole if I could get an exhaust fan and carbon filter for under 60$. I need an effective way to remove smell without costing me 30$ a month
What's costing you 30 a month?
Before everyone starts saying I need to use carbon filters understand that I have no holes on my closet for such a thing. I could make a hole if I could get an exhaust fan and carbon filter for under 60$. I need an effective way to remove smell without costing me 30$ a month
There is a product called Ona gel that I once used. It comes in tubs and even tubs with fans attached. When I built my first CFL cupboard which was a chest of draws with the guts of the draws taken out I used the Ona gel in that. Now I ended up changing to hps for flower and had a real crap system so I cant speak for it as far as when I flowered.
However I also built my mate a bigger cupboard which was a wardrobe layed down on its side. He used it from seed to harvest. He used the same Ona gel I did. Now it didn't remove all the smell, there was still a bit but it did help a lot. The smell was just in the room he used and I never noticed it anywhere else.

There are a few DIY carbon scrubber systems available, probably on here if you search, if not google them. You could run that inside without cutting holes and just clean the air. I have not used one so cannot speak for there effectiveness in full flower!
I'm not sure whats available as far as pre made fans and filters for you but the cost of running them is not large at all.
If your not venting out though will you not have temp problems? Sorry I don't know how big your area is!

Ive just dug out my 4" ruck which was packed away. That runs at 60w and 70w depending on wether you wire it at low or high power. the DIY things would be a hell of a lot less. From that you can work out the cost.
I think you could pick up a second hand fan for real cheap, you could buy a second hand filter but obviously that could be past its useful time unless it states only used for a week or something. As I said if you've got the space you don't have to cut hole for extraction. There is the issue of air exchange though and heat removal!!
Good luck either way.
Also I think a very rough working in my currency working on 15p per kw hour running a 60w fan would cost a little over £6 a month
my electric isn't as high as that though and I rounded the figures off in the calculation.
Hope I'm not miles off there, I was once good at math but you know what they say, "if you don't use it, you lose it"
Instead of waiting for someone else to solve your problem; go to DIY section and search for a solution(s) that can solve it.
I have and most of the things I see don't seem promised. The reason for the thread is to see what people have used and have had good to great success with
Grow outside with Sun and garden and trees and wind and squirrels and deer and rocoons and let everyone think you're just a passionate gardener because it's probably true anyway ha

But realistically you should be worried more about your freedom as a citizen and not a prisoner and be willing to spend more than 30$.

The ozone production is a great idea. Same thing can be done with plasma globes. You can pop the glass off the top. Don't fry your plants.

Good luck!
Grow outside with Sun and garden and trees and wind and squirrels and deer and rocoons and let everyone think you're just a passionate gardener because it's probably true anyway ha

But realistically you should be worried more about your freedom as a citizen and not a prisoner and be willing to spend more than 30$.

The ozone production is a great idea. Same thing can be done with plasma globes. You can pop the glass off the top. Don't fry your plants.

Good luck!
I'll take prison for 5 years over spending 250$ on something that I can't afford
I doubt that but ok. I'd recommend the ozone production then. It has a scent of it's own but will burn up other odors in a closed room. You may find one generator works for young plants but then eventually will need two, three, four. But that's easier to justify. Tesla_8ft.JPGlol

EBay is great. I've gotten a 400cfm fan/filter combo for 120$. Granted it was on sale from 175$ but those kind of deals happen often.
Will a carbon filter work without exhausting to a new area?

A good carbon filter and fan will clean the smell from the air if you vent it out or vent it back into the same area. What it doesn't do when vented back in is help with air exchange. Air exchange is important unless you go down the route of a sealed grow room with added Co2.

Smelly feet = unhappy feet. Smelly balls = unhappy GF. Smelly plants = Unhappy plants? what? My plants buds must hate me..