Is real LSD still around?

There should be a big sign for this forum that reads "WE DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS, ALL ILLICIT TALK OF SUCH IS JUST LIES"

All this talk of the darknet etc, isn't that enough to get the website shut down? I mean, I can understand the use of growing mj as its slowly becoming decriminalized. But as for psychedelics they can really leave people in a state of trance and a mixed perception of reality and time...... its a whole other story. I've done it before and I've had good times with it, but I've also had the worst experiences of my life on it. I had a trip called the matrix trip, everything felt as if I were in a simulation.. it was the worst experience EVER! For about a month straight it made me judge my existence as if I was really inside some sort of "computer" being controlled by something higher up. I could feel waves, as if everything was connected by intertwining strands of data.. I could see the tracers in my vision, each and every dot lined up into a square formation. There was sooo much more to it, I could go on for hours and hours. But those were two of the craziest feelings/senses I've ever had.

i didn't take the L on a blotter like most people would, I was given it in its purest form. I was given a drop of the stuff on the back on my hand.
So I'm reading a book called "This is Your Country On Drugs" and it talks about how when Leonard Pickard, the dude producing the country's acid, disappeared so did acid. Is legitimate acid still around. Not research chemicals but actually lsd synthesized from ergot. I bought some white on white and would just like to know. I've done acid a few times but sometimes I suspect it wasn't legit
Leonard Pickard's bust was SO SMALL compared to the real mobile labs, [That whole crew are kind of dumbasses if YOu ask Me. . . .No offense.] but back when the dead toured there were mobile labs that created so much lsd. and there are mobile labs still going to this day . Good luck catching ANY of them. For They work for the divine and love for human kind.
They are protected.
There should be a big sign for this forum that reads "WE DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS, ALL ILLICIT TALK OF SUCH IS JUST LIES"

All this talk of the darknet etc, isn't that enough to get the website shut down? I mean, I can understand the use of growing mj as its slowly becoming decriminalized. But as for psychedelics they can really leave people in a state of trance and a mixed perception of reality and time...... its a whole other story. I've done it before and I've had good times with it, but I've also had the worst experiences of my life on it. I had a trip called the matrix trip, everything felt as if I were in a simulation.. it was the worst experience EVER! For about a month straight it made me judge my existence as if I was really inside some sort of "computer" being controlled by something higher up. I could feel waves, as if everything was connected by intertwining strands of data.. I could see the tracers in my vision, each and every dot lined up into a square formation. There was sooo much more to it, I could go on for hours and hours. But those were two of the craziest feelings/senses I've ever had.

i didn't take the L on a blotter like most people would, I was given it in its purest form. I was given a drop of the stuff on the back on my hand.
Man that matrix trip sounds like a good one, you believe in ESP?
Man that matrix trip sounds like a good one, you believe in ESP?

Absolutely. We are still so new in terms of our species, and our evolutionary path. While on that specific trip I unlocked things in my brain that shouldn't have been touched. Our future generations will definitely have extra senses. ALOT more complicated to just seeing, hearing, tasting. You will be able to pick up on the much smaller things, details, correlations, enhanced knowledge of depth.

I believe in a world, or what could be afterlife as if its based upon the same theories as the terminator. How we all evolve into these extremely intelligent beings. In the future I don't believe there will be a need for our skin, for example. Something will change that and we will evolve from that. I can't say what, because I can't see the future. But hopefully you understand where I'm going with this...

When I mentioned afterlife, when we die. From what I experienced on the trip, it felt as if I was in an entire new reality. As if I was I in a queue waiting for something to happen, where I was going next. Almost like a game, when you die. You respawn, right? Instead of re spawning, you're put in a time loop, and you're waiting for your turn to be put back into the universe as another form of life. I don't know if that counts as ego-death. But that's what I've seen. I felt like I was on the verge of dying at that point, and that was around 2 hours into it. I should say at the 3 hour mark, I left my apartment and lost all of my experiences of the night up until that point. Apparently I was running rampant outside, and I woke up in a hospital bed the next morning.
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I've had similar experiences but to me they were positive, seems like you got opened up

Honestly, I hate the fact I've experienced this. I wish I could just go back in time and forget it.

Don't get me wrong, love the drug. I've had many positive experiences on it at a lower dose, everything is truly beautiful in this world. I was watching a wall for upto 30 minutes just gazing at it looking at all this random weird art just come to life. IT WAS JUST A BLANK WALL. That's what is soo crazy about it. It was similar to the art you would see in a sacred temple.

What have you experienced? curious. What do you mean by opened up?? :???::???:

Has anyone else had similar experiences? Somebody back me up on this and reassure me I'm not going crazy. What I took was just a drug and nothing more, because I feel like there is a lot more to it.
Yeah, super, super wrong. Nobody is making LSD without a PhD in chemistry and some serious lab equipment. Its not meff. It's incredibly complicated to produce actually

Owsley in the 60's could mix up a batch relatively easy, but then it was easy to get all the precursors as they were all legal and unregulated.

But OP its still around, and still fantastic.
You can still get anything if you know the right place to look and phd in chem? Hardly lengthy dangerous expensive yes but your right your not making a candle but your also not building a Particle accelerator

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Honestly, I hate the fact I've experienced this. I wish I could just go back in time and forget it.

Don't get me wrong, love the drug. I've had many positive experiences on it at a lower dose, everything is truly beautiful in this world. I was watching a wall for upto 30 minutes just gazing at it looking at all this random weird art just come to life. IT WAS JUST A BLANK WALL. That's what is soo crazy about it. It was similar to the art you would see in a sacred temple.

What have you experienced? curious. What do you mean by opened up?? :???::???:

Has anyone else had similar experiences? Somebody back me up on this and reassure me I'm not going crazy. What I took was just a drug and nothing more, because I feel like there is a lot more to it.

I know exactly what you mean by seeing waves and inter connectivity between everything, and it's like that for me all the time. By opened up, I mean your definition of the world might have been blown apart, leaving you with a more pure or open form of perception, causing you to see the higher order you're talking about
I know exactly what you mean by seeing waves and inter connectivity between everything, and it's like that for me all the time. By opened up, I mean your definition of the world might have been blown apart, leaving you with a more pure or open form of perception, causing you to see the higher order you're talking about

You mean you're in a constant state like that?

Exactly! It's scary as hell man, it's more evil than anything. It makes me think if we're real or not. It's not necessarily a good thing. In fact I'm pretty scared about dying because I know I'll live on. I've witnessed this, there's like a second layer between our reality. Quite hard to describe, almost like futuristic. Everything is based on the ability to function, and have things done. Such as workers for example, they're controlled by people higher up to get their dirty work done. Almost as if their brains were re-wired.

The higher order is a great way to describe them or "it". Whatever it is.
There should be a big sign for this forum that reads "WE DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS, ALL ILLICIT TALK OF SUCH IS JUST LIES"

All this talk of the darknet etc, isn't that enough to get the website shut down? I mean, I can understand the use of growing mj as its slowly becoming decriminalized. .

You're joking right? This is a message board.. you think potroast can be held liable 4 the users of the site?? The feds still got MJ scheduled right along with the rest of the "bad stuff".

as for psychedelics they can really leave people in a state of trance and a mixed perception of reality and time.......

I could be wrong, but isn't that the point of psychedelics??

i didn't take the L on a blotter like most people would, I was given it in its purest form. I was given a drop of the stuff on the back on my hand.

This statement right here makes me think you don't really know what you're talking about. Applying the liquid to the blotter or a sugar cube has no affect on the purity. And there would be much better places to absorb than the back of your hand, hell I'm pretty sure your palms would actually work better.. And people will water down liquid just like they do anything else.. Just cuz its crack don't mean its drop.. Just cuz its sinsenmilla don't mean its great bud.. just cuz they're moonrocks don't mean you rockin that 84% PURE mdma (lol if you get the joke, you get it)..

I appreciate you not wanting the site to get shut down, but from a legal stand point you posting pics of your grow is way worse than someone talking about "drugs" and the hardnet.

What do I care though?? Carry on
@blowincherrypie Mainly because I've not done that many "bad drugs" in my life. I'm talking from my own experience. All I wanted to know is whatever I took fucked over my mental state big time, and if anyone can relate so I don't feel isolated. I still had visuals etc so idk..

You clearly care enough to have to reply to everything I've written up.