New to AG need some help


Well-Known Member
dam korvette those shits are looking strong u still vegging??? Mine are feminized so i have 5 going hopin for 2 or 3 females.. But hook a nigga up with someinfo on what ur doing man.. I take a lil advice.. Like what u have for lighting timing, nutez the whole 9 yards.. This is my first man and i thin im doin pretty dam good

i meant they arent feminized my bad thinking ahead of myself


Well-Known Member
as soon as i was done taking the pics the light fell over again on the little guy on the left front.. She is having bad luck but i was able to save her only 2 leaves broke.. Phew now i have shit underneath the light bases for support so they wont fall over no more.. My heart stopped for a few seconds and i keep going in and checking on them.. They looking good but no white hairs yet hopefully within the next week.. If i dont see no white hairs by next monday im going to give thme 48 hours of darkness to force induce flowering.. I try to give it to my plants nice and eazy but the dam lights keep wanting to give it to them rough.. Not alot of space to move around inside there.. Realized i will only be able to put 1 more light in there once they start budding.. Its already cramped as hell in there.. But i gotta werk with what i got.. Any advice guys how are they lookn.. Front right one is takng off like a rocket.. The others are 2-4 inches smaller.. Hopefully when i raise the hood to the next setting that they start catching up to each other.. Im dieing to see some white hairs this is what its all about seeing that they are females.. Well ill be waiting for ur advice thanks every1..


Well-Known Member
as soon as i was done taking the pics the light fell over again on the little guy on the left front.. She is having bad luck but i was able to save her only 2 leaves broke.. Phew now i have shit underneath the light bases for support so they wont fall over no more.. My heart stopped for a few seconds and i keep going in and checking on them.. They looking good but no white hairs yet hopefully within the next week.. If i dont see no white hairs by next monday im going to give thme 48 hours of darkness to force induce flowering.. I try to give it to my plants nice and eazy but the dam lights keep wanting to give it to them rough.. Not alot of space to move around inside there.. Realized i will only be able to put 1 more light in there once they start budding.. Its already cramped as hell in there.. But i gotta werk with what i got.. Any advice guys how are they lookn.. Front right one is takng off like a rocket.. The others are 2-4 inches smaller.. Hopefully when i raise the hood to the next setting that they start catching up to each other.. Im dieing to see some white hairs this is what its all about seeing that they are females.. Well ill be waiting for ur advice thanks every1..
yea man you have to be very careful around the little ones.I dont know if i asked you this but ill ask again are those clones or did yo grow from seed.if grow from seed i would wait another2 months but if clones i would have started flowering a week or so ago.
Damn Hurricane left us without electriity for almost 2 days,i thought i was going to lose them ,but they survived!:mrgreen:
but just think about that before you decide.


Well-Known Member
well purp they are right from seed i germinated them in a paper towel for about 4-5 days.. Well i guess i shulda waited I already been given them a 12/12 or 13/11 light schedule.. Today is day 9 already i have been doing this.. Well get back to me guys so i know what to do.. And good thing ur babies survived thank god.. Glad to see everything ok afer that hurricane purp


Well-Known Member
yes most of them have grown 3 or 4 inches since lat pics.. I hope that i didnt screw everything up by flowering to early.. this is my first time and wanted to flower so i could pull the males b4 all the roots become entangled..


Well-Known Member
yes most of them have grown 3 or 4 inches since lat pics.. I hope that i didnt screw everything up by flowering to early.. this is my first time and wanted to flower so i could pull the males b4 all the roots become entangled..
Sup Dog fuckn hurricane a beast ya heard me but itsall should just have slow growth since you changed the light early,and they won't flower till they mature enough!id say start flowering after 3-4 months....plants good and mature and bushy as hell.
with clones you start flower as soon as you see roots because they are already as old as mom!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well purp they are right from seed i germinated them in a paper towel for about 4-5 days.. Well i guess i shulda waited I already been given them a 12/12 or 13/11 light schedule.. Today is day 9 already i have been doing this.. Well get back to me guys so i know what to do.. And good thing ur babies survived thank god.. Glad to see everything ok afer that hurricane purp
oh another need to decide on a time either 12/12 or 13/11 .dont start one and switch to another you will deff. cause stress and possibly get hermie!:-(
so just decide on one and stick with it!bongsmilie
and if you want to findthe males just clone for's the same thing as clonig ur finding which are males before you flower.Maybe look in the Grow Faq for Cloning For Sex or look it up onthe net.
and also you need a good book! get the"Marijuana Horticulture The indoor/outdoor MEDICAL growers Jorge Cervantes. Awesome book.thats where i get most of my info from.youll never need to buy anothr grow book.seriously get this book.Everythng i know cam from this book!


Well-Known Member
DogTag, Nice thread. I've learned alot reading through this thread. I can't wait to get my aerogarden. And it don't matter what thread I go into reading about the aerogarden, purpdaddy is always right in the middle giving great advice, thanks guys. My bain hurts I've absorbed so much in a 24 hour period,lol.


Well-Known Member
DogTag, Nice thread. I've learned alot reading through this thread. I can't wait to get my aerogarden. And it don't matter what thread I go into reading about the aerogarden, purpdaddy is always right in the middle giving great advice, thanks guys. My bain hurts I've absorbed so much in a 24 hour period,lol.
well thankyou i try to stay in the middle to learn as much as i you got to take the time out to read read read all the time on marijuana horticulture.high times.cannabis culture.weed world are all good magazines that you should read every issue.and i keep all my issues so i can go back and read articles that i might be having probs with now that i didnt then...and i do it all the time.So take heed to that and do what it takes necessary.



Well-Known Member
this is something this thread needs..or will need in the save this info!

also i found a sort of troubleshooter for the plants

To use the Problem-Solver, simply start at #1 below. When you think you've found the problem, read the Nutrients section to learn more about it. Diagnose carefully before
making major changes.

1) a) If the problem affects only the bottom or middle of the plant go to #2.
b) If it affects only the top of the plant or the growing tips, skip to #10. If the problem seems to affect the entire plant equally, skip to #6.

2) a) Leaves are a uniform yellow or light green; leaves die & drop; growth is slow. Leaf margins are not curled-up noticeably. >> Nitrogen (N) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #3.

3) a) Margins of the leaves are turned up, and the tips may be twisted. Leaves are yellowing (and may turn brown), but the veins remain somewhat green. >> Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #4.

4) a) Leaves are browning or yellowing. Yellow, brown, or necrotic (dead) patches, especially around the edges of the leaf, which may be curled. Plant may be too tall. >> Potassium (K) deficiency.
b) If not, keep reading…

5) a) Leaves are dark green or red/purple. Stems and petioles may have purple & red on them. Leaves may turn yellow or curl under. Leaf may drop easily. Growth may be slow and
leaves may be small. >> Phosphorous (P) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #6.

6) a) Tips of leaves are yellow, brown, or dead. Plant otherwise looks healthy & green. Stems may be soft >> Over-fertilization (especially N), over-watering, damaged roots, or
insufficient soil aeration (use more sand or perlite. Occasionally due to not enough N, P, or K.
b) If not, go to #7.

7) a) Leaves are curled under like a ram's horn, and are dark green, gray,
brown, or gold. >> Over-fertilization (too much N).
b) If not, go to #8…

8) a) The plant is wilted, even though the soil is moist. >>Over-fertilization, soggy soil, damaged roots, disease; copper deficiency (very unlikely).
b) If not, go to #9.

9) a) Plants won't flower, even though they get 12 hours of darkness for over 2 weeks. >> The night period is not completely dark. Too much nitrogen. Too much pruning or cloning.
b) If not, go to #10...

10) a) Leaves are yellow or white, but the veins are mostly green. >> Iron (Fe) deficiency.
b) If not, #11.

11) a) Leaves are light green or yellow beginning at the base, while the leaf
margins remain green. Necrotic spots may be between veins. Leaves are not twisted. >> Manganese (Mn) deficiency.
b) If not, #12.

12) a) Leaves are twisted. Otherwise, pretty much like #11. >> Zinc (Zn)
b) If not, #13.

13) a) Leaves twist, then turn brown or die. >> The lights are too close to the plant. Rarely, a Calcium (Ca) or Boron (B) deficiency.
b) If not… You may just have a weak plant.

Solutions to Nutrient Deficiencies
The Nutrients:

Nitrogen - Plants need lots of N during vegging, but it's easy to overdo it. Added too much? Flush the soil with plain water. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it. Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients. Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavor.

Magnesium - Mg-deficiency is pretty common since marijuana uses lots of it and many fertilizers don't have enough of it. Mg-deficiency is easily fixed with ¼ teaspoon/gallon of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water) or foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart. When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil for Mg. Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

Potassium - Too much sodium (Na) displaces K, causing a K deficiency. Sources of high salinity are: baking soda (sodium bicarbonate "pH-up"), too much manure, and the use of water-softening filters (which should not be used). If the problem is Na, flush the soil. K can get locked up from too much Ca or ammonium nitrogen, and possibly cold weather.

Phosphorous - Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies, so red stems are not a foolproof sign of P-deficiency. Too much P can lead to iron deficiency.

Iron - Fe is unavailable to plants when the pH of the water or soil is too high. If deficient, lower the pH to about 6.5 (for rockwool, about 5.7), and check that you're not adding too much P, which can lock up Fe. Use iron that's chelated for maximum availability. Read your fertilizer's ingredients - chelated iron might read something like "iron EDTA". To much Fe without adding enough P can cause a P-deficiency.

Manganese - Mn gets locked out when the pH is too high, and when there's too much iron. Use
chelated Mn.

Zinc - Also gets locked out due to high pH. Zn, Fe, and Mn deficiencies often occur together, and are usually from a high pH. Don't overdo the micro-nutrients- lower the pH if that's the problem so the
nutrients become available. Foliar feed if the plant looks real bad. Use chelated zinc.

Check Your Water - Crusty faucets and shower heads mean your water is "hard," usually due to too many minerals. Tap water with a TDS (total dissolved solids) level of more than around 200ppm (parts per million) is "hard" and should be looked into, especially if your plants have a chronic problem. Ask your water company for an analysis listing, which will usually list the pH, TDS, and mineral levels (as well as the pollutants, carcinogens, etc) for the tap water in your area. This is a common request, especially in this day and age, so it shouldn't raise an eyebrow. Regular water filters will not reduce a high TDS level, but the costlier reverse-osmosis units, distillers, and de-ionizers will. A digital TDS meter (or EC = electrical conductivity meter) is an incredibly useful tool for monitoring the nutrient levels of nutrient solution, and will pay for itself before you know it. They run about $40 and up.

Damn i know i can get a +rep for this one....anyone???
