mollasses,super thrive and microbes

Question for all you pro's or veteran's, since the title includes microbes ? I can't grow medical herbs but most products are targeted for growers. We are just trying to grow regular herbs and help our garden out the most. Been looking at Recharge, Root Assist Endo Mycorrhizae Soluble Powder and their Microbe Complete. The Recharge and Root Assist looks like the exact same product from 2 different companies. B-war packs looks like repackaged Dr. Rajan Laboratories care packs. Will I be wasting money on any of these items to get a productive harvest from our garden? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, Newbie here.
A good rule of thumb...if it's marketed towards cannabis growers, it's probably an unnecessary and overly expensive product.
Yes, but I still like em. My cannabis runoff gets my outdoor plants all jacked up. Last years geraniums were epic! This year it looks like dianthus & delphinium are gonna totally rock!
I just mean to say they're usually the kind of product you could make on your own or achieve the effect of with a couple of amendments for much much cheaper. Take Liquid karma for example. An expensive product that does produce results. However...using kelp and humic acid in your soil...and yucca extract when you water (or just learn how to properly water your plants)...produces the same results...often better...and for much cheaper. But yea that's not to say they don't work, just saying you could save money and have better results.
One of the most expensive products is also my favorite: Golden Tree. I bought a tiny bottle on sale and liked it so much, I bought a quart ($80). Highly recommended.
Some say sprout teas work just as well, but I wont be convinced until I see it.
Some growers LOVE floralicious plus by GH.
Both are good shit!
One of the most expensive products is also my favorite: Golden Tree. I bought a tiny bottle on sale and liked it so much, I bought a quart ($80). Highly recommended.
Some say sprout teas work just as well, but I wont be convinced until I see it.
Some growers LOVE floralicious plus by GH.
Both are good shit!
Fuck golden tree and any company that doesn't label what their product is. If all it is enzyme bullshit than this shit is cheaper DSC_0781.JPGAnd anything by GH is great if you want other growers to make more money and have healthier soil than you. But everybody has their own grow style!
You don't know what's in GT, so you assume it's enzyme based.
Then you hate on GH without knowing what's in floralicious plus.
Why the hate?
A quart of golden tree for golden tree for $80...I just wonder how that's economical for wouldn't be for me personally. I can put together all the things I need for 12 cubic feet of soil for about $100...$80 for a quart of a protein enzyme is a little much for me. That total komplete bottle I posted was under 20 bucks and it works just great for breaking down root balls in recycled soil but yeah you could get the same effect with SST's.
You don't know what's in GT, so you assume it's enzyme based.
Then you hate on GH without knowing what's in floralicious plus.
Why the hate?
I know what's in floralicious plus...they list it on the back of their bottle...fermented plant extracts...Kelp...humic acid...and potassium sulphate...Pretty much the same stuff that's in liquid karma but with some shit for nitrogen pretty much another useless product that you could recreate effects of for cheaper...

And golden tree doesn't list their ingredients... Which means you're probably paying for water with some kelp and humic extracts or an enzyme something or other...

I'm not just some asshole trying to burst your bubble dude just trying to spread information about how you can save money and have a better quality garden!
You don't know what's in GT, so you assume it's enzyme based.
Then you hate on GH without knowing what's in floralicious plus.
Why the hate?
I assumed Golden tree was enzyme based because you said it does the same thing as an SST... I don't know what's in it though cause they don't say
I assumed Golden tree was enzyme based because you said it does the same thing as an SST... I don't know what's in it though cause they don't say
It bugs me that they don't list the ingredients but I do understand why... reverse engineering is common, especially with higher priced products. There are many threads about reverse engineering here on RIU.
I could save money by roasting egg shells, but there are some things rather just buy. Hell, I could raise chickens in my back yard, but I prefer the grocery store.
Thank you Rasta for the comments and points you made. For our garden we use bagged soil with worm castings. I know not much life is left in store bought casting bags but they were on sale. I figured I could add life to the soil. I use MycoGrow Soluble as a tea and soil drench. I was just wondering if the products I mentioned would help or not? Plus they seem to be the same products under different labels so I was suspicious and wanted opinions. I love seeing pictures of root porn as some people call it with the white hairs on the roots. Finally got some on our banana pepper plant and very happy it's working, I think lol. Picture taken with Note 3, so may not be as clear as I would like them to be. Thank you for the tips.


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Thank you Rasta for the comments and points you made. For our garden we use bagged soil with worm castings. I know not much life is left in store bought casting bags but they were on sale. I figured I could add life to the soil. I use MycoGrow Soluble as a tea and soil drench. I was just wondering if the products I mentioned would help or not? Plus they seem to be the same products under different labels so I was suspicious and wanted opinions. I love seeing pictures of root porn as some people call it with the white hairs on the roots. Finally got some on our banana pepper plant and very happy it's working, I think lol. Picture taken with Note 3, so may not be as clear as I would like them to be. Thank you for the tips.
Thank you Rasta for the comments and points you made. For our garden we use bagged soil with worm castings. I know not much life is left in store bought casting bags but they were on sale. I figured I could add life to the soil. I use MycoGrow Soluble as a tea and soil drench. I was just wondering if the products I mentioned would help or not? Plus they seem to be the same products under different labels so I was suspicious and wanted opinions. I love seeing pictures of root porn as some people call it with the white hairs on the roots. Finally got some on our banana pepper plant and very happy it's working, I think lol. Picture taken with Note 3, so may not be as clear as I would like them to be. Thank you for the tips.
Looking pretty good! It sounds to me like you've already got the things you need. If you want to stimulate microbial life in your soil add 1/2 tbsp of unsulphured blackstrap molasses per gallon of water once a month when you water. The carbohydrates in the molasses will get the microbes happy in your soil. Bagged castings are better than none! And hey...a sales a sale!
A quart of golden tree for golden tree for $80...I just wonder how that's economical for wouldn't be for me personally. I can put together all the things I need for 12 cubic feet of soil for about $100...$80 for a quart of a protein enzyme is a little much for me. That total komplete bottle I posted was under 20 bucks and it works just great for breaking down root balls in recycled soil but yeah you could get the same effect with SST's.
I feel ya man.
Really in my mind there isn't ANYTHING that is worth that much, you can replicate any of that "magic" with either a compost, lacto or a wormbin.
enzymes, microbes, humic/fulvic acids, etc.
Not to mention anything made that way is going to be vastly superior to anything bottled
I read something recently that said that AACT is best brewed for 24-36hrs. After that, the little tails from the bacterial flagellum break off...

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yup, I read the same, also the food source typically runs out too, all those microbes quickly exhaust the molasses
I start mine in the morning, go to work, check up on it, and the next day after work I use it, almost exactly 32 hrs or so.
it's been a while since I brewed a batch though, my compost is almost done, this batch took a long ass time to finish, that bigass stormy MONTH that CA had totally FUBAR'ed it all
yup, I read the same, also the food source typically runs out too, all those microbes quickly exhaust the molasses
I start mine in the morning, go to work, check up on it, and the next day after work I use it, almost exactly 32 hrs or so.
it's been a while since I brewed a batch though, my compost is almost done, this batch took a long ass time to finish, that bigass stormy MONTH that CA had totally FUBAR'ed it all
I used to brew it for 3-4 days without a 2nd thought lol...