Liquid Plant Nutrient


Active Member
I got this liquid plant nutrient. Its 15% nitrogen annd it has a some small mounts of other stuff in it such as copper iron manganese and zinc. Will this actually help my pot plants to grow or just kill them. If so i heard from a friend im sopposed to dolute it with water and feed with it every 2 weeks. Is this correct. I would really aprecaite a response. Thanks.


Uses the Rollitup profile
If it only has Nitrogen, and not P and K, (NPK) then it is a growing nutrient, probably 1 part of a nutrient regimen. Check out the manufacturers website.



Active Member
Yeah that sucks for me becuase the manufacter is a local science kit supplyer that doesnt have website that provides that kind of info. But I use the stuff i get becuase i get all the equipment for free.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yeah that sucks for me becuase the manufacter is a local science kit supplyer that doesnt have website that provides that kind of info. But I use the stuff i get becuase i get all the equipment for free.
You really need to read a bit about nutes and their proper use