lights vs space


I have a 48"x 48"x 78" grow tent would a 400 watt hid be enough to cover all 4 square feet or should i use two?


What I ment by the 4 square feet is just the area of the floor wondering if one 400 Watt would be enough to cover the whole 4 square feet, I have one 400 watt light right now and have two plants directly under it but I'd like to utilize all the floor space possible,could I do that with one 600 watt or two 400 watt? What are your recommendations?

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
The 400w will be fine, obv 600w would be better. If you havn't bought yet and don't mind the extra money spent on electricity grab a 600w.


Well-Known Member
personally if I was going HPS, just got air cooled 1000 they are dirt cheap, and you will have no doubts.


Well-Known Member
What I ment by the 4 square feet is just the area of the floor wondering if one 400 Watt would be enough to cover the whole 4 square feet, I have one 400 watt light right now and have two plants directly under it but I'd like to utilize all the floor space possible,could I do that with one 600 watt or two 400 watt? What are your recommendations?
Your tent is 4'x4' meaning the total floor space is 16'.

Four square feet would be just one corner of your tent.

600W would do better, but if you're only using 4 square feet of your 16 square tent, then a 400W will do.


Oh i see thank you for clearing that up im not very good with numbers. im wanting to use all the floor space,i have another smaller tent with a 400 watt hps on 12-12 cycle ill prolly just put it in the big tent with the other mh light once my 12 12 is over.