Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I need a nap not more blow. Somone take this strae away pl

Only YOU can stop the blow..

But for real hope you're doing good man
Watch your mouth. Singmalt ia very clean and his smell is that of roses, I myself smell terrible.

Why you wonder well I didn't showrr cu why. My blow and beer make me smell pretty no?

Did i tell u cat lady bought me breakfast i fu ked her out back of school then kicked her ass to the curb?

Thuggin101 u noob bong
LOL, +rep I'd love to follow you around for a few hours
You are a bully mr. Starshine.

I reported you mulitiple times because my tortilla was overcooked. And for racism you assh8le
Don't be fooled by my beautiful face, I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKING MOUTH. I was raised by rap muzic and doritos fooo.

Sorry if you don't find my aggressive humor , humorous.
damn dirty americans "eh" lol
You need to relax bro, you're way over the line on that one. Keep it up and you're getting raped.
LOL, +rep I'd love to follow you around for a few hours
I will allow the stalking and recording of audio/visual.

Lunch is on you thougb right?

Don't be fooled by my beautiful face, I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKING MOUTH. I was raised by rap muzic and doritos fooo.

Sorry if you don't find my aggressive humor , humorous.

You need to relax bro, you're way over the line on that one. Keep it up and you're getting raped.

Sir, you can make a fine dinner so I will spare you this time.

That and I really sont have the energy to make love sorry babe. I have a hangover <3
I noticed a couple gray hairs on my head last year. I haven't shaved in a week and now its apparent I also have some on my chin. I'm gonna not shave for a couple more weeks and see just how much and how fast I'm dying . I've never sported facial hair before. Could be interesting. I will share results of the expiriment when its concluded. Now back to your regularly scheduled program of American Scarface.
I lied to myself for a year trying to convince myself those weren't gray hairs, they were blond!
I noticed a couple gray hairs on my head last year. I haven't shaved in a week and now its apparent I also have some on my chin. I'm gonna not shave for a couple more weeks and see just how much and how fast I'm dying . I've never sported facial hair before. Could be interesting. I will share results of the expiriment when its concluded. Now back to your regularly scheduled program of American Scarface.

I had a slight streak of grey on the side when I graduated H/S
She's all grey now but damn it I got every single one of them follicles hanging in there. :cool:
In ao lost! What fucking joober javbers have i been jibbin in?

I call for an immediat3 ban on all the ones who tricked me.

Mods this your chance to shine. We can celebrate witha bottle of amirnoff and a few puffs of sunshines dick

Is any of the Queens English in your vocab?
I canna cyfer. (roll the "n's and the r's it'll help).
I just don't get this Transgender washroom/locker room debate...why are their feelings more important than everyone else's. ..why don't we have a gender neutral bathroom anyone can use like the family/handicap ones I always see...they might not feel comfortable using the washroom associated to their gender ..hmm ironic since I'm not comfortable with a man in the stall next to me pissing all over the seat....so I'm supposed to ignore the "Chick " with a dick standing naked in the pool locker room.. in front of my daughter ...no no no!!! I'm sorry if a few Transgender people have had issues with unkind people but what about our rights..I fully support the lifestyle anyone choses. .I just don't understand how they expect me to support their rights when mine don't mean shit to them....I wouldn't support a gay man in the ladies washroom why should a Transgender be treated any different. .they want special treatment. .not the equal rights we all follow...
How is exposing children to naked people of not the same gender considered ok???? Imagine a bunch of 12 yr Olds in the locker room after gym taking showers..should my daughter be forced to change /shower with a boy who dresses like a girl..this is retarded...how can this be happening. .

Again I'm fully supporting the right to live ur life as u please...just don't expect me to support the need to expose ur bits in a place I can't show mine....