Kind soil?

This is a specific target market. Any horticulturist knows what good soil is and how to make it. This soil could be a great thing for new marijuana farmers that don't have the time or resources to put it together. What do you say to john doe with cancer? " I don't know whats in it, I just water it and it grows".
I see your point.
Do you see my signature? It says rollitup water only. I explain what I do and tell everyone whats in it and we all share ideas with each other. I wouldn't dog someone for using phil k's formula. If it's water only it can go in my thread. I just cant recommend it without knowing whats in it.
I started a thread about this a while back. If things go right I will be getting in the water only soil business. I'll list everything in it.

The point is to cater to people that don't want to mix soil so listing your ingredients won't hurt.
Do you see my signature? It says rollitup water only. I explain what I do and tell everyone whats in it and we all share ideas with each other. I wouldn't dog someone for using phil k's formula. If it's water only it can go in my thread. I just cant recommend it without knowing whats in it.
I've used his soil for a couple of grows now and never had any problems just water only ...Check my 400w cheese berry thread out if you want to see some pics ..last pages
Just checked out your grow dlftmyers. Very nice ! Are any of those other than the Chem valley kush grown in kind soil ?? How big of potter is that ? What type of water did you use and did you have to add anything to it ? Ever ??? Sorry for all the questions I just invested in some kind soil and have mine in 1 gallons now but going up to atleast 5 gallon before flip . Thanks
Just checked out your grow dlftmyers. Very nice ! Are any of those other than the Chem valley kush grown in kind soil ?? How big of potter is that ? What type of water did you use and did you have to add anything to it ? Ever ??? Sorry for all the questions I just invested in some kind soil and have mine in 1 gallons now but going up to atleast 5 gallon before flip . Thanks
Hey thanks for checking out my grow. I've grown three strains So far with kind soil ..The Chem Valley Kush ..Blue Power and the Blue Dream cross all in 5 gallon pots and I only used tap water that i let sit out for 24 hours and p.h. the water to 6.5..If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask I'll answer as best as I can
Hey thanks for checking out my grow. I've grown three strains So far with kind soil ..The Chem Valley Kush ..Blue Power and the Blue Dream cross all in 5 gallon pots and I only used tap water that i let sit out for 24 hours and p.h. the water to 6.5..If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask I'll answer as best as I can
Hey thanks ! They really looked great ! But shit all the grows you have done on here are very nice !! Hopefully mine goes that well !!!!
I just went over to using my well water that has a ph of 7.6 and a ppm of 280 ? I was using ro water and calmag but I want to be all organic so I'm going to the well water ? Hope it works out ??
If it works well and all you have to do is add water with absolutely no nutes and get great clean Meds ,then I'm all for it . Yes the ingredients should be on the bag but I'm not gonna make it so I don't care. It's super soil and can be made a bunch of different ways but most of them don't work with water only . Most of them need teas and yada . This is water only?? I'm not for or against anything but people growing clean Meds . Not flushed Meds, clean Meds. I am local so I don't pay shipping so the cost of soil to do 10 plants start to finish cost me 150 bucks . Done . That is 15 bucks a plant. Cheap in comparison to nute lines, well not all of them but a lot of them. And my results with house and garden nutes in coco were huge plants that never taste good. And always had a weird smell to them ?? 3 days flush or 14 days water only or 7 days of molasses and 7 days straight water. All very blah taste ? That is why I changed ? But that is just my situation. Not everyone's:)

How much soil did that $150 buy you? Volume wise
I got 50 lbs. but he actually gave me like 75 lbs because he was out of the regular bags so he hooked me up. The soil made my whole garage reek!! It's strong stuff !
I got 50 lbs. but he actually gave me like 75 lbs because he was out of the regular bags so he hooked me up. The soil made my whole garage reek!! It's strong stuff !

He sells it by the pound? Any idea the volume of that? Like a couple bags of Ocean Forest?

I had a dude sell me worm castings by weight one time. Got it home to find out it was soaking wet. It weighed twice as much as it would have it not been drenched. I always buy my base ingredients by volume now. Lesson learned!

Bottom line: if you're happy with the results then that's all that matters. Keep us posted...
Hey I've never had any help . I've always learned on my own. So yeah I could have spent like 2 or 300 bucks and bought all the ingredients I needed for my own super soil . But with my luck I would have messed something up. This is my very first time growing organic ?? The bags are about the same size as a 5 gallon black pot. The contents is very earthy and a lot of it has white stuff growing all over it . I'm tired of throwing money in the trash from trial and error. I need something to work for me !!