Our first grow room


New Member
Looking pretty good for first grow. Now is that a feminised seed or u guys taking the chance that u might get a male?

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
we're not sure about the sex of the plant yet.

we just got a few seeds from a friend, but some complications killed off the other 3 plants =[. this is the only survivor and i want to help it get bigger and stronger.

somebody please help with this situation! im scared the plant might die. =[


Well-Known Member
hey cr8z13, ever since we added the extra 23watt cfl, i just noticed that our plants leaves are withering/shriveled up. but they're still pretty green. im afraid this has caused a lot of damage to the plant. what should i do asap? i think it's either the lights may be too close to the plant, i put too much plant food in with the water, underwatering or it's too hot in that small space(there is no exhaust vent with the door closed). if you or anybody has any ideas please let me know asap!!
Wouldn't be a bad idea to adopt an "all of the above" strategy until your plant(s) recover.

1. Raise the light up, yeah. The plant in the last pic above is probably too small to benefit from the extra light right now anyway, so backing off wouldn't be a bad idea.

2. Stop giving it food. Not sure how old that little one is, but it should be at least a few weeks old before you start giving it nutes. I've seen some growers wait until a good month since the soil alone usually is enough to feed them when they're young.

3. What are your temps in the room like? Try and set up a thermometer at around the same level your plants are at. You're shooting for about 80 degrees with the lights on. At 90 degrees all growth ceases, however if your makeshift co2 generator is doing it's job, 90 degrees would be just fine.

I can't say for sure, but I think the problem is the plant food. Still, stay on top of the other issues I mentioned too just in case. Hopefully some other people here can offer you some more, or even better advice.

One last thing, have you been checking the PH of the water you're using, particularly after you add the plant food? If so, what is it?

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
i haven't checked the temp or ph levels yet. im going to go get a thermometer and look for a ph level checker. thanks for all the help dude. and not to sound creepy or anything but we're located pretty close to you. we live right outside the oc and yea ive been watering it with normal water and raised up the lights and increase ventilation, and added more tape to get rid of as much of those gnats as possible. hopefully she makes a comeback today how many days do you think this mishap will set me bacK?


Well-Known Member
i haven't checked the temp or ph levels yet. im going to go get a thermometer and look for a ph level checker. thanks for all the help dude. and not to sound creepy or anything but we're located pretty close to you. we live right outside the oc and yea ive been watering it with normal water and raised up the lights and increase ventilation, and added more tape to get rid of as much of those gnats as possible. hopefully she makes a comeback today how many days do you think this mishap will set me bacK?
Hmm, I had some pretty bad nute burn a while back and it took a few weeks to get back to normal. Your problem isn't nearly as bad as mine. Hopefully they'll bounce back in a few days to a week. Good luck. Oh, and if you get some kind of Ph tester, be sure and test your drainage water too, not just the stuff right from the bottle. You could probably find a cheap kit at a pool supply.

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
sorry about lagging on posting the pics. I took pictures this morning and will definately post up pics right when i get back from work today.

the plant has grown 3 levels since it got burned last week. ive noticed a lot of growth each time i check on the plant. (which is about every 6-8 hours) also i've noticed a lot of leaf growth on the plant's nodes and that some of the new leaves are starting to show a light hue of purple. anybody know if the plant might be a child of a purple cannabis plant? (i got the seed from a bag of weed)

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
ok so here are the new pictures.. the 1st two pics are from 8/22 around 12:00am(so about 4 days after the "burn incident"

and these pictures were taken 8/26 around 10:30am (about 1 week after the "burn incident")


Shannons Keepers

Active Member
here's an update i took today. i added the thermometer in there, and it says 88.9 as you guys can see, but it really doesn't feel that hot in there since i have the door open for ventilation. anybody think it might be the thermo?


Shannons Keepers

Active Member
do you really think it's getting overwatered? cuz i keep feeling the soil at the bottom (where the cut outs are for drainage) at the end of the day and it usually feels dry.

so around 2-3am (at the end of the plant's light cycle for the day) i watered about a 200ml of normal water

heres 2 new pics. please help me out, i think im stressing the plant out somehow cuz it grows crazy fast for a few days then it gets sick again.. :/

does anybody think that my (4) 23w CFL's [running 18light/6dark] are drying out the soil a lot quicker than normal? i also have a homemade c02 maker

should i add in some new soil& cultivate it with the old? or get clay rocks for the top of the soil so the soil doesn't dry out so quick?

and does anybody think that thermometer might be broken? cuz it sure doesn't feel like 90F in there


Active Member
Shannon's keeepers when you said

"so around 2-3am (at the end of the plant's light cycle for the day) i watered about a 200ml of normal water"

Did you water them after you shut off the lights? If so dark and wet soils can cause mold and other problems you don't want if that is what is going on.
A friend told me about this site and it is got to be the best thing on the net...

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
the plant has recovered from the over/underwatering situation from a few days ago. i have 2 sets of pictures. the first 5 pictures are from august 30, while the last half are from this morning. btw we planted a kush seed and an unknown orange haired bud seed both on august 30. enjoy


this is a picture of the "orange" seed emerging from the soil



Well-Known Member
Looks like it's recovered! Good for you!

At first, I was going to ask if your camera was a Canon, but now I'm thinking it's a Sony.

Also...do you have a bird? I noticed a feather or two on one of the nodes of your plant.

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
Looks like it's recovered! Good for you!

At first, I was going to ask if your camera was a Canon, but now I'm thinking it's a Sony.

Also...do you have a bird? I noticed a feather or two on one of the nodes of your plant.

i actually have been taking pictures with both cameras. i have a canon xti and a point n shoot sony cybershot. ive mostly been taking pictures with the sony though cuz im lazy :P

and no i dont have a bird, the white feathers your seeing are from a feather down blanket i have in the closet. the fan blows air around so it also blows some feathers around too. i gotta clean everything up before the plant starts to flower. i dont wanna see any junk on the buds
